Windows Programming - January 2011 (Page 3)

Windows Service debugging and permission issues, securiry attributes, ACLs, etc.
Hi, When my application starts, the anti-virus AVG says, the application trying to connect to the internet: allow, block. Someone suggested, "Make your program ...
[5 replies] Last: I never done INTERNET EXPLORER COM interface, I need more info. how th... (by surgey46)
Encryption maker problems
I'm not certain where to begin on this one. I want to be able to type things in a textBox1->Text box and have it save as a word document that changes the words,...
[2 replies] Last: bump (by thenewguy)
Qns about the windows API in windows 7
Does the charles petzold book still apply to windows 7? Would those functions API work the same in 64bit as they do in 32 bit?
[7 replies] Last: That's why I still maintain that Win32/64 Sdk / Api style coding is t... (by sohguanh)
by Ryku89
Borland inclined plane simulation problem..
Hey there! I'm struggling with my fresh app, that have to simulate how would ball move on 2 inclined planes (Going down from first, then up on the second, th...
[no replies]
Continue when a certain key is pressed/get pressed key
Hi. I'm kind of new to C++ and I was wondering if it's possible to make a program pause until a certain key is pressed. (I don't mean any key, I mean a certa...
[3 replies] Last: Awesome, thanks! Both programs work! (by coding4fun)
Problem with creating window!
Hi. I am new to windows programming. I wrote a code to show a simple window but there is a problem in it. Please help me. BTW I use native C++. Here's the c...
[8 replies] Last: The most basic way to get a simple window would be to use this code, t... (by FidgityParseLanguage)
textBox1->Text into an int
I dunno if there are a few ways, if so I'd like to know them all. But how do turn a string from a textBox into an int and also a char ? Thanks...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks, but I dunno where to begin on trying to name the files. But in... (by thenewguy)
ProgressBars Style (C++ win32)
Hiya, I have a small question with progress bars. I have no problem setting range, colors, and setting position and all, however I do have a question on its ove...
[6 replies] Last: Damn, what a shame. Well many thanks =) (by Inathero)
Updating textbox
Hi, I am having problems with some code and need help. I have a function that gets the position of the mouse and stores the value into 2 doubles. This functi...
[1 reply] : The updating of the user interface in windows is a low priority - (the... (by guestgulkan)
Image drawing issue
I set up a simple program to load and draw a 24/32-bit BMP file, but it isn't being drawn to the screen. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me figure out wh...
[2 replies] Last: The load_bmp function does not work for me. Crashes. I've narrowed... (by guestgulkan)
What is the best way to get WM_MOUSEWHEEL working for just plain up and down rolling? The idea is to have my OpenGL program use a camera system for zooming in a...
[no replies]
by c0y454
Load a variable from DLL to .exe
Hey all, I've made an experimental .dll (I'm new to dlls) that is supposed to export a variable to the calling .exe I've tried this(excerpt): DLL: extern...
[4 replies] Last: First of all, thanks kbw !! You are quite right, I am using Visual... (by c0y454)
Combining two arrays
Hello. I'm trying to get the path to the .exe, and add "bg.jpg" to the array to display the image that's in the same Path as the .exe...didn't work so far >.> ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you VERY much :) for others who might find this post: You mi... (by ShadowRayz)
checkedListBox remove items
I want to remove selected item S from checkedListBox1 on button3_click , but so far I succeed only at removing only one item ~_~ all other's tries ended...
[3 replies] Last: I noticed that C++ and C# are similar. But here it's C++/CLI. What ma... (by Migeria)
Multi Threading using Visual Studio
Alright so I've been reading up on threads and how to code them and I am stumped. I have been given an aissgnment to create a main thread which then creates two...
[2 replies] Last: The thread that's running when the app starts is the main thread. ... (by kbw)
Windows Programming Noob - New datatypes?
Hi, I have some experience with console programming but none with programming in windows and I'm not well versed in the state of the art at all. I downloaded M...
[15 replies] Last: That makes sense. Thanks for the links.. bookmarked as well. Definitel... (by qwerty1)
executing in a different directory
System::Diagnostics::Process::Start("lag.exe"); I love this command, but how do I use it for something in another directory let's say the .cpp is in ...
[4 replies] Last: Use the following overload of Process.Start: (by myusername)
App stopped working
I was always testing it while adding multiple files to checkedtextbox1, checking needed ones and on button click they would be added to file. But now even messa...
[1 reply] : Deleted (by Migeria)
Linear search function quick question
Hey guys. I need to write a linear search function in C++ for my CS2020 class. I just really need a basic template/overview on how to do so because the example ...
[no replies]
progress bar dialog - function?
During the deletion of the browsing history in Internet Explorer 8 a dialog containing a progress bar appears. The same dialog with a different text appears in...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guestgulkan. That's exactly what I was looking for. (by myusername)
January 2011 Pages: 12345... 7
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