Windows Programming - January 2010 (Page 3)

by erai
Does Anyne know how to get a BITMAP (NO HANDLE) From a HBITMAP (HANDLE)
[1 reply] : Or load a Recorce Image to BITMAP (NO HANDLE) (by erai)
Use Visual C++ Compiler without the IDE
I was wondering if it's possible to use Microsoft's compiler with IDE's other than Visual Studio, reason being...I don't really like Visual Studio's interface, ...
[1 reply] : Of course you can but probably not with Eclipse or Netbeans as they on... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
hide the console
Hi i'm programming a GUI using the borland builder The thing is I wanna hide the console when executing the program, is there a an instruction to do it? I ju...
[3 replies] Last: Without any doubts, you need -tW option. I used this with Borland fre... (by lpacct)
Opening Multiple Files
Hello, I'm fairly new to C++ programming and I need some help with this code I'm trying to manipulate. I was given this code for this program that opens .r...
[8 replies] Last: Well done - happy to have helped. You are absolutely correct in you... (by CorrodedCoder)
by bobez
accessing and populating individual bits of an __int8
how do you access the individual bits of an integer for manipulation, in visual C++?
[1 reply] : Bitwise operations & >> (by Bazzy)
Lost in Space - Memory Allocated By APIs´
Hey... I am wondering what happens to the memory, allocated for filled structures - returned as pointers, after they are no longer needed. For Example: ...
[2 replies] Last: ok ok ... but what if there is no information about this, like in the ... (by Incubbus)
by levone
Im making a simple lan chatting program to familiarize myself with the Windows API and with networking, however whenever i try to compile my code i get this err...
[2 replies] Last: with a lot more research i was able to figure this out. here is wha... (by levone)
using nonmangaed classes in a CLR application
here goes my first post in im kinda new to windows programming(but not C++) and this was one solution i found to a problem i was having. as part of ...
[no replies]
Almost done with This.
I need some Help with this one peace. This whole code works. But.. I used a .jpg image to test it out and It works. But the only thig is the jpg file gets corru...
[3 replies] Last: Actually - you're quite right - that you didn't need min here. len wil... (by CorrodedCoder)
by w1liam
Monitor delay
Hi .. I have been doing some minor coding with c++, and I have a big project thats a bit hard. I would like to make a half a second delay on the picture on a...
[no replies]
C++ Print Button...
I am making a simple web browser, and would like to have a print button, so users can print something on the web page. I have a little strip menu, like, File, E...
[3 replies] Last: Err, well, you realize that it needs more than just displaying a print... (by lloydchristmas759)
by Kekis
Where to save app parameters?
Where to save program parameters or passwords and username without database in safe way :) . Can anybody show example or tutorial.
[4 replies] Last: i know but im not sure do i spell it right or use the right word... :/... (by Radioactive)
Can someone give me a base to start off...?
as im going to make a simple rendering header to render simple stuff (because i believe opengl is too complex for my needs... (and i want to learn some Win32)) ...
[8 replies] Last: it would be easier to learn win32 if someone would explain what the va... (by Radioactive)
Winsock 2 - Connect To Website
Hey all, I'm trying to send a GET request to a website server. Just testing out some stuff. Anyway I got most of this code from a tutorial on the internet. I un...
[2 replies] Last: Hey thanks heaps for the link, that stuff is great! I also found th... (by NickPaul)
by criya
Hello,can anyone clear me the following? 1) I feel that the program is working fine without WM_DESTROY,WM_CREATE then what is the use of them? 2)What is th...
[4 replies] Last: 1) I feel that the program is working fine without WM_DESTROY,WM_CR... (by freddie1)
How to change this Error
I made this code #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { const char a = "C:\\Users\\Darth Bane\\Desktop\\Gfx S...
[4 replies] Last: thank you so much Bazzy. You don't know how much you helped me (by Darth Bane)
by Nerv
Need some assistance in programming some basic stuffs
Hi i jus got a project from my school and i got totally lost ... can anyone help me on how to do this project? probably a flow chart and some codings will help ...
[no replies]
by maruf
.exe folder detection
Hello all.. I will have to detect .exe folder in a drive for my Project .. what is the basic idea to do this ?? as i know.exe folder which we see is actually ...
[6 replies] Last: MinGW provides an implementation of dirent.h (by Bazzy)
Fullscreen window
Hi guys! I´ve got a problem! So I made a fullscreen window with CreateWindowEx(NULL, L"WindowClass", L"Direct3...
[1 reply] : I'd put debug output statements into several message handlers such as ... (by freddie1)
Declare Pointer Options
Based on someone's instruction here, I ended up using this to declare a pointer array -- char (*chBuffer) =new char then I used -- delete chBuffe...
[2 replies] Last: That's what I was afraid of, i.e., the nested new. And I don't want to... (by Lamblion)
January 2010 Pages: 12345
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