Windows Programming - January 2010 (Page 5)

by xamxam
OpenCV error C2676 'struct _IplImage'
i started learning OpenCV lately and i have some problems in understanding the structures and how to cope with them. IplImage *img1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w...
[no replies]
A problem with PictureBoxes
Alright, so basically what I want to do is after getting a certain dimension, I want to create an array of PictureBoxes, and then display them in a mxn grid. ...
[no replies]
istream::read issue
Hi All, I have written a small piece of code which reads a file and prints it on the console. I compiled the file both in windows and linux and found that in...
[1 reply] : In Windows, you need to open the file in in binary mode ( std::fstream... (by kbw)
How do I make OLE items non-openable?
How do I make OLE items non-openable? In other words, if an OLE item is pasted into Wordpad, how do I make it such that double clicking on that item does not...
[2 replies] Last: Yes. I know it sounds strange but basically I'm trying to put in a ... (by FooYoung)
by Kuzco
Change font size of TextOut()
Hi there, do anyone know how to change the font size of TextOut()? :)
[4 replies] Last: Fonts are GDI objects (as are brushes, pens, regions, etc.) and need t... (by freddie1)
by winten
Switch application content?
I am trying to make "quiz application", it should contain a progress bar and confirm button, some radio buttons and label text for different qustions questions....
[5 replies] Last: Change the text of the existing label / radio buttons. In WinAPI th... (by Disch)
by error
Windows Shell Extension Without Visual Studio
Is there any way to write a Windows Shell Extension (both 32 and 64 bit) without buying Visual Studio? All the tutorials I can find require ATL, which is appare...
[2 replies] Last: I barely recall reading about shell extensions at some point, but I th... (by webJose)
Return auto_ptr from dialog proc??
I need to return a heap allocated pointer from a dialog proc, and I was wondering if there was a way to store it in an auto_ptr for exception safety Dialog...
[8 replies] Last: yeah, i guess thats what i'll do. I'll replace MyThingie with std::aut... (by riderrocker)
autofill password fields in IE
Hi! I need to autofill password fields in Internet Explorer from my own database. As far as I know, as of IE7, autocomplete passwords are stored in the regist...
[no replies]
How to execute an *.exe file in Visual 2008
Hello all, Do you know how to execute an *.exe file in Visual 2008 C++ Express Edition ? My OS is Windows 7, so these functions:
[1 reply] : (by Bazzy)
by criya
I have many questions, 1.Can anyone help me on this issue,i want to change my background color of client area in my window whenever i click & drag my left mous...
[2 replies] Last: All of this is clearly explained in MSDN, in details RTFM. (by george135)
[Visual 2008 C++] Call stack shows wrong informations
Hi there, I've noticed that Call stack in Visual 2008 shows wrong informations about function formal parameters. I defined that function: void fun(char, ...
[1 reply] : Are you using that exact function? If so, maybe it's because it realiz... (by NGen)
by Kuzco
Printing variables
Hi there, I'm trying to learn WinAPI but I don't understand how I can print variables with TextOut(), I get the following error: error C2664: 'TextOutW' : cann...
[6 replies] Last: note: sprintf works with char arrays, not TCHAR or WCHAR arrays. ... (by Disch)
by jrohde
Progress Bar/Multithreading
Hello all, Well, I suppose this is a common thing people try to accomplish - I want a progress bar in my main window to update as a lengthy calculation is ta...
[8 replies] Last: My bad guestgulkan, I missed it. (by webJose)
by NickW
External interface to a visual basic 6 gui app
I'm looking for a way to interface with a Visual Basic application gui which connects to a database in proprietary format. I would essentially like to program a...
[3 replies] Last: It is possible that what you need is a CBT hook (Computer-Based Traini... (by webJose)
by garob
say text through the speaker
Is there a function that you can pass a string to and the function says it through the speaker?
[2 replies] Last: Use the text-to-speech-api ... see msdn for further information... (by Incubbus)
by jcylam
I would like have my current console app made into win32 api
i want to have an interface for my program. I have no idea how to work with win32 api. i would like to create just buttons as interface to select options in ...
[9 replies] Last: WOW thanks!!!! ooh and Happy New Year and Hope U had a great christ... (by jcylam)
by winten
get this File name?
I've found some tutorials about getting all file names in directory or etc. But how to get current file name. For example if I open file "clientbla.exe" ir will...
[6 replies] Last: Surely that is the long way around - SetFileAttributesA is one line. (by guestgulkan)
by Alan
Drawing DIRECTLY to screen
is there a way to draw directly to the sreen with the extensive, easy to use, friendly WindowsAPI? If not are there any other extensive, easy to use, friendly A...
[5 replies] Last: Unless I am very much mistaken, the Win32 API does NOT allow direct dr... (by Lamblion)
gcc 4.3.2 (or greater) with dev-cpp
how can I get gcc 4.3.2 (or greater) to work with dev-cpp I want to do this because gcc 4.3.2 has support for omp (OpenMP) I need this to improve the ...
[3 replies] Last: How is the debugger bad? (by garob)
January 2010 Pages: 1... 345
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