Windows Programming - June 2010 (Page 4)

Hide Console
Hello, ive made a console program and now i want to run it in the background so nothing appeard on screan. It should be something like svchost.exe who's alwa...
[11 replies] Last: @Albatross of course i did @all thanks for helping me, my probl... (by closed account G26pX9L8)
additional dependencies in MSVS C++ project
I have a large C++ project that has three minor additional dependencies: Fortran, flex and bison. The fortran code is very stable, I have the library, and I am ...
[1 reply] : There are pre/post build event steps that you can insert instructions ... (by kbw)
Hilo - Rich Windows applications using C++
Just wanted to bring to everyone's notice the following blog post on the Visual C++ blog:
[1 reply] : This is very interesting! Thank you for posting this. (by Vexer)
Visual c++ 2008 express or 2010 express?
I'm not sure which one to take. I'll buy a book soon, i heard charles petzold is good. Are there breaking changes in 2010, which make it different to program? B...
[9 replies] Last: Pointers are definitely one of the more complex features of C++, but t... (by Vexer)
Clearing textboxes with button click
Hi guys, I'm trying to make some textboxes be cleared in my Windows Form with a single button click, but I seem to have some problems. I tried the code below fo...
[6 replies] Last: Hi, I used your code and it worked as well. Saved me a lot of space in... (by meepokman)
by vkinra
GDI issue: Drawing grayscale bitmap from pixel intensity byte array
Hi, I am reading some image data out of a camera pixels and have extracted the raw pixel intensity. Each "pixel" on the Camera sensor has either a R,G, or B ...
[no replies]
Getting Real Time Information
Hello.. I am an intermediate c++ programmer and currently using Visual C++. I want to write a program which could receive real-time information from the curr...
[8 replies] Last: @muktoshuvro: Please do not hijack other peoples threads, start your ... (by cnoeval)
Responding to Windows Forms
Hello all, I'm writing an installer of sorts for some custom software. There are a couple things I don't know how to do in C++ though: 1. Execute a progr...
[1 reply] : Plea... (by Computergeek01)
by vivmen
How To Export A class From Dll
Hello All i can export a class from dll with implicit linking, however i face a problem when i want to do explicit linking (using LoadLibrary function)...
[15 replies] Last: i think this will work for me thanks kbw , thanks to all. (by vivmen)
Radio button problem
Hi guys, I seem to have a small problem with my windows form application. Upon starting up the program, I need to click a radio button in the windows form even ...
[1 reply] : Override the CzebraDlg::OnInitDialog() method and select the radio but... (by jrohde)
error LNK2019
Here are the errors, Note I had to remove several referenced errors due to length of the post: Error 188 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: vo...
[6 replies] Last: I can search all files, should I post a link to source code ? Andno I ... (by dextermovies)
WinAPI newbie
So I took the advice of the replies in my first thread on where to start with Windows API so I got my hands on Programming Windows by Charles Petzold. I really ...
[3 replies] Last: Quick note: when you run into a data type that ends with a "_t" suffix... (by jrohde)
Need assistance for beginner
Ok, I went through a bunch of threads and tutorials. I just finished reading a basic C++ book that tought me the general language with the iostream being the ma...
[6 replies] Last: First time poster, long time lurker :) I would just like to echo th... (by hawkoftheeye)
Realtime programming in C++
I need some information on real time programming in c++. Give me some information on this topics.
[2 replies] Last: Although C++ is very fast and efficient making it a good choice for re... (by cnoeval)
fatal error LNK1136
Dear All, I am trying to send commands to RGB Controller in vc++ under windows XP. When i build my project i am getting the following output: 1>C:\Progra...
[1 reply] : I have no idea. But maybe if you have access to .lib codes you may rec... (by siavoshkc)
Bypassing Administrators Permission to Save a File through C++ in the C Drive
Hello new to the forums, Anyways I have a C++ code that can access a file then copy it and save it to a new location. The only problem is that it fails when ...
[1 reply] : Maybe running your app with elevated privilege would help. (by siavoshkc)
Console vs Win32
Hello all, I'm now learning C++ in console, but once i get the hang of it, i'd like to move one to Win32. My question is: Is it a big difference from consol...
[2 replies] Last: If you learn programming very well in console. Win32 will be peace of ... (by siavoshkc)
Hey guys, I am trying to access a serial port using the CreateFile Functions as thus this->hcomm_port = CreateFile(portName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRIT...
[1 reply] : I don't remember any instance where a thread is implicitly created by ... (by siavoshkc)
Detecting a word
Hello, ive a little question. how do I know if a given word in a sentence, so I then can perform an action? Example: this is an example check the word: ...
[4 replies] Last: OK, tnx all. I'm going to work tonight and then I will let you know mo... (by closed account G26pX9L8)
by jrohde
CDocument destructor not called in SDI app
Hello, This problem actually stemmed from a bigger project, but I created a bare-bones MFC project in Visual Studio 2010 to test it, and the issue remains. ...
[no replies]
June 2010 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [may2010] [jul2010]

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