by guykun
GDI+ Graphics Object
[2 replies] Last: That works great, thanks a lot for your help (by guykun)
by Vijay Ram S
Customizing CTreeCtrl
[no replies]
by maros522
windows stack
[4 replies] Last: Also, the C/C++ stack grows dynamically on WIN32. (by kbw)
by xixpsychoxix
Simulating a DOS box
[4 replies] Last: Because the MS-supplied DOS window is underpowered and unfriendly. ... (by Duthomhas)
by chantak
debugger tracer [anti-crash system]
[12 replies] Last: Then using load library isn't your best bet. You need to develop a deb... (by Zaita)
by kunigami
Doubt in including libraries in VS08
[6 replies] Last: I have been playing around with a few ideas, but have not been able to... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by GrosseVogel
Clear Screen
[5 replies] Last: Or even better... void ClearScreen() { COORD coordScreen = {0, 0}... (by Mythios)
by julvr
gcc comm support on windows
[2 replies] Last: So you're saying that that library is available to me, even if I didn'... (by julvr)
by jrohde
How to tell if in fullscreen mode?
[1 reply] : BOOL IsZoomed(HWND hWnd); (by kbw)
by kikolani
A problem about sound
[1 reply] : The PlaySound function plays a sound specified by the given file nam... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Gonen
How can I check if the user entered into a folder?
[5 replies] Last: Then your best bet is to try a Win32 or Windows forum on how to hook i... (by Zaita)
by PseudoCode
Get all instances of a COM object?
[5 replies] Last: You didn't say ask on a Win32 API newsgroup. Re-read your reply and yo... (by Zaita)
by Zeta Two
Virtual Sound Device
[no replies]
Displaying a screenshot on a static |
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, but I was able to figure it out on my own. If an... (by SigmaSecurity)
by koushaltk
Enumerate files currently opened by a Windows process
[1 reply] : It's a win32 FAQ (see NAPI on win32 ng) (by george135)
by lesnaubr
Using Console Copy Command
[1 reply] : It's a classic Win32 question See on news:// (by george135)
by Iwanttolearn
Erase GDI+ Drawn Image?
[13 replies] Last: Wow,Now it works ^_^. Now i can make Eye candy GUI =P Thanks... (by Iwanttolearn)
by mrGroovy
[4 replies] Last: One thing to note, do not get confussed between GDI and GDI+ .... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Console
A few questions about C++
[6 replies] Last: CreateProcess is another option for item 1) (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by lesnaubr
Capturing Text in a Pre-existing console window
[no replies]