Windows Programming - July 2008

by xabnu
This is not a C/C++ question, but I would appreciate the answer because it has to do with the way I compile my code. I recently reinstalled Windows XP SP3, a...
[4 replies] Last: Oh sweet! Thanks (by xabnu)
cin.get not working in vista
If you put a cin.get (buffer,25) inside a while loop it will not work. (just keeps looping without allowing the input) Running vista with a dual core, AMD pr...
[1 reply] : Without seeing specific code, I'll have to make the assumption that yo... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Get a legal version of Visual Studio Professional for free.
Hey guys. Recently, I did a google search on how to get a free XNA membership ($99 dollars to make XBOX games seems like a lot) and came across this website ...
[1 reply] : You got to read the MSDN-Newsletters and some Microsoft News;)... they... (by Incubbus)
enum classes in
Hello, I am trying to define and work with an “enum” class as I used to do in c++ but there is a problem when I use it in a CLR console application. My cod...
[1 reply] : You need to do somthing along the lines of: using namespace System; ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Including the vector header file
I'm very new to Visual C++ Express and I'm working on a windows application that uses a vector. However, when I include the vector header: #include <vector>...
[1 reply] : Make sure your library is including everything it needs to (I don't re... (by firedraco)
Good DirectX/Windows Tutorial
I really can't find any good ones, and I'm trying to make a game, and I really need the help. - First lesson won't compile
[18 replies] Last: Mitsakos: A) I meant msdn. I'm using the tutorial that in the SDK. B) ... (by VenomousNinja)
Changing colors in a window
I've got a basic window and timer set up and am using Direct3D to make the window change colors. The timer is set to render a new frame every 25 milliseconds. F...
[no replies]
by JSL
Application not work in Visita
We have a software compiled by Microsoft Visual C++2005, it works in XP but when we try to run this from a Visita OS it fails and got mdmp file said "one dll ha...
[6 replies] Last: I agree. (by helios)
by helios
Templates and VC++
VC++ does not support templates to be declared and defined in two different files. Does anyone have any workaround? All I've managed to find was defining a ma...
[no replies]
menu change runtime
Helo everybody! I'm writing to ask you some advices.... I'm programming in Visual C++ (ver. 6.0), with MFC; in my application, I'm modifying the menu of the m...
[no replies]
by JSL
How to suppress Runtime Error Dialog Box
Dear Sir: I like to suppress Runtime Error! Dialog box with title called Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library and message said "This application has requeste...
[4 replies] Last: Good point Zaita: I'll try to follow way you point out. Thank y... (by JSL)
Good Visual Studio C++ Tutorial
I'm trying to figure out Visual Studio C++. I know pretty much how to navigate through the interface of it, what I want to learn about is ways use it. Namely Wi...
[2 replies] Last: IF you're willing to pay money, and are fairly new to C++, I'd recomme... (by tombert)
by guiep
igraph library using dev cpp
Hi I'm using Dev cpp and i can't install this library ( igraph ) i try to install that but i can't compile to generete the...
[2 replies] Last: Is there a devpak for it already on ? (by Zaita)
by samnet
How to use c++ to connect sql?
I'm using dev c++ and ms sql 2005 express. Thank you for your help.
[13 replies] Last: I typically use an ODBC wrapper supplied by wxWidgets. But it's still ... (by Zaita)
another dumb error
These are the errors I get when I try to run my program using Dev C++ 19 C:\Users\Erik\Documents\lab 8.cpp no match for 'operator==' in 'inData == '['' 21 ...
[3 replies] Last: Heh, can't forget that get function! ;) (by PWWWWR)
Problem with T2A and _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(LPTSTR)
Hi, all I have a problem with T2A(LPTSTR lpStr); before convert lpStr is "ščťžýáíéôäň" (slovak characters) lpStr is "šctžýáíéôän" af...
[no replies]
How to include a .lib file in your project? (vcpp?)
Hi I was wondering if anybody knew how to include a .lib file in a visual c++ project? Thank you, Andrew J. Leer
[2 replies] Last: If VC 2003 Project->Settings->Linker->Input->additional ... (by LeviZhou)
by medo35
I need help with visual c++. cacls(Access Control List ) i try to use function : "system("cacls ..../e /d Everyone") to lock any file in my computer bu...
[no replies]
by xabnu
Retrieving Parameters about Console
I am wondering how to retrieve information about the command prompt window, such as height and width, or font size, and if there are ways to change these.
[10 replies] Last: I tend to use my own docs. But they are a little old, so I'll google "... (by Duthomhas)
Changing a Unix project
Hello, I am trying to compile a project (without changes at first) that originated in Unix. It uses the header unistd.h and that pulls in a bunch of othe...
[6 replies] Last: Okay thanks, I'll be internet-less for a couple days, then a week. but... (by enduser000)
July 2008 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [jun2008] [aug2008]

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