Windows Programming - June 2010

Socket Programming Windows XP
Hi all, I'm using wxDev-C++ and I'm trying to follow the MSDN socket programming tutorial (Found Here:
[4 replies] Last: I figured this out. Even though I installed wxWidgets and am executing... (by Computergeek01)
MFC , Library issue
Hi all, I use MFC to build GUI for my windows applications. There's a problem that i usually come across. When i create my project with as using Use MFC in a...
[4 replies] Last: I thought that was something you still needed to specifically declare ... (by Computergeek01)
Reading network data being sent to another program?
This is probably going to be really hard, but I've got a month of holidays so why not waste some time. I've downloaded a piece of software that receives data fr...
[2 replies] Last: Is there any particular reason you want to write it yourself? There a... (by Athar)
by Nima
How to encrypt a c++ source code
So i have done a project and im not willing to share it with public(it's going to be sold). i was wondering if anyone knows how to encrypt the source code in c...
[17 replies] Last: You seem to assume that a compiled program contains the original sourc... (by Athar)
by BennM
simulaneous use of webcam in OpenCV and other app
Hi, can anyone give me a hind how to use the input of my webcam in OpenCV and with any other application like skype or something? When I start a face detecti...
[2 replies] Last: You can do one acquizer which distributes copies of the stream to othe... (by Incubbus)
by Nima
How can i secure my program from being cracked???
So i have searched the whole internet trying to find some useful tutorials on how to secure a C++ program from being cracked but i didn't find ANYTHING! anyone...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you. (by Nima)
by Hiner
How to close a dialog form using pictureBox instead?
I am now using VS2005, in C++ environment. I am working on a windows form application that has a main form and can create and show a new form as a dialog form u...
[no replies]
Connecting UI- and Worker-Threads
I am wonderin about what could be the best way to connect an worker thread with an UI thread in the way, that the UI thread delegates an assignment to the worke...
[14 replies] Last: If anyony is interested, and for persons who may search for and find t... (by Incubbus)
Helllppp needed for Visual C++
Hey guys i've come to this forum with one question and hopefully i'll get the answer , ok and to the question i wanna start to build a project in Visual C++ it ...
[no replies]
delay at logon while applying your personal settings
Our application is creating a new Windows user in answer to each request. In space of one year hundred of thousands of new users are being added and subsequentl...
[4 replies] Last: I'm afraid not .. (by radumarg)
Create Own Virtual HID MIDI Device?
So I'm in the process of making a MIDI controller handler, I have a successful interface between the MIDI In and MIDI out of the controller. The thing is, I wa...
[no replies]
how to get the input from my Cyborg evo Wireless Joystick
Hi, I have a Cyborg evo Wireless Joystick ( don't know how to read his input. I read everywhere about directX ...
[no replies]
by Bv202
DC not working
Hey, I'm having a strange issue with these DC's. This is my code: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PAINT...
[3 replies] Last: The original code - works for me. (by guestgulkan)
by Faghio
Thread not signaled (WaitForSingleObject exit for timeout only)
Hello everybody, I am working with a thread for implementing a timer. If the thread is started / exited directly from an application (standard exe) everythin...
[no replies]
module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'
Hey guys My problem is that I'm trying to run this program and I keep getting the following error: fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts wi...
[no replies]
by macla
How to get the default Web Browser path
hi, How to get the default Web Browser path in vista & windows7.
[no replies]
by realz
Cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members
Hi, I am extreme newb in COMs, need help compiling a program. I am using VS2010 Following is the error 1>------ Build started: Project: CppComSample, Confi...
[2 replies] Last: Or if "CCppComSampleDlg" does not inherit IVpnApiEvents, it contains e... (by guestgulkan)
by woohoo
Memory Stream? (1,2)
Does anyone have a tutorial on Win32 Memory Stream? Thanks
[21 replies] Last: Oh, sorry if my question was really wrong. Im new to C++ and i was ... (by woohoo)
How to get list of open windows
Hi, I want to get list of all open windows. I'm sure that many people have done it before. Can somebody point me to a right example? I'm working on Windows X...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Null, your pointer is right. I got the required list. Shanno... (by shannon)
by Gio
FLTK in MSVC++ 2010
I am trying to set up the GUI Library FLTK but cannot find a way to set it up for MSVC++ 2010 Express. I looked on Google but failed to find any tutorials on do...
[no replies]
June 2010 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [may2010] [jul2010]

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