Windows Programming - July 2011 (Page 3)

by nadine
I have some problems making messageboxes the way I want to.. If I just put the code MessageBox(hwnd, sometext, caption, NULL) it workes, but when I try specif...
[4 replies] Last: MessageBox.Show() is for Windows forms (CLR). If your project is not ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Error while creating a dialog box
Hello guys. Please help me find the mistake. I'm trying to create a dialog box in VS2008 Win32 Project following the explanations of this
[no replies]
About windows.h functions
Could anyone please give me a reference about the functions in the windows.h header file?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the link! (by Nisheeth)
window form application issue
Hi I have a quick question I write an window form app code for my work everything works fine on VC++ 2005 debugging the only issue when I open the application i...
[2 replies] Last: You should post @ MSDN forums because this website and forum is dedica... (by webJose)
Ribbon integration into WinForm's
I am trying to find reference material on Google for integration of Office Ribbon from the ribbon designer in Visual Studio 2010 and I can only find C# articles...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, I see. That's NOT the Office ribbon, that's the native Windows 7 ... (by webJose)
Direct3D compatibility issues with older graphic cards.
Hello! I'am quite new to C++, Win32 API and DirectX (Direct3D). While I tested some code from a Direct3D 11 tutorial, I found out that my graphic card wasn't...
[3 replies] Last: Hopefully, this answers your question. [quote=Wikipedia] The Direct3D... (by shacktar)
by Evote
D3D Points shared memory for normal vector.
Well since nobody answered before, i'll retype my question: How can i create a FVF structure where the normal vector is allocated to the exact same memory lo...
[3 replies] Last: Thankyou! but yeah your point is taken. thankyou. (by Evote)
Advice on using Fibers?
Is there any time when you would use Fibers instead of Threads? I'm familiar with threads, I have used them in applications I've written for my office and even ...
[4 replies] Last: @Athar: So you stacked the Fibers in a Thread? How did that turn out?... (by Athar)
by Lamas
char to unsigned char
Hi there. I've a program in C++ which receive an array of chars. char InputPacketBuffer ; Each value of the array has 8bits of ADC conversion that are send...
[5 replies] Last: memcpy( ucBuffer, InputPacketBuffer, sizeof( ucBuffer ) ); worked =) ... (by Lamas)
by nadine
Dialog box
Does anyone know how I can make a dialog box that will be automatically updated while the program is running? I want it to show some kind of counter or a clock....
[1 reply] : Create a timer and update the dialog box whenever you receive WM_TIMER... (by webJose)
In LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); How come this type of declaration is alowed? Like I mean for LRESULT CALLBACK Isn't it like...
[15 replies] Last: " f or t he w in"? An enthusiastic emphasis to the end of a commen... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Win32Api Tutorial
Hello everyone. I've been studying C++ for almost a year and it's been really interesting process due to some good tutorials. But unfortunately there's no goo...
[11 replies] Last: what bitmasked means? is it means like bit-converting like the OR oper... (by chipp)
by shank8
cout << float; problem
I am just simply trying to output a float with 2 decimal places by adding up a bunch of numbers and finding the average. However, when I cout << avg, the output...
[4 replies] Last: it works ok... Here are 11 random numbers between 1 and 11 1, 3, 3,... (by hughchai)
How to Read A Whole Directory
I'm trying to create a menu-strip that that will go to C:\\TNG\\Favorites. and read all the files in the directory and make that many buttons on the menu-strip....
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by thenewguy)
by Drue
Program Won't save to right directory.
I've messed and messed with this block of code but a small and important part won't work. It's the password thing again (I know I've asked questions about i...
[7 replies] Last: It's because I don't have the right permissions. (by Drue)
Else if not working
Im making a program that makes it looks like your computer is downloading viruses but i got stuck around one little area. I was making a part where it says els...
[4 replies] Last: Out of curiosity Catfish, why would you scorn the use of GOTO's then u... (by get funky)
by Drue
Write to Special Folders [C++/CLI]
How do I write files to special folders such as the Program Files.
[11 replies] Last: I added this line to my manifest <requestedExecutionLevel level="re... (by Drue)
Buttons with rounded edges
I cant figure out how to make buttons have rounded edges like the buttons in the message box or in OPENFILENAME. Cause when I use BS_PUSHBUTTON or BS_FLAT they ...
[14 replies] Last: I've go it working the way Lamblion told me to do it above. :) (by pcultras)
Matrix questions from opencv??
Hello, Ive been working on learning opencv by example and have learned lots but have some confusions/confusion in some parts, and would appreciate if you guy...
[5 replies] Last: just wanted to update here for people having similar problems.. I fixe... (by Faraz Khan)
Closed Loop Spline Interpolation
Hi, Does anyone know where I can get code to make a Closed Loop Spline Interpolation? Right now I just have a set of points through which I want to make a smo...
[no replies]
July 2011 Pages: 12345... 7
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