Windows Programming - January 2009

by guykun
GDI+ Graphics Object
I was just wondering, are we able to create graphics objects from controls such as an imagebox? And if so, can it be handled in the _Paint method? The picture ...
[2 replies] Last: That works great, thanks a lot for your help (by guykun)
Customizing CTreeCtrl
Can we customize the mfc class CTreeCtrl by making it OwnerDraw? Can we adjust the left alignment of the child nodes wrt its parent... i mean the distance betwe...
[no replies]
windows stack
Hello How/where can I find out the size of stack. Is there any posibility to find out size of stack and heap for one process in c++. Thank you
[4 replies] Last: Also, the C/C++ stack grows dynamically on WIN32. (by kbw)
Simulating a DOS box
I would like to simulate a DOS box using a window. What i mean is i would like to create a window that will use the same style as an MS-DOS box running in 80x25...
[4 replies] Last: Because the MS-supplied DOS window is underpowered and unfriendly. ... (by Duthomhas)
debugger tracer [anti-crash system]
Hi all, Well, I dont know if it is the best place to talk about this... but... I am developing one program that process texts, with a plugin system, and...
[12 replies] Last: Then using load library isn't your best bet. You need to develop a deb... (by Zaita)
Doubt in including libraries in VS08
Hi all, I'm with a little doubt concerning linking libraries, I'm using Visual Studio 2008. I've implemented a library in a project A: an 'example.h' and ...
[6 replies] Last: I have been playing around with a few ideas, but have not been able to... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Clear Screen
I need help to get a new way to clear the screen. I have researched for hours now and can not find a way to get it to work. I know how to use system("cls") . ...
[5 replies] Last: Or even better... void ClearScreen() { COORD coordScreen = {0, 0}... (by Mythios)
by julvr
gcc comm support on windows
I need to make a simple console application which outputs some characters to the serial port, and I need to do it using GCC. Does anyone know how to access the...
[2 replies] Last: So you're saying that that library is available to me, even if I didn'... (by julvr)
by jrohde
How to tell if in fullscreen mode?
Hi all, Is there a way to determine whether a window is fullscreened or not (and subsequently toggle it off)? For example, I use AdjustWindowRectEx in a...
[1 reply] : BOOL IsZoomed(HWND hWnd); (by kbw)
A problem about sound
Please help, I am now trying to make a simple sound player. I am just trying to make something really simple just like a program that plays some kind of sound...
[1 reply] : The PlaySound function plays a sound specified by the given file nam... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Gonen
How can I check if the user entered into a folder?
Hey. How can I check if the user entered into a folder (C:\Program Files for example)? Thanks for the answers!
[5 replies] Last: Then your best bet is to try a Win32 or Windows forum on how to hook i... (by Zaita)
Get all instances of a COM object?
Is there a way to get all instances of a certain COM object? For example, if one instance if an object is running from an application, is there a way to find...
[5 replies] Last: You didn't say ask on a Win32 API newsgroup. Re-read your reply and yo... (by Zaita)
Virtual Sound Device
Hello! I'm interested in creating an app where you can control which programs that should use which sound card. The idea that I've come up with so far is to ...
[no replies]
Displaying a screenshot on a static
Hello everyone, I have been driving myself crazy trying to do something that to me seems like it should be relatively straight forward. In my program (Win32 ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, but I was able to figure it out on my own. If an... (by SigmaSecurity)
Enumerate files currently opened by a Windows process
Hi, I want to get the list of files a process has currently opened. I've seen the SysInternals' Process Explorer tool giving such a list. Can somebody tell...
[1 reply] : It's a win32 FAQ (see NAPI on win32 ng) (by george135)
Using Console Copy Command
I am trying to find a way to access the functions that are available if you right click a console window such as "Select All" and "Copy". I have the HWND handle...
[1 reply] : It's a classic Win32 question See on news:// (by george135)
Erase GDI+ Drawn Image?
I've been experimenting with GDI+ and i managed to draw 2 PNG in a button button. 1 for the normal state and one for the Clicked (down state) but when i...
[13 replies] Last: Wow,Now it works ^_^. Now i can make Eye candy GUI =P Thanks... (by Iwanttolearn)
Hello, I am a beginner in C++ and trying to learn the WIN32 API and GDI+ to make a simple drawing program like paint. So far i have learned how to make a win...
[4 replies] Last: One thing to note, do not get confussed between GDI and GDI+ .... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
A few questions about C++
Hey there all. I'm an aspiring C++ coder like a lot of people here, and aspiring coders usually have questions like myself. (Note, all questions are console rel...
[6 replies] Last: CreateProcess is another option for item 1) (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Capturing Text in a Pre-existing console window
I am looking for a way to capture text from a console window where the text is already displayed. I have a handle for the window and know it is a console window...
[no replies]
January 2009 Pages: 123
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