Windows Programming - July 2010

by AKE
I need in class like CBitmap..
Where I can get this. Because when i include lib #include "afxwin.h" next error is appeared: fatal error C1189: #error : WINDOWS.H already included. MFC app...
[4 replies] Last: I've never used MFC classes without an MFC app. However, I can't thin... (by kbw)
DirectX Basic Blank screen jams... why?
Hi all, Just gotten a basic blank DirectX screen up... but some reason isn't processing the WM_QUIT message properly and just jams. Checking out the consol...
[1 reply] : Sorted! Turns out it's not a good idea having the DefWindowProc com... (by Tset Tsyung)
I'm new to Win32, and I have a simple little goto problem...
#include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <windowsx.h> bool clicked = false; // the WindowProc function prototype LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(...
[2 replies] Last: You can't goto a different function. Well, if you really want to, it c... (by helios)
by daveD
Convert C++ to C# .NET
Hi, I have been asked how easy it will be to convert the C++ mobile app that I work on (which uses MFC) to C# .NET - I have zero experience with this. If ...
[no replies]
'Bitmap' was not declared in this scope
Hello, anyone know what is the header for Bitmap? When i try compile Bitmap myBitmap; i get the error: 'Bitmap' was not declared in this scope. Im ...
[1 reply] : don't multi-post: htt... (by Bazzy)
Converting ASCII To Hex
Hey guys im new here and I had some issue in coding a ASCII to Hex in a .dll!
[1 reply] : And what might those issues be? (by Return 0)
by Squall
How do I use the default style for a window?
Hello I'm trying to create a window in C++ with Mingw compiler, but the window components look like the ones of Windows 95. I want that the program use the def...
[no replies]
Create a Window that is initially maximized.
Does any one know how to make a windows program start up with a full screen instead of small screen. In looking in Microsoft SDK under CreateWindow I see th...
[2 replies] Last: Hi guestgulkan, The solution worked very well. I was looking in th... (by Bill Agnor)
by AKE
Why this program (openGL) don't show anything in window?
#include "stdafx.h" #include "windows.h" #include "windowsx.h" #include "gl\gl.h" #include "gl\glaux.h" #pragma comment (lib, "opengl32.lib") #pragma c...
[1 reply] : I had found correct variant. Thanks... (by AKE)
by hohums
EPOCH time to Windows time
I have a Linux box that is sending me time in milliseconds in epoch time. I need to convert this to a human-readable string in the current time zero of the win...
[1 reply] : Yep... use the same time functions as usual (from <ctime> or time.h fo... (by Incubbus)
obtain hwnd from dll
Is it possible to obtain the HWND value for the parent window created when using a DLL? I'm currently developing a simple game engine that is extended by python...
[2 replies] Last: I'm trying to avoid windows messages, I'd avoid the winAPI all togethe... (by Seraphimsan)
MFC - read from a file through browse dialog
I know how to read/write files and how to create browse dialog, but I can't figure out how to connect these two. I want browse dialog to assign path (of a file...
[3 replies] Last: You have probably allocated an array from the heap, and it was not de ... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
by Gugge
Linker Warning] Warning Public symbol '_X' defined in both module
Hi! I'm using borland c++ builder 2006 and gets about 600 linker warnings :( I having a program with like 7 forms used for different types calculations. On...
[no replies]
by daveD
Testing serial port communication
Hi, I am trying to set up a bluetooth printer for a mobile device. I have set the printer up to have an outgoing COM port but I am having no luck. I would...
[1 reply] : You could write this test byte back. Say you have a function to send a... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
Trouble with linking
Hey all, I'm trying to write some C++ code for windows 7 which will connect to a mobile broadband network. When I run the first example at http://msdn.microsof...
[7 replies] Last: Solved it! What you need to do is include mbnapi_uuid.lib, thanks ag... (by cloudinsky)
Printing Text
I have started learning Win32 Programming in C/C++. I have tried a few google searches and don't really know what to search. A friend of mine showed me how to u...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for being such a noob but can you guys explain further :P Like: ... (by TheEliteOne)
how do i compile this script into a .dll file script is too big to post on forum =[ so link to paste bin is above. the script is on that page. if someone can do it for me....
[1 reply] : Please don't post your question on multiple forums. (by Zhuge)
WinINet problem
Hello everybody , i'm a beginner programmer and this is the first time that i open a topic. I have to do a program that send data to a php page. I write t...
[no replies]
Problem Converting Char Array to String When Using Microsoft Speech SDK
I am learning to use the Microsoft Speach SDK 5.1 (SAPI). I want to use the dictate feature of SAPI to capture text, then save that text to a string. I can save...
[2 replies] Last: That fixed it! Thanks for your help guestgulkan. (by mnutsch)
Unicode Menu and Title bar
Hi everyone, I try to display unicode text in the title bar of a window, but as a result only the starting letter is shown, while the rest is clipped. At th...
[11 replies] Last: Hmm so i tried to create the menu at run time now. resource.rc: S... (by Pommespapst)
July 2010 Pages: 123... 5
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