Windows Programming - January 2009 (Page 2)

by Gonen
Question about the "GetAsyncKeyState" function
Hello, I didn't understand what the function "GetAsyncKeyState" actually does. I read the explanation on MSDN, but I still don't get what this function does...
[13 replies] Last: Instead of using while(true) you should be using a GetMessage() or Pee... (by Zaita)
Drawing on a button click
I need some help. Can you please tell me how to draw in the window of a program after the user clicks a button in the window. I want to have a button that draws...
[14 replies] Last: No, this is just the correct place to put your drawing code. As Bazz... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Dev-C++ and Windows Programming
I'm trying to accomplish what should be a simple task: I'm trying to create a toolbar. The code is good, yet the tool bar fails to load. I'm using the Dev-C++...
[9 replies] Last: Welp, I tried code sample from your above link... It worked. I don't... (by mudoghasfleas)
Cannot set the height for owner draw menu
Hi, I am developing a GUI application in which a customized menu bar is required. The menu bar is just like the one that we see at the top of Frame windows....
[no replies]
No Gain with Boost Threading
I have a program I've written using C++. The task it completes falls into the "embarrassingly parallel" realm, so I should be getting a pretty good performance ...
[5 replies] Last: >>I have a loop set to create a number of worker threads, and a master... (by anders43)
Variables accessed in Window Procedure
Is there any way I can pass variables (preferably by reference) to the Window Procedure so I don't have to have global variables?
[4 replies] Last: Glad that I could help. Sigma (by SigmaSecurity)
About Http request
Hi, I have a question about the WinHttpSendRequest, if I send a request using WinHttpSendRequest. how can the server site know he received the request, an...
[2 replies] Last: Since any sort of client program has to first connect to a server befo... (by SigmaSecurity)
by zoldri
first window
hi i have got a book and copied the code from the first tutorial to create a window but i keep geting the following errors can someone please help: [Linker e...
[3 replies] Last: thank you it is working now :) (by zoldri)
Get Key
I Want To Know How To Use A GetKey Command. I Know How To Do It With Dark But I Really Want To Stay Away From That. If Any One Could Help Me That Would Be Grea...
[4 replies] Last: I Figured it. THanks For The Help (by GrosseVogel)
Simple question about while (GetMessage (&messages, NULL, 0, 0)) loop
I've been making a server program and inside the loop I have the server respond to messages from clients. I've noticed that if the window is in focus it always...
[6 replies] Last: learn (by bencharluo)
by Gonen
Problem in handling the WM_KEYDOWN message.
Hey. I've created a window class which should print "Control key pressed" each time the control key is being pressed. To do that , I need to handle the WM_K...
[7 replies] Last: No problems mate - any time =) (by chris)
Windows mouse cursor disappearing with CEdit
Hi there, Firstly, I'm creating a Windows program using Visual Studio 2005 and C++. My problem came when I was trying to replace a dialog with a window. I...
[no replies]
Geginning Directx
Hi I moving to Directx After Basic C++,STL and the Windows API can somebody give me any Advice how Am I gone to get Lead of it.
[1 reply] : Try the tutorials at (by Bazzy)
WinHttpRequest with Asia characters.
I get some example code from msdn and it work properly always except when Asia characters involved. BOOL bResults = FALSE; HINTERNET hSessio...
[no replies]
forking in win32
Hi, Currently i'm porting an application from linux to windows and i've hit certain roadblocks. Hope this forus helps me out. The scenario is I've the main ...
[9 replies] Last: Hi Duoas , It is nice to finally have some more free time to enable m... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Linker error, class library, windows SDK
Hello! I'm trying to create a simple "OOP-wrapper" for Windows in unmanaged C++. I've managed to create a set of classes that work. Now I'm trying to separa...
[4 replies] Last: Well, yes. I can easily add the directory to any project through the p... (by Zeta Two)
by mca31
Problem in VC++ message handling
Hello friends, First off, please check below code. Well, I am developing printing functionality from the windows mobile device using vc++. (I am novice to the ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for a quick reply. - Yes mpPreviewDialog itself posts the m... (by mca31)
by guykun
Declaring Globally with if/switch
Is there any way to declare globally with if or switch My problem is that I want to declare: ifstream ScrReaderStream("D:\\file1.scrx"); globally for oth...
[10 replies] Last: Yay ^_^ sorted it now, thanks for the help, didn't think about using ... (by guykun)
Accessing File in C++
I'm trying to build a simple program where a user can enter numbers into the program and save it to a file. Then, they can come back later, enter new numbers i...
[1 reply] : Tutorial on Input/Output with files: (by Bazzy)
dev c++ made my file huge
i made this really small program and compiled in dev c++ and the file is 400kbs. the code is only 46 lines long with proper formatting... halp!
[2 replies] Last: Because Dev-C++ uses GCC, you can add a good few options for further s... (by chris)
January 2009 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [dec2008] [feb2009]

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