Windows Programming - February 2011 (Page 3)

Custom Window Colour
Is it possible to use a custom window colour instead of COLOR_BACKGROUND or the other defined window colours?
[5 replies] Last: A word of advice that I learned the hard way. When you create a brush ... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
cant modify edit box text
Hi, I have created an 'edit' window using the following line: edit = CreateWindow("EDIT", "", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILDWINDOW | WS_BORDER | ES_CENTER, 4, 4, 296,...
[3 replies] Last: UberTron is correct. The editbox will not work right with out Translat... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
using system function in c++ to create a coursework submission system
I looked at the various forums on thissite and i found a few that helped me and i looked at tuturials but I am still lost and confused.. we have to write a prog...
[1 reply] : Well, we can help you with specific problems, but the code you posted ... (by Athar)
by hasula
wxWidget~How to GetSelectedRows()
hi everyone, im stuck in this froblem for long....., i use wxWidget, but cant find an information about how to use wxGrid functions i fail to use GetSelected...
[no replies]
video processing in C++ / C
hi, I basically wanted to know how to write codecs in C/C++ for the .mp4 format. Is it even possible...? Also where can i find what's there in the mp4 fil...
[1 reply] : Of course it is possible, but keep in mind that mp4 is MUCH more compl... (by Abramus)
by joshky
Threading Problem
I am trying to build a simple media player. I want it to show the current position in the file, so I decided to try out threading. When it starts the thread, ...
[12 replies] Last: What I ended up doing was to have a positionupdate() method that calls... (by joshky)
64 bit applications confusing me
I made a couple of 32 bit programs a while ago but now I want to port them to 64 bits. I managed to write some brutally simple console apps but anything that li...
[no replies]
[C/C++] How To Get The HTML Of a Web Page
Hello, is it possible to get the HTML of a web page? Lets say we had this web page: <html> <body> <b>Bold Text</b> </body> </html> Is there a...
[14 replies] Last: It works :D thank you so much. (by some random dude)
Preselecting files in a CFileDialog
Just wondering how and if you can pre-select multiple files as the dialog opens? Do you place a list of them in the Initial Filename area, as I've tried this al...
[1 reply] : Instead of doing this, wouldnt be better to store filenames that passe... (by modoran)
by csmith
Having trouble with inserting into String
I am having trouble getting this function to work right. I would like it to search the string looking for quotations marks and insert a '\' right before the quo...
[4 replies] Last: Richardforc, Wow! Thanks a lot for showing me how to fix my code. I... (by csmith)
Hi, I'm having problem with how to write a program to calculate a square root, please help me with what to do. Thanks
[2 replies] Last: This thread doesn't belong here. The Windows Programming forum is for ... (by Browni3141)
Hi Big guyz, Please somebody help me on conditional switch case statement. Lets say 2-6 something should happen, 7-10 another thing should happen till default....
[1 reply] : (by Zhuge)
GUI using Microsoft Visual C++
Hello ? Recently, i have a project which require to create a program with user interface that takes input from USB using Microsoft Visual C++. However, i totall...
[2 replies] Last: Hey, I just started learning Win32 programing and i found this tuto... (by UberTron)
Brain explosion
Hey dudes, please help me out with this code. #include <windows.h> #include <ctime> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> using n...
[4 replies] Last: Yea, I know. I'm just too lazy :) Thanks. (by raulkolk)
How to access camera
I want to access the camera by using c or c++ so, can any one give me the program for that..!!! and too can any one tell me where the input image will be sto...
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
please tell me what's wrong in my code.
HERE IS A PROGRAM TO INSERT AN ELEMENT IN BINARY TREE tree *create_new_node(int n) { np=new tree; np->data=n; np->left=NULL; np->right=NULL; return n...
[1 reply] : The parameter t passed to insert is passed by value. So when you make... (by kbw)
check of visible for CStatic
Hallo, I have the following code: CStaticEx m_pStaticField; RWCString m_szValue; setWindowText4Control(pStaticField,szValue); void setWindowText4Con...
[1 reply] : What do you mean by visible? Windows maintains a visible/invisible ... (by kbw)
Windows time (VC++ 2010)
I am trying to find out how to get the date (day of week; day of month with 1 st , 2 nd , etc; month; and year). In Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express, the under...
[3 replies] Last: Use GetLocalTime(). It will give you local system time. If you want ti... (by richardforc)
terminate A process borland C++ Builder 3
I am making a console application and i need to end a windows process Example.EXE I am going to run it on Windows 9X & NT4.0 - 5.1 i need it to work the ...
[1 reply] : For Windows 9x call kill.exe /f <processname>.exe Get kill.exe from h... (by richardforc)
one error in a program with Class
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; char q; // proverka na dannite int n; //broi na u4enicite int p; // broi na ocenkite clas...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah... You are right. (by richardforc)
February 2011 Pages: 123456
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