Windows Programming - July 2009

by rain
Still cant print text file in console window
If I run this code it simply crashes. /* fread example: read a complete file */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main () { FILE * pFile; ...
[4 replies] Last: Very good Lamblion - tonight I can't see the wood for the trees again!... (by Gerald)
importing a dll
Hi. I'm new to c++, and am trying to convert the following vb code to c++: dim testCOM set testCOM = createobject("NewCOM.testClass") msgbox
[1 reply] : You need to read COM before even trying this. int main() { ... (by webJose)
Prevent a CButton from double clicking
Hi all, I have a CButton that I have sub-classed (in order to change the colour of it). Now the users of this button may press it quite rapidly (it changes a...
[no replies]
MFC OnFileNew problem
I recently started a Word style application in MFC that utilises an MDI template. The way that the documents for it are saved though require extra information t...
[1 reply] : Never mind I figured out what I was doing wrong. I should have been mo... (by Dudester)
Writing BMP
Dear Sir can anyone tell me how to write a data file ( array) to Bmp image in c++? i have a matrix unsigned car[2048 * 2048 * 4], i want to write it to a...
[2 replies] Last: Dear Kiana i tried this way, and all i get is a black image ( when... (by rasred2004)
Iterate over a large number of controls in MFC
Hi all, I have a form with about 50 buttons on it. They have all been sub classed into a CJingleButton class. Now when a user clicks on a certain button (not...
[4 replies] Last: Yep that did it! Thanks kbw! (by matty3269)
WinSock Tutorial
Sup I want to make an online text based game. Now I think WinSock is the way to go but I have not been able to find any good, clear, good tutorials on it. You k...
[3 replies] Last: I wonder why you can't use help in the title because mine was origina... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
compiler that can read include <string> <iostream>. my compiler need to add .h in order to read the sytax. plz help
[2 replies] Last: Standard include files that use .h are pre-C++ standardisation. Newer... (by kbw)
pdb's for Windbg from cl.exe
I'm trying to step through the source code in Windbg and I understand that I need to create some PDB files. I've read that I should include the "/Fd" switch....
[1 reply] : You also need /Zi (enable debugging information) and link with /DEBUG (by kbw)
VS console vs. GUI discrepensies
I have a console program that I am running that causes a crash ran from the console version, but in the VSC++ IDE (using Debug), it raises no errors. What ar...
[1 reply] : The debug heap is different from the release heap, it has header/trail... (by kbw)
by Gerald
Executing external program - MDI?
Hi, After going through many tutorials suggested by the guys here etc I've finally got to a point where I feel comfortable with win32API albeit in C and not C+...
[2 replies] Last: Thank very much Lamblion. I thought I was barking up the wrong tree! ... (by Gerald)
Visual C++ and networking
havent posed much on here if anything but me and my team are working on a program and unluckily none of them know ANY c++ coding. But for the program it has to ...
[1 reply] : Pass through the Beejs c++ internet sockets programming tutorials mayb... (by charlie)
I'm trying to use WM_MOUSEWHEEL for something very simple -- I simply want to check if the wheel has moved up or down; not how far. I've looked on MSDN, and goo...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks =] (by chrisname)
by Snaper
Hey, i wanna use a Tabcontrol in my project(pure WIN API) but I've got a lil problem. I created the "tabs" as Dialogs and declare them as a Childwindow, t...
[1 reply] : See all MSDN C samples (doc, KB, SDK (UI, Shell ) (by george135)
No Window
How can I make a program with out a window not even a console window just something that runs in the background? If you could help that would be great thanks in...
[7 replies] Last: > You can't. ??? If you don't create any window , you won't hav... (by george135)
by izyani
MySQL and C++ : MySQL error code : 2005, SQLState: HY000
Hi, I'm currently doing the program in C++ - Visual Studio 2005 and use MySQL as a database. I managed to compile my code successfully. But when I want to...
[no replies]
by Prissy
How to change an ASCII code to a picture in MFC?
If I get an ASCII code like 65, and I want to get a pointer that points to a bmp which can be showed as A, what should I do? GetDIBits() and SetDIBits() may ...
[no replies]
by Gerald
linking to ComCtl32.lib in Visual C++ Express
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows how to link the comctl32 lib to a project in Visual C++ Express. I am getting linker errors but realise why - no cmctl...
[1 reply] : Hi again, Please don't reply to the post as I have solved it myself. ... (by Gerald)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express/FLTK
Hi. I recentley installed microsoft visual c++ 2008 express edition. i have this programming book by bjarne stroustrup and he says to install fltk. step 4 in in...
[3 replies] Last: hey, can you share that file with us (me :D)? (by chipp)
Program won´t exit after destroying the window
hey... as i post the WM_QUIT message my program does not exit... as it seems it does not quit the Message queue O_o... #ifdef UNICODE #undef UNICODE #endi...
[12 replies] Last: I've never had that issue before; I just do it like this: case WM_... (by chrisname)
July 2009 Pages: 1234
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