Windows Programming - January 2010 (Page 4)

cout/cin problem (Beginner)
I'm trying to write a basic calculator for a class in my school. Basically the format would be "Would you like to add? " If yes is chosen it would let you input...
[10 replies] Last: My final code looks like this #include <cstdlib> #include <iost... (by Farfignewton)
Involuntary forking (cloing) of win32/64 app
Yep, you read correcly, my app is spontaneously forking itself - in windows. I've written a command-line native C++ app with VS2008 to measure temperature da...
[no replies]
by Kuzco
Code for a child window
Hi there. I'm attempting to to learn WinAPI but I don't understand how to create a simple blank child window with a scroll bar. I managed to create a wind...
[4 replies] Last: I hate to not answer direct questions though that do have an easy answ... (by freddie1)
by criya
Display of child window ctrls
Hai,Actually i'm trying to display all the ctrls in window atonce it appears in output. can anyone tell me why my code is not working & here is my code, in W...
[2 replies] Last: It would probably be better to learn one at a time. (by freddie1)
Manipulating a file in C++
Ok I found this code #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (void) { size_t len = 0 ; const char a = "C:\\Users\\Sage\\Deskto...
[1 reply] : Assuming you don't want to just use the Windows API function CopyFile,... (by CorrodedCoder)
by criya
Can anyone help me out to build code on the following questions... 1)I know that using getsystem metrics i can get the noofscrollbars,icons,windows height,wid...
[1 reply] : 1) Yes, you can get all kinds of info from GetSystemMetrics(). Check ... (by jrohde)
Using an XBOX 360 Controller in a game
I'm trying to find out if there is any documentation with the XBOX 360 controller that can be used in a game that I and a team of people are developing. The ide...
[1 reply] : binarysolo, the controller does act similar to that of a regular contr... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by dorota
openCV updateMotionHistory
Hi, I have got problem with updateMotionHistory function. std::vector< const IplImage*>images; IplImage*mhi; int main() { double duration = 5.0; ima...
[no replies]
by Hakate
using subclass functions
Hello is it possible to access a subclass function if i use an array of pointers with the same type as the base class? Example BaseClass**b = new Base...
[1 reply] : You can only use functions declared in the base class. If you need di... (by Bazzy)
by criya
Display number
1)Can anyone tell me other than textout do we have anyother function to display the number in client area; 2) what is the use of itoa() 3)What is the use of G...
[2 replies] Last: You can also place a control there, such as a text field, and use SetD... (by Lamblion)
by ckwong
fstream from notepad no calculation
// i wonder know why there is no calculation number function one ?? Thank for viewing #include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <math.h> #include ...
[1 reply] : //// In my sourcecode variable BARIS means by line and LAJUR is the co... (by ckwong)
new in visual c++
Hello I am rather new in visual c++ and I learned to code but I didn't find in any book how to ad an interface to my program. So please tell give me some refere...
[5 replies] Last: I have Ivor Horton's "Beginning Visual C++ 6". The 1st chapters are e... (by freddie1)
by ckwong
use fstream to get the number from notepad file
I am using visual c++ express edition, but cannot take the data from the notepad file .txt So the code cannot go out the calculation function. Hope you guy can...
[4 replies] Last: // In my sourcecode variable BARIS means by line and LAJUR is the colu... (by ckwong)
by ckwong
what different between #include <fstream.h> and no h
// Why some iostream need put .h and other no need put .h ???? //It prints a line of text #include <iostream> using std::cerr; using std::cin; using st...
[3 replies] Last: Now i got it, Thank you so much for explain to me. ^.^V (by ckwong)
by Kuzco
Scrollbar problem
Hello there. I'm attempting to learn WinAPI, and I want to create a scroll bar control. I managed to create it, but it looks like a scroll bar from Windows 9...
[2 replies] Last: I'm sure glad I'm not plagued with worries about visual appearances! ... (by freddie1)
by didijc
C++ HTML DOM Parser
Hey everyone, I'm having a real hard time trying to parse HTML in C++... Basically, all I want to do is read an html page, parse it and write out the cont...
[18 replies] Last: You may want to try using this script - http://www.biterscriptin... (by SenHu)
Get the Microsoft Word path
Hello all I'm new to the C++ win 32 , and I have some problem which is, I want to get the path of the Microsoft Word.exe program on my machine, e.g C:\program...
[2 replies] Last: Never read registry Use Shell apis (FE() here) (by george135)
How to access sectors using c++
Is it possible to read sectors of hard disk or pendrive using c++ language. If possible please tell me how it can be done. I'd be thankful to you Regard...
[8 replies] Last: Examining FAT boot sector: (by Null)
by jcylam
Is it possible to implement console codes to win32 api code?
i hav written a program which works fine running in console mode. my question is, do i need to rewrite it so i can hav a nice interface with win32 api?
[8 replies] Last: this is my final year project and i have to write a program which rece... (by jcylam)
by didijc
C++ :: IHTMLSelectionObject
Can someone explain / show me how I could use the IHTMLSelectionObject / selectionRange / IHTMLTxtRange to get the selection made to any HTML content and via th...
[4 replies] Last: thanks again webJose... I'll figure it out eventually... (by didijc)
January 2010 Pages: 12345
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