Windows Programming - January 2011 (Page 7)

by Bv202
Memory leak question
Hi, I have this code (yes, I know black actually is #000000): HBRUSH black = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(00,00,01)); HBRUSH oldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(t...
[4 replies] Last: That makes sense, thank you very much :) (by Bv202)
sort a vector
arrCompany ( ("wowo","Office:213214219","Mobile:2132123213","3","2","Other:21321"), ("bill","Office:66565","Mobile:243333","3","2","Other:5555"), ("testg",...
[1 reply] : Plz wrap your code around code tags like this: insert code Sec... (by xander333)
Highlighted text
I need to get highlighted text out of a window. How do I get it to pass. edit- its my own window, just need to get it at an event trigger.
[5 replies] Last: char* pszText = new char ; Why are you dynamically allocating it ... (by Toothkiller)
installation dir program
I need to find the installation directory of an application to modify the file. ini and try to automate an update procedure. When in the register the informatio...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, the info on application is just in HKLM (by candinico)
Problem: ISAPI Extension Add custom header
Hello, I am developing an ISAPI extension WildCard and a filter, now i want to pass information from the extension to the filter for each request, and the on...
[no replies]
by meesa
[C++] Window/Dialog: Which do I use and how? (1,2)
I'm trying to learn the Win32 API, and since internet tutorials can only get you so far, I thought I'd take one of my console programs and convert it. (Yes, I'v...
[28 replies] Last: Let's just say it gets repetative after 26 times. And that list will g... (by meesa)
Repeat Sprite across window?
For a game over screen I would like to repeat one sprite over the background. Does anyone know of a way to do this other than loading the sprite numerous times ...
[no replies]
Using JavaScript or PHP in C++ Programs?
Is there any way to use JavaScript or PHP or any way to connect to the web in my C++ programs?
[4 replies] Last: You might want to take a look at Google's open-source JS engine, V8 .... (by Kiana)
Do I have to use global variables?!? (1,2)
My Squibbles game is about 90% complete, code wise that is, then I have some debugging to do. Anyway, here is the issue I had last night. To move a snake up, do...
[33 replies] Last: I think the name of the program was "Typer". If you can't find it hol... (by freddie1)
i am learning OpenGL these days.... i wonder how can i create things with directX.. i wish to do direct3d programming.. i have heard about XNA game engine.. but...
[4 replies] Last: no no man.. hehe.. its UDK.. the unreal engine... hehe.. it will take... (by chathura666)
by mohd22
error C2664 what should i do?
In the main function, initialize two arrays of the type int named Evens and Odds, each of the size 20. Intialize the array Evens with the first 20 even numbers,...
[no replies]
Supposed to show a Quad but only got a Traiangle
The quad still refusing to be drawn yet, I've tried all the suggestion but yet I got a figure looks like below(sure the lines connected) ==| > | ==| I tr...
[2 replies] Last: Well, thanks it worked with changing the verticals order 2 (by hannody)
How to not use exponents?
Hi I'm trying to make a program that find prime numbers, but when I get over 1000000 it start use exponents. How can I do that it only use plain numbers? ...
[2 replies] Last: There is no need to specify the namespace in your std::string s; you a... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
by meesa
Dialog control icon
How do you make a dialog control icon? This is what I have: #define IDI_ICON 1001 /**/ IDI_ICON ICON "icon.ico" /**/ ICON "IDI_ICON", 1001, 48, 48,...
[4 replies] Last: Yep, that was it, the correct version is ICON IDI_ICON, 1001, 10, 10,... (by meesa)
label caption
I am learning now visual c++ and I try to display two variables in the same label but it seems that I don't know how to do it. Here is the code thet works and s...
[1 reply] : Hi, I asssume you are using .net, Im unable to test but i think wha... (by shredded)
January 2011 Pages: 1... 567
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