Windows Programming - July 2011 (Page 2)

by chipp
simple windows app
i tried to making simple windows app with this code: #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc (HWND, U...
[6 replies] Last: i'm sorry, guys... i just copy the wrong version of windowproc() from ... (by chipp)
Displaying a bmp file that is being changed
Hello everyone!! I hit a wall once again!. I have an application that performs some calculation and creates as a result a bmp file, then displays this result...
[3 replies] Last: I guess I will have to study the differences between using the two fu... (by Disch)
Create My Own Program. HELP!
Hello, as you can tell from my ID I am a struggling programming student with an absent minded professor when it comes to his online students. For our final ...
[6 replies] Last: Well this is a beginners course. But I would like to use a couple text... (by Struggling Programmer)
What's wrong with this code?
Problem 1: Error messages: service.c(474): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'main' service.c(474): error C2059: syntax error : ';' service.c(474): error ...
[2 replies] Last: The jni.h I know is the header for the Java Native Interface. Are you ... (by andywestken)
Windows API Documentation?
Hi Where can i get the full windows API documentation?? I cant seem to be able to find the full docs for download, can anyone help?
[3 replies] Last: This may be what you're looking for -- (by Lamblion)
How to update when anything is clicked?
I'm working on a Windows Form Application in Visual Studio 2010, and I need to know how to call a function (my update function) whenever the form detects an eve...
[2 replies] Last: This is what that Callback function is for... Or am I missing somethin... (by Computergeek01)
by Drue
Registry [C++/CLI]
I finally got my permissions working, it was a stupid error that didn't pop up in the build log. I need to be able to write my program to the registry to th...
[8 replies] Last: The path in the topic that I posted give you Admin privileges. I was w... (by Drue)
Device Manager create a ewn device class
Hy everyone, I am working on a project with an Arduino board (this uses FTDI drivers - from: I would like to build a ...
[1 reply] : Here's the device management API: (by Computergeek01)
sending instructions to programs
Hi! I'm wondering if there is a way to send instructions to programs from my code. For example I may want my code to start media player and play a file, the...
[2 replies] Last: MSDN deals with networking IPC because that's the extreme end of IPC p... (by Computergeek01)
The image does not evolve...also, problem with a while loop.
well, i was making a program that would evolve a random set of pixels to look exactly the same as another, simple image (the image is in fact, a simple red happ...
[12 replies] Last: I assume that it would still be possible to get to the model, even if ... (by Proudhonite)
by vkash
MSDN library for visual studio 2008.
I have recently downloaded visual studio 2008. Unfortunately a cabinet file of msdn library is corrupted. that is can any body please share this fil...
[1 reply] : You mean this file ? You... (by modoran)
Global Struch Dec Again...
const int MAXNUM=50; struct QUICKLAUNCH { TCHAR lpTitle ; TCHAR lpPath ; }; Now I want to declare this... QUICKLAUNCH ql ; I want ...
[1 reply] : Never mind. Got it answered elsewhere. (by Lamblion)
Two-Dimensional Arrays
Hello all, I'm just learning how to program in c++ and I have a hw assignment that I'm very confused on if anyone can help that would be awesome! Here is my pro...
[2 replies] Last: I didn't see that post very sorry, but I'm not understanding what he m... (by snooze826)
VB and Visual Web Developer
Hi everyone, I usually only deal with C++ (Beginner at that even, got a lot of the core concepts down though), but I have a class this upcoming semester that wo...
[1 reply] : ResidentBiscuit, Hi! I'm a college student at UAT and one of my assig... (by NateSwany)
Winsock Email Sender.
I can't send an email with c++ and i have been searching for a while and it's bugging me. here is my code: #include <iostream> #include <winsock2.h> #pragma c...
[1 reply] : Use COM instead, its' just a few lines of code to send an email (by george135)
by j4tp
RegisterHotKey implementation help
I would like to use RegisterHotKey to control the while loop below, without having to focus on the program. Pressing 1 toggles the bool mousetoggle, however I a...
[4 replies] Last: I fixed my problem. I suggest anybody reading to use GetAsyncKeyState.... (by j4tp)
TCHAR Conversion
This won't work in my Unicode defined project/solution -- TCHAR* pdest; pdest=strrchr(szTitle, _T(",")); IOW, I want to find the last comma in the st...
[5 replies] Last: Never mind. It was idiot stuff. I got it figured out. (by Lamblion)
fatal error c1010
for (int l = 0, m = 1000; l <ys.length(); ++l, m /= 10) { y += m * (ys - 48); } setYear(y); } void Date::setDate( int...
[no replies]
To unicode or not to unicode...
Alright, so the title of the thread may have been - slightly - grammatically incorrect, apolo.. I mean, stick it english nazi's! I've just started delving in...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Lamblion]I absolutely HATE programming in Unicode, Why? It's... (by Disch)
by nadine
Simple gui
I've been programming in c++ a while now, and in the program I'm writing I want to use some simple gui. I am wondering if it is possible to make a dialog box wi...
[8 replies] Last: I mean exactly that: The C language doesn't have a boolean data type.... (by webJose)
July 2011 Pages: 1234... 7
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