Windows Programming - June 2009 (Page 3)

how to get the computer setting of time zone
how to get the computer setting of time zone ? GMT +4, GMT -6 etc
[1 reply] : Win32: GetTimeZoneInformation () (by Duthomhas)
by MrCode
GDI Mandelbrot Set generator not working... (1,2)
I'm trying to create a Mandelbrot Set generator based on the pseudocode from the Wikipedia article. All it's doing is drawing black pixels in the whole client ...
[21 replies] Last: Err, well, I'm now trying to implement zooming on the spot with the mo... (by MrCode)
how to let a string value be the entire contents of .txt
how to let a string value be the entire contents of .txt string g = all the contents of happy.txt how to do it? do others file's ending (e.g. .exe) als...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks veey much, Duoas, you show 4 alternative methods.. my .txt i... (by chiwing)
Implement irc with a c++program
does anyone have a tutorial on how to this or can point me to one its important and i have a deadline
[no replies]
by rain
How to change ICON of C++ console application
I wand change this program's Icon. I have my own *.ico file, now how I can compile that soruce with ICO file? #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> ...
[4 replies] Last: As Dodle said you need to use windres: windres -i resources.rc -o res... (by Null)
chat program
I need to make a custom chat program that requests info from a php script and reads and writes from a database does anyone have any tutorials or can help me on ...
[3 replies] Last: If your trying to make an IRC or IM type of application, I suggest a m... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
how many characters can wchar and char have?
how many characters can wchar and char have in win32? how many characters can wchar and char have in 64-bit windows ? thanks
[7 replies] Last: There isn't a maximum length for variable names in C++ The rest of ... (by Hammurabi)
ascii don't need to convert ?
can i do this? the Ascii of A to Z is 65 - 90 for int (i= 65; i<=90;i++ ) { char drive_ID = i ; int drive_type = GetDriveType(drive_ID); ...
[3 replies] Last: Except on non-ASCII systems... (like old IBM mainframes and the like -... (by Duthomhas)
So this morning i have decided to jump into Windows Programming and my task today is to create a fully functional GUI. So far i have created the Window and a fe...
[6 replies] Last: Semantics. A case label is just that: a label. Nothing more than a ... (by Duthomhas)
how to get disk properties?
2 aim that i want to achieve 1) get disk properties, i want to find out a disk C: D: E: etc , which is local disk,not removeable USB / optical disk 2) get...
[3 replies] Last: To get the current windows directory, use GetWindowsDirectory (). ht... (by Duthomhas)
wchar_t VS string
what's the different between wchar_t and string? thanks
[7 replies] Last: What about char c = '1234'; Bwah hah ha hah haaah! BTW. Don'... (by Duthomhas)
how to specific the path of _wfopen?
how to specific the path of _wfopen? i want to open a file in C:\Programs File\Success\expt\happy.rff _wfopen(handle, "happy", "r") where is the path p...
[6 replies] Last: fopen is the ANSI C standard function for opening a file. _wfopen i... (by kbw)
by Dodle
Finding HOMEPATH - WinXP
I want to be able to access C:\Documents and Settings\Username, which under Environment Variables is HOMEPATH. home.cpp: #include <iostream> using namespa...
[7 replies] Last: Never use environment variables (can be changed...) I'd say that's g... (by Duthomhas)
what need to type for the first parameter of _wfopen_s
what need to type for the first parameter of _wfopen_s i don't understand what means for the...
[2 replies] Last: sorry again it solve by myself pFile = fopen( "stable.mq4", "r" ) ... (by chiwing)
serial port to poll on request
I currently have two programs("reading" and "writing") and each program run on one PC to do textfile transferring/logging. The PCs is connected via a null modem...
[no replies]
by tition
Looking for advice on pausing a thread
Hi all, I am running a rather slow computation and I want to pause it. In the moment, I achieve that in a very sloppy manner: First I split my GUI using ...
[3 replies] Last: Will that slow down the thread's performance? I don't think so. I... (by Hammurabi)
Send message from C# to C++
Hello, I have two applications, one c# and another c++. I want the c# one to run the c++ application and sends message (ex. string ... certain data needed ...
[2 replies] Last: You will probably want to read up on .net remoting ,IPC, Pipes, etc. ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by simov
How to convert a VARIANT buffer to a byte buffer?
Hello, I have an ActiveX control that provides such method: void GetCurrentImage(long theFormat, VARIANT * theBuffer, long * theBufferSize); I wa...
[1 reply] : Variant can be many thing... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
retrieving file version information
In an app i'm working on, I want the application's version to be displayed on a status bar at the bottom of the window. So I included a file version informatio...
[3 replies] Last: Your welcome. Actually, I looked for a code snippet like yours. I solv... (by frhm)
So today i started my First MFC dialog based application. I have done Win32 GUI & Forms Programming, but my question is, In a MFC application how do you store a...
[2 replies] Last: *******EDIT********* Ok i figured it out, im stupid and wasnt setting... (by jloundy)
June 2009 Pages: 12345
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