Windows Programming - July 2010 (Page 4)

by c0y454
Writing Registry Keys using a C++ Program
HI, I want to autostart a C++ program Ive created when Windows starts. To do that I want to write a value to the autostart part of the registry HKEY_LOCA...
[4 replies] Last: if you use VC++ and MFC, you can use CRegKey class to do this (by buyong)
by Hiner
How to make a textbox unhighlightable?
I am doing some windows form programming with C++ using VS2005. I want to make my textbox unhighlightable, which means the text in it cannot be selected. Do...
[3 replies] Last: set your editbox the property "disabled", and then you can both edit o... (by buyong)
A Pointer Problem
#include <stdafx.h> using namespace System; void swap(interior_ptr<int> a,interior_ptr <int> b) { interior_ptr <int> temp; *temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = *...
[16 replies] Last: Thank you for your feedback (by systempause)
about C++
hello.. can you pls help me how to program this one using c++.? :D Write a program that will find the largest number among 10 integers given by the user: (fo...
[2 replies] Last: I have got one program from this site( (by Cody39e)
by c0y454
C++ or C#, what to use for Windows Programming
HI, I was wondering which language is best for Windows Development. Ive so far only used C++ but when searching across the internet, C# seens to be used more a...
[3 replies] Last: Notice that C# provides faster development for Windows programs than C... (by filipe)
Pointer to a structure within a structure
Hi everyone, I am unsure on how the syntax works for pointing to a structure within a structure and cannot find anything to help me. So if I have this structur...
[2 replies] Last: In this case, it would be p_a->alphabet.c becuse alphabet is not a p... (by mgupta)
wm mouse move inaccurate?
Im currently developing a per pixel level collision detection function for a 2D game engine. The function accepts a xy coords and tests it against the sprite te...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the advice. The client area was indeed smaller then i expec... (by mjrscrewup)
Should I learn advanced C++ or go ahead to windows programming?
My final goal for C++ is to learn windows programming. I have completed
[3 replies] Last: [quote=jackabascal]and it says that once you have completed the book a... (by filipe)
by Deluge
Setting Custom Icon in the Titlebar - Win32api
I've asked a similar question before but was using wxWidgets ( ). Now I am trying to learn the Win32api and am using ...
[3 replies] Last: @Vexer: if he wouldn't then it wouldn't compile. It sounds like it ... (by Kiana)
by daveD
Using ZLib
Hi, I currently have a program that exports data to text files, these files are then sent over the network to the server. I now have to do a change to compre...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I have got it to work :) (by daveD)
The program won't use the icon i've stated.
Hey, This is the code; WNDCLASSEX wc; MSG Msg; wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.cb...
[3 replies] Last: You must have an RC file to use the LoadIcon function. If you do not w... (by Vexer)
[Named Pipes] Application to Global Hook DLLs
My objective is conceptually simple: I want to set a GetMessage global hook function that utilizes a shared file handle. The problem arises because to my unders...
[no replies]
64 Bit Seeking? - IO Stream
I am making a general IO handler for files and devices, but I will be using them on things greater than 4 GB's (0x00000001 00000000) and IOStream's seek's only ...
[1 reply] : My first thought is to increment seek position from current position: ... (by Null)
Winsock - How to get the IP of connected sockets.
So I have this server program and I want to get the IP of my cleint sockets, kinda like this: if((ATemp = accept(server,(sockaddr *)&addr,NULL)) != INVALI...
[7 replies] Last: Yes, MinGW statically links libstdc++. There's no easy way around that... (by Athar)
by c0y454
Window Creation error
HI, im currently beginning to learn Windows API Programming with C++. Im having trouble getting my first window program to work: I always get an error. :( ...
[7 replies] Last: If you ever want a program that you can compile in both ASCII and UNIC... (by binarybob350)
password auto-generation & valiadation project
Hello,pros. Note: Win32 Console Application > Empty Project > C++ File(.cpp) I had this project from school that requires me to program a "login security c...
[5 replies] Last: Now,heres the reference code thats provided by my school for Option ... (by nypstudent)
by export
Openfilename playing sound win32
I have the following code which gets the name of a .mp3 file and passes it to a function to play it. It works if i set szFile to the name of a file manually in ...
[2 replies] Last: That first bit replaces \ with /. I have cout'd szFile and it gives me... (by export)
win32 openGL adding line segments
The goal of the program is for line segments to be drawn every 20ms that follow the cursor. Right now I have it so it follows the cursor with one attached point...
[4 replies] Last: It works now. Had to change up the for loop a little bit but no major ... (by closed account DSvMDjzh)
MFC Dialogbox properties in VC++ 2010
Hi all. Currently I am a n00b at MFC designing in VC++. I use a book learn C++ in 21 days to learn MFC. It follows VC++ 6.0. There its written, to bring up a di...
[4 replies] Last: I just used Visual Studio 2010 (Ultimate Edition) to create an MFC Dia... (by guestgulkan)
Weird error for a basic equation
I have the weirdest error ever, it claims that what I've wrote isn't an expression when it clearly is. Unless I'm making a stupid mistake and can't see it, any ...
[4 replies] Last: Thankyou everyone, and Rollie I will try to debug better next time, I'... (by PHamnett)
July 2010 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [jun2010] [aug2010]

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