Windows Programming - February 2011 (Page 2)

Simple Windows application
hello people! Im very new to coding and I currently need to make ans very simple app with checkboxes and menuscrollboxes.. i managed to install a borland 5.5...
[2 replies] Last: I'd suggest downloading Visual C++ Express from Microsoft. It's free a... (by Zaita)
Embedding bmp resource into program
Hello I seem to be having some problems with my program I am attempting to build.I have been searching for roughly 2 days now and to no avail I am trying to emb...
[2 replies] Last: I was under the impression the .net was a framework or template for C+... (by Inferno42)
Trouble getting WMI working
Hi guys, I'm having a bit of a problem getting the WMI to work for me. I'm basically just trying to get the vendor name for the GPU and display it into a lab...
[5 replies] Last: Found the solution :) String^ Form1::GetGPUName () { String^ Ve... (by Brandonm)
by Oxuyan
Web request in C++
Hi, I am writing program in C#. But I have problem with .Net. So I need some code in C++. My problem: I need to send web request to my IP camera and rece...
[3 replies] Last: A 1.1 request has more fields than you're specifying. You really need... (by kbw)
by Null
Put controls into tabs
Hello How can I put controls into tab control? I know how to create tabs but I can't figure out how to put controls into tab. I know how I can use property she...
[1 reply] : You can't put controls on a tab control. A tab control is literally a... (by guestgulkan)
by aatwo
loading dll problem
Hey guys. I have never used DLLs before and I seem to be having some difficulties. I am trying to load a dll for an API called ASPI however it seems to fail ...
[2 replies] Last: words cannot express my love for you right now :P (it worked) I hav... (by aatwo)
catching phrases
How would I make a program that: -On button click Event reads a textBox -If the textBox contains phrases or disallowed letters, the program will removed t...
[no replies]
Custom Cursor?
Hello people, I'm trying to load a custom cursor into my Windows program using C++. The ID of my custom cursor is IDC_CURSOR1; here is the line of code from my ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot; that should help me sleep easier. After including "reso... (by GABsturr)
Playing .mp3 with MCI - Not working :S
Hello forum, I have earlier posted about having problem with the MCI libary and I got it to work. But because my computer's hard disk broke I can't look in m...
[no replies]
by ajitm
abnormal termitionation of the program
Hello friends, I am using the fallowing code for creating the directory but it results into the abnormal termination of the program. _wchdir((const wchar_...
[1 reply] : Your OS might be expecting a return value to see if the application ex... (by Computergeek01)
OPENFILENAME Structure Not Acting How I want.
OPENFILENAME ofn = {0}; char caFileName = {0}; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAME); ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY ...
[7 replies] Last: One more thing-the lpstrFilter member has to be a double null terminat... (by sunny712)
by hasula
how does WxGrid work ?
im new in wxWidgets, its interesting for me, but can anyone tell me how to with wxGrid, this is part of mydialog class class maydialogDlg : public wxDialog ...
[5 replies] Last: this is my code #include "wx/wx.h" #include <wx/grid.h> #includ... (by hasula)
Java has .jar, C++ has .???
I'm just looking for a way to add all files to a single executable or ".???" I just don't want to create all instuctions and ReadMe's etc. with ofstream. Ho...
[8 replies] Last: idk if this is even doable for what you want, highly recommend that yo... (by mahertamim)
Naming babies
I've come across a problem where I need an infinite amount of integers. For example, when I need to create a program where you can name babies, the program nee...
[3 replies] Last: You could use std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::m... (by raulkolk)
Screen Saver Starter Kit Download
I just downloaded Visual C# Express and I want to build a screen saver and I am looking for a screen saver template. Does anyone know where I can download this...
[4 replies] Last: I think there should be an example in the install directory for that, ... (by dev247)
Combining std::string array into a CHAR*
Is there any way to combine an array of strings into one single CHAR* (not an array)? Thanks :)
[7 replies] Last: NEVER MIND ON ALL OF THIS.... I got it to work :D (by some random dude)
DirectX 10 Linker Error
In a DirectX program I get the following linker error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'D3DX10.lib' I have included the Directories ...\DirectXSDK (June 2010...
[7 replies] Last: Uninstalled and reinstalled the SDK, no effect. (by Necrogigas)
Looking for talented individuals to participate in finishing off my game.
Options dialog box layout >>> Squibbles Preview >>> Squibbles gameplay, youtube vid...
[1 reply] : hey, i'd be willing to participate in this, but i would prefer to use... (by mahertamim)
by Zyl
MSVC 2010 C++ Project-dependent code
Hello. I have one solution with 2 projects inside. These 2 projects share some cpp and h files. I'd like to have the same files parsed differently dependin...
[2 replies] Last: That looks exactly like what I need. Thanks. I will try this when I ge... (by Zyl)
Access Violation when assigning specific char to position in local CString
I've been toying around with a DirectX wrapper I got as part of a programming class I'm taking, and me and my roommates have been working on our own little side...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, so I found a way to make it accept a string literal as an argument... (by qlmmb2086)
February 2011 Pages: 1234... 6
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