Windows Programming - January 2011 (Page 5)

SendMessage () Not working
SendMessage (hWnd, WM_CREATE, wParam, lParam); Is not working. In my WM_CREATE case statement I have an if statement that checks for a bool. In another par...
[3 replies] Last: post the code if you can - otherwise it's just all guesswork (by guestgulkan)
[C++ Win32 API] gcvt() Error/Question
My question is at the bottom. main.cpp: //-LeetGamer- (aka xGhostGamerx)'s BlackOps KDR Calculator //To find your true KDR you can just divide your kills ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, it works now. I feel stupid after using itoa and not atoi, but... (by some random dude)
Error with multiple data types in Global Variables
Hello all, I am having a peculiar problem with global variable declarations in a Win32 application. It appears, after a little experimentation, that the first ...
[3 replies] Last: You know what, I rebuilt it with #include <windows.h> outside of the "... (by benzensulfonic)
by madc0w
Network security programming project ideas?
Hello. I have been asked to create a C++ program for a showcase at my school, and would like to try something related to networks or network security. If anyone...
[no replies]
by marcon
file in use conflict
Hi all, I've got a problem with deleting/overwriting a file using my program because the file is in use by my program because I use the same file to read dat...
[1 reply] : I have no idea why that doesn't work but according to [http://www.cplu... (by Kiana)
hooking functions..
Is there any methods to hook the function,which was called inside a .exe file from some other dll files...if we know the prototype of that function....???
[1 reply] : Use Microsoft Detours . (by Kiana)
by holtaf
inet_ntop() function
I want to print the ip addres to the screen and i want to use the inet_ntop() function but when i run the program i've got this error : "The procedure entry i...
[1 reply] : inet_ntoa The inet_ntoa function converts an (Ipv4) Internet net... (by guestgulkan)
playing sound and linking?
Hello, I am using wxDev-C++, and I'm trying to make my program play the windows chimes.wav file after the program hits a certain point, but I have been research...
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome. The code is pretty self contained so there shouldn't b... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by holtaf
Web browser
I want to write simple web browser but i don't know how to do that . I think i must send to server some code and they send me back a html code .Am i right? If ...
[2 replies] Last: Never mind actually connecting to a server just yet, theres librarie... (by Jaso333)
Converting std::String to System::String
Any easy way?
[1 reply] : From MSVC2008 Help: // convert_standard_string_to_system_string.... (by guestgulkan)
How to Access a txtBox Object from a Program
This is the front part of my form namespace locationBasedAds { using namespace System; using namespace System::ComponentModel; using namespace Syste...
[2 replies] Last: Hmm.... locationBasedAds::Form1::txtDisplay->Text seems to work. I ... (by teguh123)
How to convert a double into a std::string variable
Anyone knows?
[1 reply] : (by Null)
Reading Other Application Data
Hi All, I have been assigned a task to read other application data installed in our client's computer running windows 2000 and then send it to serial port. The...
[no replies]
Can you load system sounds using the Windows API...
Or are system sounds located in mmsystem.h? And how does that header file vary between different versions of Windows OS? Thanks in advance.
[1 reply] : Or are system sounds located in mmsystem.h? Some are in the DLL and s... (by blackcoder41)
I Need A High Resolution Sleep Function.
I am using Sleep() from windows.h and I am calling timeBeginPeriod(1) before I use Sleep() to make it more accurate. However, using timeBeginPeriod(1) just ...
[12 replies] Last: Sorry, by "crash", I mean the snake ran into the wall and lost. The pr... (by awr7126)
by warkec
Windows Forms openfiledialog problem
Ok guys. I am doing a multiform windows application. I have a static library where i have functions for working with linked list. There is a function that saves...
[no replies]
[Win32 API] GetWindowText () Function
Is there any way to use something besides TCHAR in this code: TCHAR tcInput ; GetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, TEXT_INPUT), tcInput, 256); MessageBox (...
[5 replies] Last: If you don't want to use TCHAR then you can just use the A/W versions ... (by Kiana)
Looking for a way to automate application updates
I have created a program in C++ but I want that the program download and install an update every month automatically and invisibly to the user. How can I ...
[1 reply] : (by Kiana)
by nio82
MFC CView* delete question
Hello, I would to ask about a pointer deletion problem. I'm developing a SDI multiview application with MFC and I'm using to access at a view class from a...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=nio82]When I exit method must I delete *v pointer? Or set to nu... (by coder777)
Problem w. Rectangle in DrawImage
Hello forum, I'm trying to work with some alpha blending of images with GDI+, but I get errors. g.DrawImage(&music, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, x_pos+56, y...
[12 replies] Last: Hmm... everything works besides this part. I'm considering changing to... (by Shatronics)
January 2011 Pages: 1... 34567
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