Windows Programming - January 2011 (Page 2)

DirectX issues.
Background and greetings: Hi I'm a university student studying computer games, as part of my course i must assemble a 2d game engine in C++ using Directx as a f...
[1 reply] : try this #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx9.lib") #include <d3d9.h> #... (by whitekid)
memory issues with C++ algorithm in Windows
Hello, I am not sure if this is the place to ask. I develop an algorithm in C++ under Windows XP with Visual studio 2008, the algorithm is proved to ...
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passing by reference? safe?
Hi i just have a quick question about the reliability of passing via reference. One of the fisrt thing I learn when learning C++ is that this is unsafe. ...
[3 replies] Last: You just need to make sure that the lifetime of the caller outlives th... (by onur)
Using Dev C++ with Turbo C++ compiler
Hi all, Could I use Dev C++ with the compiler of Turbo C++? Please tell me how to set it up. Thanks in advance
[6 replies] Last: Because gcc makes really big .exe files, and it doesnt handle the o... (by freddie1)
send data using serial connection?
hi, I'm building a robot that will be controlled via bluetooth. I already have the connection set up I just need to know how to send data to it using a seria...
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ODBC access via MFC
I have a problem calling Open method within CRecordset class. Did everything just as MSDN said. The code is simple: #include <iostream> #include <afxdb.h...
[1 reply] : Why is the exception mysterious? (by kbw)
Copy Source Volume to Destination Volume copy by sector level/file level
Hi All, I am a new member of this forum. i have some query related to USB device. Actually , i want to copy a file/ folder by sector or file level from One ...
[1 reply] : xcopy /s (by kbw)
Deallocate vector of pointers
Here is the scenario: I have a Mesh class that is abstract and then I have a Cube, Sphere, Cone, and Cylinder class that inherit from Mesh. vector<Mesh...
[3 replies] Last: I found the problem. I was trying to deallocate the memory twice. I di... (by c0d3r4life)
tray and print messages?
hi guys. i am planning on creating 2 little applications for a client but Im not sure where to start because i haven't worked on these before. one of the ...
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Struct problem
I'm using C++ and DirectX. I want to make a tunnel in which the camera moves into the screen. It won't be a large tunnel, this is just for my game intro. This ...
[1 reply] : Ok, I found out myself. Actually, I thought that texture coordinates ... (by bifteki)
connecting to/disconnecting form internet
i'm not sure if i am in the right forum but i wud really appreciate a little help @echo off echo Checking connection, please wait... PING -n 1 -w 10 ww...
[3 replies] Last: figured it the ping can be replaced by rasdial |find "No connec... (by soumyaxyz)
Pause a game
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to write a function that pauses a game when 'p' is pressed, and then resumes when 'p' is pressed again. Here's what I wrote, but it w...
[4 replies] Last: er... that code goes inside your message handler. Inside your wndproc... (by Disch)
Projectile C++ and OpenGL
I'm working on a cannon that shoots a cannon ball in OpenGL. I get the ball to move in a line but no arc. The ball is suppose to shoot up and come back down. Th...
[1 reply] : void Update(float dt) { Vector3 acceleration; Vector3 Vi, V... (by coryj525)
Window doesn't always update
case WM_CREATE: { TCHAR Path_BG ; // Background image buffer TCHAR Path_Siel ; // Siel banner TCHAR Path_Lumiel ; // Lumiel banne...
[9 replies] Last: I'm on 7 (x64) too, i guess this is one of those things that well, it ... (by ShadowRayz)
How do you write in to a window?
Like once you declare the window prototype and the WinMain and all that other stuff that's like 60 lines long, how exactly do you write/add things to the window...
[9 replies] Last: If you knew 100% of the Windows API then you would be able to remember... (by some random dude)
Window isn't being created
This is starting to REALLY frustrate me. Out of boredom, I thought I would program a simple text editor. I followed the standard method to create a window to th...
[1 reply] : 1. You need a default case in your window procedure that passes unused... (by guestgulkan)
JPG Image extraction from hex file
I want to extract the jpg image from an Hex file. The hex file comes from a serial camera that outputs a hex stream in the serial port. I need to reconstruct th...
[no replies]
Part from Form.h file // C++/CLI // void InitializeComponent(void) { //............// this->GotFocus += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::gotF...
[no replies]
Visual Studio problems
My MS-VS 2010 used to have a box that would drop down while I was typing and give possible endings to what I was typing. For example: I would only type: c...
[9 replies] Last: Doesn't VisualAssistX cost a fair bit though?? (by guestgulkan)
Winsock2.0 VC++2010 issue
With this code WSADATA wsaData; int wsint; wsint = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData); if(wsint != 0) { WSACleanup(); return nullptr; } ...
[3 replies] Last: Finally got rid of the squiggles by doing this: pHent = (hostent*)get... (by philhippus)
January 2011 Pages: 1234... 7
  Archived months: [dec2010] [feb2011]

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