Windows Programming - June 2010 (Page 3)

by Gio
GUI Design Tutorials but not the Forger's ('s)?
I want to learn C++ GUI Design, for Windows that is compatible with MSVC++ Express, but cannot find any tutorials. I tried "the Forger's" but it seems to be now...
[4 replies] Last: you have the same prob with me dud'... you can try, i actual... (by chipp)
by Null
Can't read registry key value
Hello, I'm trying to read a registry key value into struct but only 4 bytes are read: #include <windows.h> #include <winreg.h> #include <iostream> u...
[3 replies] Last: Quite right. (by kbw)
Log Window
Hallo I have this piece of code and now I want to make a log system. It is intended that there is always a line when something happened, but how do I do that...
[8 replies] Last: all right, well I think it is solved for now, tnx all (by closed account G26pX9L8)
by ucinc
fortran call from within borland c++
Has anyone called fortran subroutines (intel fortran compiled library) from within Borland C++.. I am stuckj using borland cbuilder and hence this request. T...
[3 replies] Last: From what I understand Fortran is a language that is respectable when ... (by Computergeek01)
Frustrated w/ MFC and Visual C++
Hi folks. Let me preface this by saying that I am a .NET developer by trade. I've been having a difficult time taking the concepts I've learned (through reading...
[1 reply] : MFC handles most of those things internally. That is why you don't see... (by Vexer)
by Gio
Using C in MSVC++ 2010
Is there a way to use C or create and compile a .c file in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express? I know with older versions it is possible but it doesn't seem to b...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=Incubbus]btw... what is so important about the c or cpp-file-ex... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by newb
How to map Drive Letter to DevicePath
1 Dear All, I am using Win32 API. what i have is SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA DevicePath using this Device path i get VID AND PID of the usb...
[no replies]
by Neech
Compiler for 64 bit processor
I am using a machine with a 64 bit processor that runs windows vista and I'm having trouble finding a compiler/interpreter that will run on it. Does anyone know...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot. The 32 bit ones give me an error message when I try to r... (by Neech)
Win32 API FindWindow
Hi, I have the following problems: 1) I want to find all windows which have the following class: "class1" but i dont want to enumerate through ALL wind...
[1 reply] : Try to use the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot loop and find the processname ... (by Serpent)
Get input from textbox
I created a TextBox in Win32 using the CreateWindowEx function like so: // Creating textbox for input hwnd_ed_1 = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "ed...
[14 replies] Last: Got it: // Creates textbox for input hwnd_ed_1 = CreateWindowEx... (by Serpent)
Get Extended File Properties (Java, JNI & C++)
Hi everyone, I have written the following C++ code in a dll to get file extended attributes: public void long getAttrib(char * filename) { const char * _fi...
[7 replies] Last: Function env->GetStringUTFChars() is the one creating problem here. Th... (by javedbh)
Window Background
Hello everyone, I made a windowed application with a edit box. Now i want to change the background color of de edit box into black and set the text color to ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for so far, i'll check if this is working :) EDIT: yes it w... (by closed account G26pX9L8)
Best way to integrate "normal" C++ with a form?
I'm trying to make a game of battleship that uses a windows Form created with visual studio 2008. but I think i'm running into a lot of problems from trying to...
[no replies]
Application Class & HWND
EDIT: I've solved it. I've just created a new instance of the class in the message handler and called the method... Not the best way, but it does it's work! -...
[no replies]
Levels of a Game
Hello, I have the source code of Candy Volcano which is a game made by Mike Hardy and John Stiles I would like to add new levels according to John Stiles ...
[13 replies] Last: I have sent a PM with the solution. (by Vexer)
Closed sockets remains in CLOSE WAIT for long time
Hi, In my application, some sockets remain in close wait state for long time in server side. I checked applying debug prints and found that we are closing th...
[1 reply] : Speaking from a UNIX standpoint (yes I know this is the Windows forum)... (by jsmith)
by ryhan
hey i have a question yes im an idiot but hey im just a kid im only 12 so my uncle suggested i learn C++ to get a jump start in university but what do i use it ...
[2 replies] Last: I really suggest a good C++ book. It will give you a good in-depth l... (by Vexer)
sstream problem
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; void display(string &rec) { int code; string name; float price;...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot Galik.Problem solved! (by dionisis)
Move form with no titlebar
Hi, I am using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 express edition. I made a totally transparent window with nothing but a picture on it. I want it where if I click the...
[17 replies] Last: I did the tutorial on this site, but I haven't programmed hardly anyth... (by Garrett123321)
Direct3d 9 compatability question
I am about to dive into learning Direct3D. I have been using DirectX 7 for a while but I wish to modernize (and expand) my skills. Should I study DirectX 9 or ...
[no replies]
June 2010 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [may2010] [jul2010]

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