Windows Programming - June 2010 (Page 2)

Trigger, when application run
Hi! Nowadays i'm working on a win32 project. I want to add it a property. What i want is, When user runs an application ( suppose that notepad.exe ) ,my app...
[no replies]
by chipp
newbie in windows programming
i'm completely newbie in windows programming. i wanna ask a few questions: 1. can anyone give me e - book link of ms vc++ 2008 for windows programming?anythi...
[11 replies] Last: hmm... looks like other people have the same problem :) btw, is there'... (by chipp)
Visual C++ User Controls
Does anyone knows how can I show a UserControl on a windows form? I have allready create usercontrol, create an instance and call control_inst->Show();. But no...
[no replies]
by Gio
Running Application Featuring SFML with Visual Studio
I made a Roguelike game with SFML in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and got it to compile fine in both configurations. However, when I run it in Debug mode in eit...
[1 reply] : Did you try going up the call stack until you got to a function you re... (by firedraco)
by Gio
Compiler Design Tutorials
Hi, I am looking for ways to start out C++ Compiler Design for Windows. It doesn't need to teach how to use a GUI, I just want to know how I should start out wi...
[2 replies] Last: Awww... I´ve read an article series about it (turials, code, etc)... ... (by Incubbus)
Windows registry
Hallo guys, I need a simple piece of code that shows a registry key and the value of it. And I'm also looking for a piece of code that can change the variabl...
[9 replies] Last: Once , i have written a class for registry reading ,deletin, creating ... (by Dufresne)
Whitch free brogram is best for this
Hello i am looking for a FREE C++ Compiler I need a FREE C++ compiler and either an ide or instructions on how to make in note pad but it needs to do some t...
[1 reply] : Try DevC++ or Borland C++ (by patryk)
I have downloaded eclipse for developing c and c++ applications. I have alse downloaded gcc and mingw, cygwin. but my codes wouldnot compile. I have the followi...
[1 reply] : CAPS LOCK OWNS YOU INSTALLATION! (by Incubbus)
Integration of OOP with the win32 API
Hi guys, I've been studying C and C++ for a while now and I'm looking forward to learn Win32 programming with MS Visual Studio C++. However, there's somethin...
[4 replies] Last: Microsoft started the development of the Windows Api back in the early... (by freddie1)
UDP Port needs to be bound to receive?...
Hey... I am staritng winsock and creating a udp socket the usual way and anythig is finde (sendto works fine, too)... But when trying to recvfrom(), I g...
[2 replies] Last: I read on the remarks section again and found out, that a call to send... (by Incubbus)
Window Message Loop (1,2)
Hallo all, I have a function that should be called afer the window is loaded. Now I am using "case WM_CREATE" but that's not working when you want to run a f...
[28 replies] Last: So You got nothin on your own:P... Did You even read the stuff abou... (by Incubbus)
vs 2008 crazy errors (desperate!)
Hi folks -- (Please forgive my OT post: I'm trying to compile a C program.) I (think I) just reinstalled vs2008 c++ express. This was to fix strange erro...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! > Is sourceannotations.h a file you wrote? Or is it part ... (by pete142)
Dynamic Dll Function Calling - Part 2
[4 replies] Last: You're right, I did miss the point. Presumably you want to drive this... (by kbw)
by Trav
Create a button with resources
How can I create a button on this skeleton with resources? I currently only know how to make a menu using resources. // WinMain.cpp #include <windows.h> #...
[no replies]
by R401JL
ResEd - quick(ish) question
I'm currently working through the Windows API tutorial written by theForger and downloaded ResEd to help speed things up. I opened a resource file from a previ...
[4 replies] Last: Brilliant, I have that on order now. Thanks once again. (by R401JL)
by export
How to move a scroll bar to the bottom most position?
With this code here: // Create incoming message box hEditIn=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", "", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|ES_MULTILINE|E...
[4 replies] Last: I can't believe it was that easy, thanks alot. (by export)
the new guy
Usually I make console programs but I'm looking into windows programming but my programs just aren't working. Can someone tell me what's wrong with this program...
[2 replies] Last: Hello, If you want to write a programme with WinAPI, then I will be... (by Vitali)
[C++] Codeblocks + wxWidgets
Hello to all. I desperately need help installing these libraries to codeblocks. I have 7 windows codeblocks 10.5 and the Ulimate wxWidgets libraries. I just...
[2 replies] Last: I solved this problem by inserting a global variable environment: WXWI... (by White Dragon)
by brave
freeze windows login
hi all friend of mine made timer program for me it is simple to make force logout after one hour from my 64bit windows vista home premium by delphi c++ but U...
[2 replies] Last: NO This program was created for me by friend of min, but he don't k... (by brave)
Problem with windows types
I've only just started windows programming so this may be a stupid question but I'm having problems when creating windows. The following line: wc.lpszClassNa...
[1 reply] : LPC W STR is pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 16-bit Un... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
June 2010 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [may2010] [jul2010]

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