Windows Programming - June 2009 (Page 2)

by qazwsx
Problem - HDC & BitBlt & PictureControl - stops working after some time
So, hello there. I have a problem - i have three bitmaps, one created with LoadImage (originalBitmap, loaded from file), the rest of them (displayBitmap, coll...
[1 reply] : You're doing cleanup all wrong. What's probably happening is a ginour... (by Disch)
how to change wstring to lpcvoid ?
i need to use writefile BOOL WriteFile( HANDLE hFile, // handle to file to write to LPCVOID lpBuffer, // pointer to data to write to file -->sho...
[5 replies] Last: it is of course... or it would not be easy to remember^^... (did u ... (by Incubbus)
need simple program to calculate dates from a given date
Please be advised that I am not a programmer. I just thought some intelligent people on here may be able to at least point me in the right direction... I ne...
[no replies]
How to control cpu usage
Hi How to control cpu usage of particular process in windows programmatically.I want set the cpu limit specified value.(For example 30% or 50%) The proce...
[1 reply] : With Win32 Threading apis (by george135)
Conversion from char[40] to LPWSTR
Hello there... Here is a program I picked from a website which provides tutorials for Win32 Programming... I am totally new to Win32 Programming... This progra...
[13 replies] Last: I would recommend using the TEXT() macro over casts. This makes your... (by Duthomhas)
Function behaving differently on windows than unix
I am working on a calendar program, and as part of it, I have a function that takes an integer representing days since sunday, and a cstring, and puts the date ...
[1 reply] : Line 21: strftime () -- you must specify the number of characters ava... (by Duthomhas)
warning C4305: 'argument' : truncation from 'bool *' to 'bool'
bool __stdcall check_expiry_date_file(wstring filename,bool cutrun); int std__call happy() { check_expiry_date_file ( filename, &cutrun); // warning...
[5 replies] Last: I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you are asking. If you for... (by Disch)
How Can programing with Ports?
Hello all for all,help me in programming with computer ports. How in C++ we can dealing with computer ports softwae ports:I mean ports dealing with networkin...
[1 reply] : In Win32 ports are treated like files. Open a port using the Creat... (by Duthomhas)
how to get file size in c++
I need to write a dll which include a function that return file size would any one help me to finish the part between /*** and **/ /*** bool Check_f...
[14 replies] Last: off_t (or loff_t) than int. off_t Size = ftell( pFile ); right? (by chiwing)
what LP stand for?
LPDWORD LPWORD what LP stand for? what D standm for? what is the range of LPDWORD,LPWORD can be? do any site introduce this? thnaks
[3 replies] Last: Legacy of old version windows. At 32bit version, Long Pointer == Po... (by decoupling)
missing type specifier - C++ does not support default-int
Hi, What can I do for this error? error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int.
[2 replies] Last: And maybe, some head file does not included led to some Class not defi... (by decoupling)
hi , BAZZY are u a student?
Do Bazzy,Duoas, kbw have jobs? usually , you can provide fast , accurate answer ~ ~ as i suppose that people who got out to work , don't have so much ...
[1 reply] : I am a student (by Bazzy)
by tition
Why do I get abnormally high processor use on this simple program?
Dear all, I simply can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Why is processor use on this program at maximum? What did I mess up? #include <windows.h> ...
[10 replies] Last: The two idioms I've seen for a WindowProc are as follows. They both on... (by Hammurabi)
.ico images?
I know that this is a C++ forum and not a "How o Create .ico Images" forum, but I figure that there's someone in here with experience on how to do so. I need...
[3 replies] Last: Grey Wolf Thanks, it's not free but the trial works fine. Bazzy... (by shadowayex)
Detecting things in task manager
I was wondering about this for a while now. Is there a way to check for a certain window being open? Like in that list of things under the applications tab i...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. This is wonderful information and I'm still w... (by shadowayex)
which function needed for getting a sub string ?
which function needed for getting a sub string ? and which should i include #include<XXXX> e.g. str1 = "i am happy now", how to get sub string "happy"? t...
[4 replies] Last: d = 1.2345; tmp = pow(10,digit) ; d *= tmp ; // d = 123.45 d... (by chiwing)
Will windows Vista will show the write path?
Will windows Vista will show the write path when a program writing a file in harddisk? this question is little bit related to programming thanks
[3 replies] Last: thanks for Duoas actually , i am asking about will Vista disclose my ... (by chiwing)
Add New Data Source
Hi, I'm programming a simple applicaction with Visual Studio C++ 2008. But when I try to connect this application to an Access 2003 data base, using "Add...
[no replies]
Instant Messanger.
Im basically trying to learn and create a Instant Messenging Application. I know quite a lot about C++ loops, arrays, functions and etc. But I think I have to l...
[1 reply] : Check out: (by firedraco)
how to write a new line?
how will u write below to a empty file ? <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <request...
[2 replies] Last: i find a usfel example just before /n is before the line need to ou... (by chiwing)
June 2009 Pages: 12345
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