by teenagegeek
Puzzled Student
[10 replies] Last: Thank you for this website. I did 6 of the problems, and currently stu... (by hannad)
by gamebuster
[2 replies] Last: Its clear: the compiler doesn't like to have a constant redeclared...... (by Dacster13)
by Battlewoundz
Need information on Visual C++ program
[1 reply] : If you've made a proper solution/project. You can press the play butto... (by Zaita)
by treoboy
voice command
[1 reply] : You should google for, "voice recognition patterns", "voice analysis" ... (by Zaita)
by LoLFactor
Macro in a DLL
[4 replies] Last: Microsoft's original approach to programatic support for Unicode was t... (by kbw)
by f ben isaac
How Can I Disable Maximize Button for Console Window? C++
[11 replies] Last: Actually, I did search for it in google. And the best article you can ... (by Zaita)
by jorijo
Class hierarchy
[4 replies] Last: I had a syntax error but now it's fixed... PS. didnt post the code ... (by jorijo)
by Jeevs
Displaying Variables In New Form
[2 replies] Last: Ive got the new forms to work but i also have a back button on there w... (by Jeevs)
by Gonen
Question about the clipboard
[13 replies] Last: Not that method. The method to handle clipboard updates... (by george135)
by Jeevs
Detecting Windows Operating System
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply guys much appreciated got it to work :D Thanks a... (by Jeevs)
by danielkui
Any design pattern to manage HTTP request?
[no replies]
by danyaljj
Work with winBGIm in C::B
[2 replies] Last: The undefined reference means you have not correctly linked the requir... (by Zaita)
by antony
g++ is not recognizing library files
[6 replies] Last: Hi, Thanks for your information.I am working with windows pla... (by antony)
by Roko1
Problem with windows sockets ...
[no replies]
by xcellng
how to retrive device driver's inf files.
[3 replies] Last: You must use an NNTP server of course... (provider one, free ones like... (by george135)
by LoLFactor
Executable metadata
[2 replies] Last: Thx a lot :D (by LoLFactor)
by gamebuster
fatal error LNK1120: 9 unresolved externals
[5 replies] Last: I don't know what when wrong when your project settings - but I'm sure... (by guestgulkan)
by happyboulder
count how many times a number has been used in a column
[2 replies] Last: Thank you gamebuster and yes I have the numbers in a text file so the... (by happyboulder)
by Jeevs
Retreiving Memory Status Using Visual Studio 2008
[7 replies] Last: No problems mate =) (by chris)