Windows Programming - June 2009 (Page 4)

How to limit amount of character in console windows
Hello, I am C++ beginner and I am creating a C++ Windows console application using Visual Studio 2008, this application has fields to input data, I created a...
[1 reply] : I suggest you using (pd)curses, that library allows you to do (almost)... (by Bazzy)
nmake makefile to compile from a different directory
Hi, I am trying to write a makefile(stored in Makefile directory) which will compile source files from Source directory, and place the object files and execu...
[no replies]
Assertion failure comparing STL strings
On Windows using Visual C++ Express 2008, I have code that used two strings such as: std::string left; std::string right; and after they have been assign...
[1 reply] : What does CaselessCompare look like? (by Hammurabi)
by jfq722
Visual C++/CLI question.....
Hi. Can anyone tell me why the VC++ compiler tells me that Person is NOT a ref class. And because of that, that Runner cannout inherit from it...thanks... er...
[1 reply] : EDIT: durr... nm. Posted a completely stupid question. Pay no a... (by Disch)
any method of avoid crack by re-install
do any method of a trial-software avoid crack by re-install windows? do any method of a trial-software avoid crack by formatting harddisk ? thanks
[3 replies] Last: i am thinking to write a file to MBR ^^ or the folder--> System Volum... (by chiwing)
by Null
Passing arguments to thread
How can i pass function arguments if i create thread by using CreateThread() function? Thanks
[2 replies] Last: <--- CreateThr... (by Disch)
Visual c++ function for detecting a process running or not
hello, i have the basic knowledge of c++ (like if, else, loops, classes, file handling, etc.). but i dont have the knowledge of .net platform. please tell...
[6 replies] Last: thanks again for the wonderful info. i have completed the first stage... (by rahuljin)
by levone
why does visual studios need....
"Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update" for the apps compiled with it to run? ..well that was my original question...
[2 replies] Last: yea i don't use .net im thinking about switching to code::blocks but ... (by levone)
Launch function on exit?
Hello. I've got a program that runs in a command prompt that has some loops and things going on in it. If the program is not closed properly, some things won...
[13 replies] Last: I'll do that then xD. Once again thanks for the support. (by shadowayex)
by Brad T
Virtual File
How can I use C++ to write a "virtual" file that isn't shown on the file system? What I'm trying to do is make a DLL that can create a file and allow the applic...
[1 reply] : Well, you could use a stringstream to store the stuff. It basically w... (by firedraco)
by spinan
file not found
Hi! I'm trying to use GSL library. I have created LIB1.DLL library in MSVC++ 2008, which I call from Excel. This works fine. Then I included in my code ca...
[no replies]
I was wondering about free Windows C++ IDEs. I don't need anything overly fancy. I just want a textarea to type my code in, and a compile button. It'd be nic...
[1 reply] : If you can't pick up MS Visual Studio (which I think there are free ve... (by Disch)
Input text to a different program
I am attempting to create a program to be able to output text to a text box in another program. If the program has a text box (like that of Windows Live Messeng...
[13 replies] Last: I can find SendInput, INPUT, etc. in winuser.h by doing ctrl-f (Find),... (by chrisname)
Error C2040: ... differs in levels of indirection from ... MXVC++ Problem # 1
I am posting two threads because I have two different problems, but both have the same background information. Common Background Information: I am trying ...
[2 replies] Last: This is an update from the original poster.... First of all, I want... (by imaloner)
Getting Winsock.h instead of Winsock2.h... MSVC++ Problem # 2
I am posting two threads because I have two different problems, but both have the same background information. Common Background Information: I am trying ...
[1 reply] : This is an update from the original poster.... I received some sugg... (by imaloner)
Learning Windows Programming
Hello ! I want to learn windows programming. Please tell me where to start from and tell me about good books and good tutorials on the internet. I would als...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you guys !! (by Imran89)
Error when using Code wizard
hey, I wanted to add a Member Function (i also tried this with Vars) to my Class and followin Window always showed up. ...
[1 reply] : (by Incubbus)
by wretch
vc++ ide dont step into library functions
In VC++ is there a way to set a breakpoint for every line of my source code (vs. linked library code)? Then I can just F5 through each line of my source. Or...
[no replies]
Keyboard Commands
Is there a way to make a program launch a command that corresponds to a keyboard command? For example, can I make a program launch the arrow key commands or ...
[7 replies] Last: SendInput()? I tried using that for text but couldn't figure it out. ... (by chrisname)
ATL Server Web Service on Windows Vista and VS2005
Hi There !!! Let's find someone who could help me on this problem. I have created on VS2005 under Windows Vista a new Visual C++ ATL Server Web Service Proj...
[no replies]
June 2009 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [may2009] [jul2009]

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