Windows Programming - June 2008

path and file name from "open with" using double click
Hello to everyone, I would like to open automatically a data file with an inhouse application double-clicking it. After configuring windows for doing it I nee...
[1 reply] : When you set up the file association in windows, if done correctly the... (by Zaita)
Dev-C++ with DirectX
Hey. I would like to know if there's a way to be able to program with DirectX in Dev-C++. I've looked, and all the tutorials are either A) Bad, B) For a differe...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Zaita. George: I would've done exactly what you said ages ag... (by VenomousNinja)
About Win32 api: QueryPerformanceFrequency !
Hi,guys! I want to get the frequecy of my computer's motherboard with the Win32API QueryPerformanceFrequency(). The value is 3579545, but it's same as ano...
[4 replies] Last: For Windows API, you could start here: (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by rani
hi all i'm a new user to wxwidgets.i'm using c++.i need to learn about how to use wxwidgets GUI with opencascade.. thanks in advance
[no replies]
FILETIME variable trouble
While I have some experience with C++, I am very unfamiliar with Windows C++, particularly the FILETIME variable. Currently, I have a file of binary data which ...
[3 replies] Last: Check out the links to functions at the bottom of the page I gave you.... (by Duthomhas)
by Nandor
Dialog boxes with .NET
I'm trying to show up a dialog box in a .NET app.I read at but I haven't found anything related to this. I have a form with the dialog(Form) ...
[4 replies] Last: As I understand it you have 2 headers, Form1.h which contains the cl... (by Faldrax)
Customize Your Applications with Innovative Skin Maker Software
Customize Your Applications with Innovative Skin Maker Software for Professional Graphical User Interface GUI Development. With its exclusive skin maker lib...
[no replies]
Direct X - Problem with steering in flight game
So, I am working on a game where you steer an airplane. I have a slight problem with the steering. It works if you only want to steer left and right and acceler...
[1 reply] : Hey, im not too sure about it, ive had similar problems in BASIC, i... (by nutter3)
Interacting with Database Connections and CSV files
Hello All, So Recently I undertook a project to retrieve data (in the form of products and product prices) from excel and upload the data appropriately to my...
[6 replies] Last: That was the problem..... sorry for the lag on the reply (by UltraDangerLord)
Read Excel -- cont.
Hello All, I'm trying to make a class, that does all the jobs i want to do on excel. Connect, Read, Update and Write. for this part well just be discussi...
[no replies]
How do I open a window?
I was trying to learn OpenGL, and do the first example, and I am able to do all of it except the "OpenAWindowPlease()" function. I have no idea how to do tha...
[3 replies] Last: I was actually able to use the premade one that came with Code::Blocks... (by tombert)
by perito
Tracking Paste
ok here is exactly what Im trying to do, I have to insert 10 strings in 10 different textboxes in the shortest possible time (half a second counts), so I tho...
[1 reply] : Have you done a printf/cout on Msg to see what values it actually come... (by Zaita)
libodbc - howto?
Hi, I've found a library that seems to be nice to connect to a DB using ODBC drivers, but I just can't seem to find any tutorial or so to guide me through its ...
[2 replies] Last: You don't need any lib for ODBC And use ADO instead. (by george135)
LPCWSTR conversetion problem
hey im having this code: #include <atlstr.h> #include <windows.h> const char g_szClassName = "myWindowClass"; // Step 4: the Window Procedure LRES...
[6 replies] Last: Try making a LPTSTR conversion... char buffer ="Window registration ... (by Nandor)
lib error (1,2)
here is my log 1>------ Build started: Project: game test, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling... 1>source.cpp 1>Linking... 1>LINK : C:\Users\u...
[23 replies] Last: Thanx anyway! (by cyberpirate)
Problem in using .dll
currently i am working in network simulation software under windows. For this project i have used different .dll files. Now i have to move this same proje...
[1 reply] : This may have the info you are looking for. (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Nandor
Dialog boxes
How can I create a dialog box which request data from the user and pass it to a function and then print on the screen the result given by the function?
[6 replies] Last: The GetDlgItemInt() function can somehow take negative numbers? (by Nandor)
Interacting With Excel Using.... ?
note:*I recently finished learning the basics of using C++, which included reading the tutorials from this site as well as several video tutorials* So what i...
[8 replies] Last: My new post is more or less a extension or a reworking of this idea. ... (by UltraDangerLord)
Least square support vector machine code
Hi Can anyone tell me C/C++ code of LS SVM Its very important Thanks
[no replies]
Least square support vector machine code
Hi Can anyone tell me C/C++ code of LS SVM Its very important Thanks
[no replies]
June 2008 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [may2008] [jul2008]

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