Windows Programming - January 2010 (Page 2)

Copy User Input to User Input
I have found and edited this so I think It would work. The only problem Is is when I Run the program Both input and Output end up being empty. (Okb. Instead of ...
[2 replies] Last: When you say "I have found this code and edited it" than makes me thin... (by Computergeek01)
Mouse clicks to select range on graph
Hello all, I'm currently working with this program that can generate a graph from given data. The graph contains a series of peaks in it and the program is des...
[1 reply] : The general way that selecting graphic objects or an area of a window... (by guestgulkan)
by jcylam
Do i need to use delete for these arrays when i use destroy window?
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect); gtKey.X = rect.right; gtKey.Y = rect.bottom; for (int i=0; i < FirstNUM; ++i) { DestroyWindow (hwndFirstLineS ); ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, that gave me the idea to use SetWindowText to just change th... (by jcylam)
how to print in the same line by using c language
if we give printf("start:\n"); printf("\nline 1. printed"); printf("\nline 2."); the output will be like this..... start: line 1. printed line 2. pr...
[7 replies] Last: (by Bazzy)
what is the use of form feed in c language
what is the use of \f (form feed ) in c language... where we have to use that......
[1 reply] : (by blackcoder41)
how to get the system time in c language
how to get the system time in c language.... for this program time_t t; time(&t); printf("%s",ctime(&t)); the output will be like this .... sun jan 2...
[5 replies] Last: thank you very much..... (by mshaneeth)
Can some one explain to me this looping function. While do while for while in a clear English that i can understand.
[6 replies] Last: I'm not being harsh. I'm just saying. There's no such thing as a for w... (by tummychow)
How to render a bitmap on a basic window?
Im currently learning c++ (well ive read through 1.5 tutorials and remember everything i could use some day) and trying to learn win32 (mostly just basics) n...
[11 replies] Last: > O.e too... complex... ??? It's 8 lines of code. Copy-paste ... (by george135)
Using extremely large arrays
Suppose I want to make a matrix like double m ; How do I prevent the program from crashing?
[5 replies] Last: i tried making a table like: double TestArray ; and it worked ... (by Radioactive)
Using Arrays Function Having problem completing it Please i nid for tom.
#include <iostream.h> int main() { int grade ,sum=0,average=0,max=0; int min=0; for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"Enter grade"<<(i+1)<<" "; cin>>grade...
[5 replies] Last: sorry for the double post its and emergency :D (by akosinoah)
Converting Managed String to char Array
New to the asking online for help so be gentle. I am required to make a simple chat program using a windows form application. I have both the Client and Se...
[2 replies] Last: if you use StringToHGlobalAnsi don't forget to free the memory. I hav... (by Danielm103)
by jcylam
i cant get my buttons to show from charles petzold's book
what is wrong with my code #include "windows.h" struct { int iStyle; TCHAR * szText; } button = { BS_PUSHBUTTON, TEXT ("PUSHBUTTON"), BS_D...
[11 replies] Last: i finally get u thankss (by jcylam)
by dkaip
How can i change the border?
Hello. I make a simle window with wxwidgets. How can i change the border? Also how can i call the destroy fuction(OnClose) with the right arrow button press? ...
[no replies]
Query: Does SNAPI create a new thread while delivering notifications
Hi all, I would like to know how SNAPI delivers notifications about changes to registry values. Specifically: Suppose I register a callback function throu...
[no replies]
by jcylam
Can i do this to the message loop in WinMain
while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (msg.message == WM_USER_SCROLL_ACTIVE) { ClickActive = FALSE; } if (msg.message == WM_USER_SCROLL_...
[1 reply] : if u dont want the user to do any more input there is an function by t... (by Incubbus)
IE Favorites...
Okay, I'm making an internet browser in VC++ 2008, and I would like to have it so the user can press the "Favorites" button in my browser, and get a list of fav...
[2 replies] Last: I think IE stores your favourites as links in a "Favourites" folder. A... (by chrisname)
passing an array and then some
Greetings and salutations. For an assignment I have to pass a multi-dimensional array around three functions using global variables that calculates for magnitud...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for help it worked out (by steve the wraith)
All-in-one Tool to Rip DVD, Convert Video
what is this? your program?
[no replies]
System:IO:Stream and text file issue
Hi guys, I've got a very simple piece of code that at present has me stumped. I'm reading a text file consisting of ten lines of ten characters (or a file of...
[no replies]
Is there a way to use pragma to set a file as a precompile file?
Using vs2008. I am using it with precompilation turned on. The file that is supposed to be the precompile file keeps getting reset to /Yu rather than /Yc. Is...
[no replies]
January 2010 Pages: 12345
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