Windows Programming - January 2010

by jcylam
trying to open Internet Explorer with my program, no success
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ProcessSecurity, ThreadSecurity; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; CreateProcess ( TEXT("iexplore....
[9 replies] Last: i just discovered something from virtual key code, by using VK_BROWSER... (by jcylam)
by jcylam
Windows programming PostMessage
Hi, I am trying to write a windows program where i have an interface that lists options of simulated left, right and double click. i have created a new thread w...
[4 replies] Last: Buy programming windows fifth edition by charles petzold, thats how i ... (by jcylam)
how to print in c++
I have been searching around on the web for a long time and can't find out how to print using c++. Although there are some pages explaining how to do this, but ...
[7 replies] Last: (by Null)
by jcylam
I would like to the screen size of window part that has scroll bars
for example, in microsoft visual 2008 you can create multiple windows inside MS visual. What i want is to get the coordinates of these childwindows. I know that...
[4 replies] Last: thx (by jcylam)
Send Right-Click to Application
How can I send a right-click to an application using C++? This program would need no user input; it would be only used to automate a particular task. I would ...
[1 reply] : Check out WM_CONTEXTMENU (by Lamblion)
Convert Decimal To Words
example: Decimal: $ 1521.21 Amount in Words: One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty One and 21/100 dollars how this Decimal Convert to Amount In Words? pls...
[no replies]
Run a *.exe in win32 application?
I want to create a program chooser in a win32 application, how do I run a file in win32? I tried to use the file's full path, but that does not seem too portabl...
[2 replies] Last: I suggest you not use system();. Use the create process function inste... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by Splint
[Forms] Parameter conversion issue (from wchar to System::String ^)
Hey there, I'd like to create a list, of the running processes, using comboBox control to store the process names in. Unfortunately though, I've bumped int...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, thanks a bunch, compiles and works perfectly fine now! (Y) Would... (by Splint)
newb output to a Forms RichTextBox
I'm fairly new to Windows programming but am fairly experienced with C and basic C++. Using VS2008 I've created a Windows Forms app. My goal is to use a RichT...
[no replies]
by NGen
Getting the Temperature of CPU
Well, what else is there to say? I want to be able to monitor my CPU temps during a stress-testing program to see how hot it gets when overclocked. I can't find...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for not replying, I've been busy. I don't know ASM. So that i... (by NGen)
getaddrinfo: wrong usage?...
Hey... i still have this two applications (a host and an client) using udp ports to send data between each other... to resolve the static adress is got ...
[7 replies] Last: g_Socket is initialized before that... as : g_Socket = socket(AF_INET... (by Incubbus)
by jcylam
is it possible to use one header file to retrieve and feed 2 programs?
i want to retrieve information from a console when its run and feed it to my program. i have created a header with global variables and two function, one to ...
[7 replies] Last: OK I knocked up a test and it works. We will be sending a simple data... (by guestgulkan)
by Wylbur
Changing File Attributes using the MS C RTL
Hi all; I'm trying to find a function from within the Microsoft Run-Time Library for changing the attributes for a given file. Specifically, the attribu...
[3 replies] Last: There are not standardized in the C/C++ RTL because file attributes ar... (by kbw)
by Wylbur
Arrays as Properties of managed Classes
Hi all; Can you have an array as a property of a managed class in Microsoft C++ without having to use the gcnew function to allocate memory for the array?...
[no replies]
How do I get application name and directory?
Are there any functions that can get the name and only the name and another that can get the directory (without including the application within the string)? ...
[1 reply] : Parse. (by webJose)
How do I get the full filepath of the exe from within the program?
I need the filepath in a char * format. I've found GetModuleFileName() but it uses a TCHAR which I'm not sure how to convert. If this is the best way, then...
[2 replies] Last: Using TCHAR is easy. TCHAR is char if the UNICODE macro name is undef... (by webJose)
by winten
Mix System::Windows::Forms::TabPage ^ + int
For example I have TabPage1, TabPage2 and TabPage3. how could I change some attribute of TabPage1, only knowing the number 1. it should look like this, af...
[no replies]
Microsoft Speech SDK (SAPI 5.1)
I am trying to create a speech to text program using the Microsoft Speech SDK but the documentation is difficult to understand (and the examples won't compile c...
[no replies]
by Alan
Annoying DirectX Linker error
I'm getting an error when calling Direct3DCreate9 I know how to fix this error. I suppose I need to link something in my IDE (I'm using Bloodshed Dev-C++)....
[no replies]
directx 10 tutorial
Hey guys, any of you got a tutorial or an e-book about directx 10? I know C++ very well, but I don't have any knowledge in directx. I'll appreciate your help.
[no replies]
January 2010 Pages: 123... 5
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