SendMessage () Not working |
[3 replies] Last: post the code if you can - otherwise it's just all guesswork (by guestgulkan)
[C++ Win32 API] gcvt() Error/Question |
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, it works now. I feel stupid after using itoa and not atoi, but... (by some random dude)
Error with multiple data types in Global Variables |
[3 replies] Last: You know what, I rebuilt it with #include <windows.h> outside of the "... (by benzensulfonic)
by madc0w
Network security programming project ideas?
[no replies]
by marcon
file in use conflict
[1 reply] : I have no idea why that doesn't work but according to [http://www.cplu... (by Kiana)
hooking functions.. |
[1 reply] : Use Microsoft Detours . (by Kiana)
by holtaf
inet_ntop() function
[1 reply] : inet_ntoa The inet_ntoa function converts an (Ipv4) Internet net... (by guestgulkan)
by Johnnyboy
playing sound and linking?
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome. The code is pretty self contained so there shouldn't b... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by holtaf
Web browser
[2 replies] Last: Never mind actually connecting to a server just yet, theres librarie... (by Jaso333)
by teguh123
Converting std::String to System::String
[1 reply] : From MSVC2008 Help: // convert_standard_string_to_system_string.... (by guestgulkan)
by teguh123
How to Access a txtBox Object from a Program
[2 replies] Last: Hmm.... locationBasedAds::Form1::txtDisplay->Text seems to work. I ... (by teguh123)
by teguh123
How to convert a double into a std::string variable
[1 reply] : (by Null)
by Masood786
Reading Other Application Data
[no replies]
by western
Can you load system sounds using the Windows API...
[1 reply] : Or are system sounds located in mmsystem.h? Some are in the DLL and s... (by blackcoder41)
by awr7126
I Need A High Resolution Sleep Function.
[12 replies] Last: Sorry, by "crash", I mean the snake ran into the wall and lost. The pr... (by awr7126)
by warkec
Windows Forms openfiledialog problem
[no replies]
[Win32 API] GetWindowText () Function |
[5 replies] Last: If you don't want to use TCHAR then you can just use the A/W versions ... (by Kiana)
by xantoniox
Looking for a way to automate application updates
[1 reply] : (by Kiana)
by nio82
MFC CView* delete question
[3 replies] Last: [quote=nio82]When I exit method must I delete *v pointer? Or set to nu... (by coder777)
by Shatronics
Problem w. Rectangle in DrawImage
[12 replies] Last: Hmm... everything works besides this part. I'm considering changing to... (by Shatronics)