Windows Programming - July 2010 (Page 2)

To Change The Icon Of All Folder in Given Path
Hi, I want to Change the Icon of the folders present in folder eg : c:\test I want to change the icon of all folder present in c:\test folder I had...
[no replies]
Process attaching
Hi all, im a newbie in c and windows programming but i started some times ago and since then i use your good reference for c standard libraries, they are very ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! It worked :) (by elPicione)
Problem with simple fstream function.
Hi there forum. I'm making a program to edit ID3 tags in a mp3 file, and I use the fstream to handle the data. When the message for "Open file" in the menu is...
[3 replies] Last: It's using the current directory. You can see it with getcwd() or Get... (by kbw)
Directory and File Listing
Greetings! I am trying to traverse a directory, its sub directories, and get the path to all of its files. I plan to store this so I may load the files later...
[1 reply] : Check this library: (by Bazzy)
by macla
How to let a Thread sleep for a period of time
Hi, How to let a Thread sleep for a period of time using c or c++ ?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. Its working... (by macla)
VS C++ from the beginning, text box, user input (1,2)
hello all, I've been a programmer for 25 years and I'm embarrassed to say, I've never programmed in the windows environment and at this stage in my career I fin...
[21 replies] Last: just today been searching around on google, and came accross how to ha... (by kaije)
Compiler Flags
Hey Guys, while I am creating code, I want that the compile and linking process is fast and hence, I am looking for usefull compiler flags. I read some artic...
[1 reply] : Use an IDE and it will do these things on it's own (by Bazzy)
Reading Anonymous Pipes in Real-Time WinAPI
Hello everyone, I'm working on an application which reads the output of another program (which I did not write) through anonymous pipes. Now, I have the read...
[15 replies] Last: Unitl the flush occurs, the data isn't written to the stream, so there... (by kbw)
operating system
I want to know what is the difference between DOS ,MS_DOS.
[2 replies] Last: $99 (by cnoeval)
Messages are only delivered to the program when it has focus
Before I start I want to make it clear that yes, I am writing a keylogging program. I'm not doing this for any illegal purposes contrary to what you may think. ...
[16 replies] Last: Still any problems? If yes I wil lgive you an example for a global hoo... (by jmc)
by daveD
Peek and Pump
Hi, I have come across a method in the code I am working on called "PeekAndPump". I only have access to the header file so I cannot see the implementation of...
[4 replies] Last: I see.. Great thanks for the help (by daveD)
Moving a File
Hi, i am developing a app for moving a file when a process terminates in WINCE platform. Is the below mentioned correct???? void main() { int rc=0; ...
[1 reply] : Is the below mentioned correct? No. moving a file when a proces... (by kbw)
by Chanz
zlib uncompress Error
Hey guys. I am trying to use zlib to inflate a block of data. When I run my program, I get the error "The ordinal 67 could not be located in the dynamic link l...
[1 reply] : Hi, Came across this when I had the same problem: http://www.moy... (by daveD)
[Visual C++] IntelliSense Error Reporting
Hi there! I've installed MS Visual C++ 2010 Express and I have a question regarding IntelliSense. If my source code contains some errors, then besides a '...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=Athar]One is reported by the compiler and the other by IntelliS... (by Quentin)
by Null
#pragma data_seg gcc equivalent?
Hi, is there something similar to #pragma data_seg() for GCC-mingw? I want to share few variables between all instances of dll. On microsoft compiler this can...
[no replies]
Error C3379:a nested class cannot have an assembly access
Hello All, I am tired to found mention below code solution, please help me to solve it, I am new in VC++.Net. I got error when I put the code in my cpp Cl...
[no replies]
Find ip address
hi, I'm trying to write a c++ program in Dev C++, I want it to find the ip Address of a Windows pc, and output it in normal text, I've searched the internet, bu...
[11 replies] Last: There are examples on the libcurl website. Look at the ones I named an... (by Athar)
LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _DllMainCRTStartup
Hey Leute Ich habe eine Problem mit dem Linken von selbst erstellten SHARED_LIBS per Cmake Ich erstelle aus einem Visual Studio Projekt mittels CMAKE eine...
[no replies]
How to use a regular C DLL in a C# program using Visual C++
Hi, I designed a regular DLL using C on Visual Studio 2005. However I need to use it at a C# program. How do I do that? I tried to add the DLL as a reference...
[1 reply] : I actually made it work by using calls like: [DllImport("mydll.dll... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
I've recently moved to C++ after doing some development in Objective - C, and I was wondering how and interface for a program is created, or if they aren't cre...
[2 replies] Last: C++ has a slightly different view of Objects because of its static bin... (by kbw)
July 2010 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [jun2010] [aug2010]

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