Windows Programming - July 2011

Using windows.h to substitute conio.h and dos.h, specially getch()
Hi everyone. My objective is to make standard C/C++ programs that operate on a text user interface (TUI). After LONG search on the internet, I learned a lot ...
[6 replies] Last: Sorry! I guess I am rather VC + MinGW centric. But conio.h and dos.... (by andywestken)
Airplane instrument classes
Hi - does anyone know of DLLs or classes for DGI, RBI/RMI, OBI and HSI representations? I am to be creating a navigational instrument simulator using Visual ...
[6 replies] Last: Bitmaps method is good, I already have that implemented... however I i... (by wheelbrace)
ListView Control
This is my code. But it will get sorted in descending order. I don't want it to be sorted. what am I supposed to do. LVCOLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_TEX...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks it is solved now. I should not pass Extended style of list view... (by tgnaveen)
File Management
What I would like to know is how to use C++ to manage a directory and the files in the directory. I would like to have it create folders based on a specified cr...
[2 replies] Last: You were given the names of most key Windows API functions that you ne... (by webJose)
External program access
I'm trying to create a security suite program, one central program that allows me access to all my programs from one file. I can't execute the programs for one...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. That works. Fixed code below (the string in the function call... (by trainmayor)
How to define a function pointer for "SendMessageCallbackA"??
The original definition of "SendMessageCallbackA" is: WINUSERAPI BOOL WINAPI SendMessageCallbackA( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT Msg, IN WPARAM wPara...
[5 replies] Last: Ah - Detours. The Microsoft Research binary interception toolkit. h... (by andywestken)
ongoing ODBC project from C++ to SQL
Hi, I'm new to programming and at my job I was givin the task of setting up an ODBC with c++ and SQL. I used some sample code and got it going however I'm n...
[3 replies] Last: oh thanks i would have never found that (by impactblu)
by kalid
Tad struct pilha
Hello all personal jewelry? I'm having problem with code I'm trying to develop, it is a game Tower of Hanoi, is a college project, the code is in the process I...
[3 replies] Last: maybe the others could help as i didn't understand hanoi algorithm... ... (by chipp)
Need my program to take commands when not in the foreground.
As the title says I need my program to recognize when I press the spacebar, it only works when the program is in the foreground. while(c=getch()) { if(c==...
[4 replies] Last: MSDN Wrote: This function cannot associate a hot key with a window... (by Computergeek01)
Best practice when creating DLL (1,2)
hi all.. I am using C++ visual studio 2008 and I am creating a custom control class in a DLL. What is the best programming practice to do that? Is it to referen...
[20 replies] Last: Hey, this was an excellent thread. Very helpful and useful. It might b... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
How to pass the structure vector over the socket in c++
i created the structure and i bind the structue in to the vector.. now i want to send the vector to the client . i refer i net i want to do the seriliza...
[1 reply] : You could write an insertion and extraction operator for your struct. ... (by Galik)
by janpan
System Call in Windows and c++
Hey guys, I am familiar with writing system calls in linux using c++, for example getpid or sinfo and so on , however , I am kinda lost when doing it in wind...
[3 replies] Last: @ kooth, I basically just want to play around with the system calls i... (by janpan)
Detecting 404's in Wininet
Hi, I am having a problem with detecting 404's in Wininet, specifically using the HttpQueryInfo function. I have asked on 2 separate forums (SO and Daniweb), a...
[6 replies] Last: If you are using my exact code, you'll notice that the DWORD statCode ... (by webJose)
how to lock one drive ?
hello guys i really try to fine one code how to lock one drive but i dont fine nothing . lock all read/write one drive such as usb, cdrom, ... if everybody kno...
[2 replies] Last: tnx my friend i know that i must use deviceIOcontrol but i cant know h... (by ahura24)
It doesn't work
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <Windows.h> void printFile( HANDLE, WIN32_FIND_DATA ); int main() { HANDLE indice; WIN32_FIND_DAT...
[6 replies] Last: It's not a special case; it's the way DOS was and Windows is. The DOS ... (by andywestken)
by chipp
windows app in CLR
i have a difficulties in CLR's, how to use "click" event? i have like this: #pragma endregion //btw, can anyone explain to me what pragma's doin'? priva...
[3 replies] Last: It is not strange at all. By double-clicking, you invoked the default... (by webJose)
by xcrypt
GDI graphics
Hello, I just started out with win32 programming a week ago, been reading some book to help me out. I have encountered some difficulities with rendering graphi...
[8 replies] Last: It's only taking 20%... Okay, seriously now: this is what the book say... (by xcrypt)
by Lamas
Array shift in C
Hello. I'm programming a microcontroler, and I've a problem with transfering Data. I've created an array of 512 short int and in each short there is a 16b...
[1 reply] : Assuming USBGEN_EP_SIZE = 64 (bytes), and assuming that USBGenWrite() ... (by webJose)
Porting cpIRC to work with windows
I am creating an irc bot and using cpIRC as a wrapper. Everything works on linux, but when compiling on windows and linking to ws2_32.lib the program spits out ...
[2 replies] Last: I just decided to compile with cygwin's toolchain. It works but now I ... (by newprogrammer123)
Comparing a string to data within another string
Hello all, I am writing a program and I need to compare one string with a larger string in order to see if there is a match of characters anywhere in the str...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, both options appear to work great! (by Treekanicko)
July 2011 Pages: 123... 7
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