Windows Programming - July 2010 (Page 3)

problem with directx
i recently wanted to try directx. i know opengl quite well, and want to use directx for comparison purposes. i took this code strait from a tutorial: // inc...
[1 reply] : Check your duplicate post in General c++ programming for an answer. (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by knox
Unknown problem?
See my 5th post. Out of characters. using namespace std; void encrypt( char [ ] ); void decrypt( char * ePtr ); int pinCorrect (int x) { if (x <...
[9 replies] Last: // cin >> masterS; cin.ignore( 1024, '\n' ); cin.getline(maste... (by buyong)
File listing problem
Hi all, I've written a little function which looks for all directories,files and subdirectories in the whole system(assuming you pass it the parameter "C:") Th...
[3 replies] Last: path should be const char* , so you're clear that it's read-only. ... (by kbw)
How do I draw regular(convex) polyogns
Hi all, I admit straight off I only got a B in Maths when I left school (something which I regret now that I'm getting into programming... :( ). I am goin...
[no replies]
by Csani
Copy folder with more words
I want to make that command wich copy my folder to another place but i i try a folder with more words such us system("c:\users\my name\ThisFolderIWantToCopy...
[4 replies] Last: system("\"c:\\users\\my name\\ThisFolderIWantToCopy\\\" \"c:\\here\\")... (by Skillless)
by jrohde
Get Program Name from Executable Path?
Hello, I've set up a context menu in a list control, where the user has the option upon right-clicking to "Open File", "Open in Notepad", "Show in Folder", e...
[1 reply] : The infor you need's in here: (by kbw)
by Kiana
BM_SETIMAGE & Visual Styles
Whenever I use BM_SETIMAGE and assign an icon to a button, the button loses its Visual Style (this is on XP). I've tried adjusting my LoadImage call, etc. and n...
[1 reply] : if you use MFC, you can try CButtonST, it is a open source control, yo... (by buyong)
by Tamao
C++ Showing files in a directory
Hello. Does anyone have some hints or tips on how to list all the files in a folder on C:?.
[6 replies] Last: Error 2 error C2664: 'FindFirstFileA' : cannot convert parameter 2 fro... (by buyong)
New to MFC and windowed applications.
hi, i'm attempting to write a program for my local counseling company and i'm new to writing windowed applications. i'm not new to C++ however. I can write ...
[2 replies] Last: I think you can start from a MFC dialog project, it is like VB in some... (by buyong)
by Deluge
Writing a Plug-In for Windows Explorer
I want to write an explorer plugin for Windows that will display thumbnails for Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg) files.
[3 replies] Last: svg is a kind of XML, you can use a XML parse lib such as tinyxml to d... (by buyong)
Windows Form Application: C++ Text Editing Program Questions
I am trying to make a text editing program in Visual C++. I know how to show the Save File Dialog, but I want to know how to actually save the text in my RichTe...
[1 reply] : please reference msdn example : wordpad sample(MFC) (by buyong)
Custom window bar
Hello, I would like to customize my GUI as many other programs do aswell. By customizing the bar on top of the window and the close / minimize button etc. I...
[4 replies] Last: you can try BCGCBPro (by buyong)
Weird stdout Issue in DLL
I'm trying to write to stdout from a DLL compiled using Visual C++ 6.0. This line works correctly: printf("testing\n"); This line produces an access viol...
[1 reply] : if your OS is Windows, you can use WriteConsole function instead of fp... (by buyong)
by daveD
GPS Intermediate Driver
Hi, I am working on a mobile app and need to get GPS information (longitude and latitude) and log it in the system. The device has a built-in GPS device. ...
[2 replies] Last: Sounds like your integers aren't big enough to contain the data you ar... (by firedraco)
AL5A Robotic Arm
I am using an AL5A Robotic arm. I would like to open the serial port using the C++ programming. My group partner and I have tried to look for a command to ope...
[no replies]
how to use setcursor and getmuseclick() function in a same time
Dear All I faced with specific problem in this program. I want to use mouse and setcursor with together in this program. for example: when I click on searc...
[1 reply] : add: SetConsoleMode(stdIn,ENABLE_LINE_INPUT|ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT|ENAB... (by buyong)
windows appplication
hi everbody I'am experienced somehow on c++ but I don't know any thing about windows application or GUI of c++. any suggestion for references (especially any ...
[3 replies] Last: A couple months ago I decided to try my hand at learning C++ and then... (by Bill Agnor)
Detecting WIN32 button press.
Hey, I have this code; int TEST; // only way i could assign this to the messagebox. void createbox_QUIT() { TEST = MessageBox(NULL, "Are you sur...
[2 replies] Last: copy from MSDN: Return Values The return value is zero if there is... (by buyong)
How to close multiple windows individually (Beginner)
Hi all, I've just started to learn Win32 API stuf via the "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus" book. And I'm slightly stuck. This is just a litt...
[3 replies] Last: and line 50 if(hWindowHandleArray == hwnd) (by buyong)
using mscomm32.ocx in c/c++
Hi guys I have been tasked to write and read to the serial port using the mscomm32.ocx library. My problem is that, i try to #import "libpath\mscomm32.o...
[1 reply] : you do not need to #import "libpath\mscomm32.ocx" if you use VC6, you... (by buyong)
July 2010 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [jun2010] [aug2010]

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