Windows Programming - January 2011 (Page 4)

by Axyle
Countdown timer that plays music at the end.
As the title suggests I'm trying to make a countdown timer that will play a music file at the end. I'm new to C/C++ and truly have no idea what to do, I've look...
[3 replies] Last: This is the code I use to output minutes and seconds within a timer lo... (by TonyMUK)
InvalidateRect Function Error/Question
Every time I call this function like this: InvalidateRect (hWnd, NULL, TRUE); It always deletes the existing text. .Exe file download, use the featur...
[3 replies] Last: The windowprocedures.h file now look like this: //windowsprocedure... (by guestgulkan)
BITMAP structures
hi, i recently found out that a .bmp file contains of the following data structures: BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfh; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih; RGBQUAD ...
[2 replies] Last: A bitmap has a palette that defines the avaiable colours, aColors. ... (by kbw)
Hi guys! I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit . Just in one day the action center says that the windows security center service was off. I'm trying to google it ...
[1 reply] : Nice i solved my own problem.. im just using Combofix downloaded... (by mixmagz)
by chonJi
icons load file error
Hi, can anbody help with this one? This is not a coding error, it is some kind of system issue, My app has its own file type, when one is double clicked the pr...
[2 replies] Last: cool... glad you were able to track it down (by cran)
GUI designing and positioning
hi all, I'm developing a test engine( a system that helps students to take assignments online). I'm developing this with the direct win32 API. Bellow is ...
[6 replies] Last: call the Win32 function GetCursorPos to get the mouse cords and know w... (by happyblade)
Using Registry
Hi all, I'm writing a program to do stuff with registry and one question comes to me. For example, the program which opens .txt files is written in HKEY_CLASS...
[4 replies] Last: that's still not it. but whatever. I (win xp) sent a little program to... (by hamsterman)
Can't create a Command Link Button
Hi, I trying to create a command link button (with the CreateWindow function), but I can't seem to use the definition BS_COMMANDLINK and BS_DEFCOMMANDLINK in...
[no replies]
Hello everyone, I am using the code in the following website ( that is a ready Socket and Client class for...
[2 replies] Last: Thankssssss!!!!!!! (by Ana Developer)
open file dialog
i cannot seem to find a good example on the internet for how to open a file dialog and save it to a string this is what i made: char *openfilename(char *filter,...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, I see your code diplays the prompt on line "17" and tests if for t... (by Computergeek01)
delete exe after done/self destruct
hey guys im looking into a way for making my app delete it self after it has been run. it would be better if it was able to delete it self after it starts but ...
[6 replies] Last: take a look at: (by Greatwolf)
Embed font
I created an application which uses a font not present on the gross of computers. So I would need to either make them install it themselves, embed it in the app...
[no replies]
Dynamic allocated two-dimensional array?
Hi forum, I've have a problem that I don't really know how to handle. I'm having a lot of playlists. Each playlist has a user defined name. These names are ...
[1 reply] : Don't. Instead, make a wrapper class that wraps a one dimensional arra... (by firedraco)
by Tracer
C++ Builder Examples Collection
Hi guys! Check this out: ...found interesting examples inside.
[no replies]
include header to Form.h
here we go again. For example, I have simple veiksmai.h class veiksmai { public: int labas(int a) { return a;} }; and I want to include it into Form...
[2 replies] Last: yeah.. I forgot object, but thats not it. I have problem with inheri... (by Migeria)
by Faff
How to make this program? (advanced txt reading)
Hello :) I want to make this program for quite a while now, It's pretty much my main goal in learning C++ so far. Been trying all kinds of stuff for months ...
[2 replies] Last: Let's assume I can only read the full textfile and paste it in a textb... (by Faff)
Mingw , Geany , wxwidget
i have mingw and geany all setup i have wxwidget 2.8.11 install i follow this website instruction:
[1 reply] : Are you in the right directory? For example C:\wxMSW-2.8.11\build\ms... (by blackcoder41)
Printing chars without text cursor
Hi all, I am working on a text input field, and I would need to let the user know, the insert, caps lock or shift buttons are used or not. For start, I would...
[no replies]
by HenryJ
How do you generate a random string?
I've got a bit of code here: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; char rand_char() { sra...
[6 replies] Last: Here. Use code brackets. Look at the changes. // CODE REPAIRED //... (by wolfgang)
c++ Windows forms, file reading (total noob)
Few days ago I started my term paper and I want to do it in windows forms, but so far it's total headache ~_~ for starter, I want to read file on button clic...
[3 replies] Last: You can switch off the use of precompiled headers in Visual Studio if ... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
January 2011 Pages: 1234567
  Archived months: [dec2010] [feb2011]

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