Windows Programming - July 2011 (Page 5)

various commands in one
How do i make multiple commands in the "DISKPART" with a c++ program? On the cmd we have to put like: DISKPART enter select disk 0 enter select partit...
[3 replies] Last: Nevermind I got it. Thank you. (by MIKR)
by Rave
I am trying to use portaudio (being cross platform capability), to read in from microphone, then i want to put that data through a FFT, but i am not so sure how...
[6 replies] Last: if any one is interested there is a very good C library (can be used i... (by Rave)
by Drue
I need a code to put my program in the registry to start up automatically. I know about the startup folder, but I don't know how to copy files or how to chec...
[5 replies] Last: (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
ActiveX Controls
How can i use the activex controls example.. MSFlexGrid ActiveX Control.. in win32 Programming..
[5 replies] Last: It just dawned on me - I almost forgot...ActiveX controls (MSFlexGrid,... (by freddie1)
VC++ program with OpenCV - CImage to IplImage
All right so I'm doing a project which involves a camera and OpenCV. I get to the point where I store the image as a CImage but I need to load it as an IplImage...
[no replies]
Window chkdsk problem.
I don't know whether i should be asking here but i'll give it a try. I have a 1tb external harddisk, there's a storm and power outage for 1 sec. My hardisk ...
[2 replies] Last: Your 'very high-end gaming desktop' is not very good if does not have ... (by modoran)
by stage0
how to delete all files in a directory c++?
i want to delete all files in a directory like documents this what i have.Its not working when i just put documents but it deletes the file no problem when i pu...
[10 replies] Last: MoveFileEx()winapi function does exactly that. (by modoran)
major help on classes
hello guys, I am currently working on a program that takes inputted information from the user this kind of information is three questions for the user to ans...
[1 reply] : (by ModShop)
by ty98
rc data
How do I use the rc data?
[4 replies] Last: double post... i did that because nobody looks at it... some times:) (by ty98)
by LB
DLL not exporting function properly
I'm a little confused because I have tried using both a .def file to export a function, and I have tried __declspec(dllexport) to export the function, and even ...
[12 replies] Last: Actually, I didn't have to do this at all. The problem was that I hadn... (by LB)
Password Masking [Help]
Hey I need help with password masking. I need some code to do this following code exactly but without using _getch()... i don't have <conio.h> so I cant use it...
[8 replies] Last: Everything works fine with the mingw compiler, thanks for the help! (by dhj0001)
Communication between user mode and kernel mode
Hi, I am writing a filter driver.I want to send data from FilterDriverDispatch to user mode to print it.How can I do this? Please help me
[3 replies] Last: AFAIK that's a style preference. I know a few things have been discont... (by Computergeek01)
by macla
How to get all running thread current status
Hi, My mulithread application hangs randomly. I don't know which thread and where it hangs. How to get current status(current call stack) of all running thre...
[3 replies] Last: First I would make sure that you are actually seeing a lock, when you ... (by Computergeek01)
Generating A Dynamic Sound
Does anyone know of any method to dynamically generate a sound (specifying it's frequency, amplitude, among other things)? I've googled around and looked thr...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for the help guys! :D (by lnk2019)
Creating child window
Hello, I am trying to make a simple control, by creating a child window. I have already created another window successfully, who's handle is "h_parent". (My ...
[6 replies] Last: I have rethought the RegisterClass issue and that could still be a pos... (by shacktar)
ANSI To Unicode
I have a multi-byte project, and I'm not going to change it. However, there are times when I want to make a certain snippet Unicode, such as the SysLink example...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, you've all not only answered my question, but it's much simple... (by Lamblion)
Hyperlink using comctrl32.dll
Does anyone know how to make a hyperlink using comctrl32.dll cause I heard it's possible and I can't find any tutorial on it?
[7 replies] Last: Your code will not work as you pass ANSI strings. If your project is n... (by modoran)
by Rave
Creating a Spectrogram in C
I am trying to make an audio spectrogram in C and I am thinking about using the BASS library: I searched over Google and here, b...
[1 reply] : You can use waveIn* win32api's or DirectSound API to read from microph... (by modoran)
by h9uest
Desperate: SendMessage fails with WM_MDICREATE
Hi all: I've been debugging with my MDI app for one bug: MDICREATESTRUCT mcs; HWND hChild; mcs.szTitle = L" "; mcs.szClass = MDI_CHILD_...
[3 replies] Last: I've got it. Never mind. It was a very silly mistake of mine. I actual... (by h9uest)
Problem in OpenCV
Hi, I'm Hatem Faheem An Egyptian student in Computer Engineering, Cairo university I have a small problem in implementing a code that sharpen an image here is ...
[no replies]
July 2011 Pages: 1... 34567
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