Windows Programming - January 2011 (Page 6)

Can't type in edit control
My post is too big so you can find it here :P At the end is where I talk about my problem. PLEASE help =]
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, it worked great! (by some random dude)
ShowWindow (...., SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) not working
I have this: ShowWindow (hWndC , SW_SHOWNORMAL); ShowWindow (hWndC , SW_SHOWMINIMIZED); The first window is shown good and normal. But the second...
[4 replies] Last: I already got it working the way I wanted, thanks though. (by some random dude)
by silas
Macro Function Stucture
I just learned c++ with the turorial on this website, but I know programming java. I have a question concerning this code lines: DECLARE_STDCALL_P(struct ho...
[1 reply] : When a function is called in C, the arguments are pushed onto the stac... (by kbw)
Text doesn't update during WM_Paint message
Hello. Long time reader, first time poster. (Be gentle) I am writing a screensaver and within my ScreenSaverProc I have this: case WM_PAINT: PAINTSTRUC...
[2 replies] Last: InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE); That will repaint the window. ... (by some random dude)
Std::string question regarding concatenations and speed
Don’t know if anyone would be willing to take a look at this and help but I’m trying to implement the following algorithm in C++ and get it to execute as fa...
[no replies]
by meesa
[C++] Win32 API - Tabbing between windows
I have this code: /*...*/ hEdit=CreateWindowEx(0,_T("Edit"),_T(""),WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER,75, yv,43,20, hScrollContent,(HMENU)IDE_AW,hIns,0); h...
[9 replies] Last: You'll have to work on it. Works with me. You've been most helpfu... (by meesa)
by meesa
[C++] WM_MOUSEWHEEL message not working?
To make things simple, I have this: __________ | | |________| | T X X | | T X X | | T X X | | T X X | | T X X | |________| And t...
[8 replies] Last: Yes, I simple told the window with the focus that whenever it gets a s... (by meesa)
by holtaf
Write in MessageBox
How can i write in Messagebox double or int numbers ? I want to do like this... //... string s1="You have "; string s2=" messages."; string s; for(int i= ...
[9 replies] Last: Either use MessageBoxA, std::string and std::stringstream or use Messa... (by myusername)
url launch from inside Windows Form
I'm creating a program, but I need to make a button that will take me to a site. I need it to be youtube in this case. How do I do that simply? =======...
[4 replies] Last: The language is C++/CLR . Use System::Diagnostics::Process::Start t... (by myusername)
Windows api Visual studio 2010
VS 2010 has a very nice prewritten windows api script (mind you that i hardly understand) but the documentation for vs 2010 is very very confusing. Can anyone p...
[3 replies] Last: thank you both, shall do (by closed account 4Gb4jE8b)
by ILIK20
I've got problem with this ... =)
Cellular Automata – Sharks and Fishes A concept that is particularly suitable for synchronous iteration is called cellular automata. In this approach, the pr...
[no replies]
get mouse position on picture
i use borland c++ and have Image1; i need to get mouse position on Image1->Picture
[4 replies] Last: thanks (by altapocalypse)
by woohoo
Transparent Button?
Hi, im trying to make my button edges blend into the background. Right now when i use CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_TRANSPARENT,"BUTTON", "Msg", WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD...
[5 replies] Last: Then I don't know what happened when you've removed it :D It didn't w... (by fanprogrammer)
by rain
how to printf binary file?
Following code prints me 4 chars, but how to printf whole file? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> char* readFileBytes(const char *name) { FILE ...
[2 replies] Last: readFileBytes needs to return the buffer length (as in modoran's versi... (by kbw)
Moving Bitmaps
I am trying to move the player.bmp but i just cant figure it out i have tried over and over again but i just dont know how to update the players position. ...
[1 reply] : Part 2 // // FUNCTION: WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) ... (by levijgraham)
add network printer
Hi folks Fairly new to Visual C++ 2010 on a Win32 PC. One problem I'm stuck with is an example of how to add a network printer via a login script. Also, how to...
[no replies]
Rectangle disappearing
Ok, so i have been experimenting with shapes in winapi for example Rectangle(); i am having a problem with displaying it on RuneScape, it draws then disappears ...
[4 replies] Last: I am drawing to another window, you would know if you read my first p... (by Disch)
right click menu
Hi, I have a problem as I do not know how to create a right click menu... I want to have a menu displayed when I right click on a tree view item.. I am using...
[2 replies] Last: These tutorials really helped me understand basic WINAPI stuff. Scrol... (by emesaeler)
How to add a missile in game?
Hi people; Honestly I have been working on this program for months and have gotten next to no where. So far I have an intro screen, game screen and game over...
[11 replies] Last: Hi again; have been experimenting with the code and now manage to fire... (by GABsturr)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
Hi, I don't know if this is the right place. But I use Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition to code, but I was wondering how you can run your programs wi...
[6 replies] Last: I am not sure actually, I am testing this through another person so it... (by Twilice)
January 2011 Pages: 1... 4567
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