Windows Programming - January 2012 (Page 4)

Server/Client help?
Can anyone help me with a Winsock server/client? I’ve done all research I could, but no luck. Really just about any thing would help, but it would have to b...
[8 replies] Last: @Stewbond Yes, yes, seems like it is going to work... @Bibek Subed... (by KyleMiles)
Memory Allocation
Please help me with these. As far as I can understand. [quote=Memory] (illustrate memories with blocks separated by "|" ) I wrote : char c;//var Memory : | ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by hentaiw)
What's wrong with multiple messages ?
This is somehow funny for me, : #include <Windows.h> #include <CommCtrl.h> #include "resource.h" LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,L...
[11 replies] Last: Another useful idea in terms of logging debug output is that it can be... (by freddie1)
by Zapeth
Is a TextBox for Console logging a good idea?
Hi I am currently trying to figure out the best way to log what my program is doing. However I dont want to use the plain console window since its not pleasant ...
[8 replies] Last: I'm not sure Zapeth. I've never used a listbox for that purpose. If ... (by freddie1)
Port Access
I'm working on a senior project for my college which uses a computer to process video data and control a robot based on the image processing calculations. The ...
[no replies]
help with system(); So this program works perfectly well,but I red like million times that we shouldn't use system(); and I use it twice cause I dont...
[3 replies] Last: This is an alternative to "cls" command directly from Microsoft: htt... (by modoran)
by pjuske
Profiling C++/Qt project in vs 2010 points to winEventFilter()
I am trying to enhance the performance of my project which, in brief, captures image and does image processing tasks subsequently. I am using the QT-library an...
[no replies]
by hoxa
Create a 2D world with a bitmap
Dear, I'm new to game programming and I've got a project for school to create a game like worms. (you know the games). With a little research I...
[no replies]
window multithreading
i am trying to encrypt text using multi thread, when i encrypt large text which is 4 MB file using one thread, the time taken to encrypt is 10 seconds. but when...
[1 reply] : There are a number of issues here: 1. Please use code tags. Read ht... (by webJose)
While loop
Can someone help me with this.You said that for repeating program I use do-while,and when I say at the end of the program cout << " Do you want to continue y...
[14 replies] Last: Thank you people,my program finnaly works as I wanted :) (by nhrnjic)
reinterpret_cast is safe when using DialogBox ?
I've stepped into Dialog Boxes,and the fourth argument lpDialogFunc [in, optional] Type: DLGPROC. I've casted the fourth like this : DialogBox(hInstanc...
[2 replies] Last: Agreed: Rule of thumb: If you have to cast, you're probably doing it... (by webJose)
How to start windows programming?
Hi. Could someone tell me where can i learn windows c++ programming from? And what tools would i need to manage graphics and stuff like that?? Thanks!
[3 replies] Last: You could refer to The tutorial is very popular and ... (by webJose)
Close window - Keep instance
I have two windows that are created independently, each one with its class, messages handler and everything. The only thing they share is the instance. The ...
[2 replies] Last: O.K. Now I get it. For a moment I have forgotten the way things work i... (by alexbnc)
Weird behavior when pressing a button
I have WM_COMMAND with about 10 cases (10 buttons). Some of them create controls on the window or modify their content. They work fine. Other buttons are suppos...
[2 replies] Last: If you debug this properly u will seee where it goes wrong. I had this... (by mcupryk)
by Riam
Ballistic curve
My program should draw rectangles shaping a ballistic curve without air resistance but the window staies black without any rectangle at any place. case W...
[1 reply] : Are you erasing the background? What color are you using for backgrou... (by webJose)
Making a timer that doesn't freezes the app
Me again I know that Sleep() is a basic windows.h function that just freezes the application for a specified time. During this time you just have to wait, you ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks man, now I get it. Thanks! (by alexbnc)
by Tordin
Dll and exe memory
Hey! I have an Dll which get´s an instance of a static member. (a singelton) And this singelton was initialized in the main exe. But when i try to acces ...
[6 replies] Last: your dll and exe use different memory, so your singleton should be pla... (by Ivan Sidarau)
Can't create toolbars
#include <Windows.h> #include "resource.h" #include <CommCtrl.h> LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); INT WINAPI WinMai...
[3 replies] Last: || = Boolean OR operator | = Bitwise OR operator Google can fill in t... (by webJose)
Writing multiple files to a single binary file
I want to write multiple files like images and text to a single binary file that can then be read by another program. Can someone point me to some good tutorial...
[1 reply] : Zip compression algorithm is open source, use that. (by modoran)
stair case challenge
i have created stairs using my code however i need a character to move up the stairs using keypress here is my code so far: CursorController crs; int Num...
[no replies]
January 2012 Pages: 123456... 9
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