Windows Programming - February 2010 (Page 5)

Asynchronous winsock server wrapper, CPU lagging.
Hello! I am trying to write a Server application wrapper, as I would with any application and I've searched for over a week for a at least decent guide or tuto...
[no replies]
Visual C++ CLI need to display the String in an Object
Hi all, Have coded in a few differant languages but still have heaps to learn, however I have recently been delving into Winsock programming and I want to do...
[1 reply] : I got the message displayed but with there being so little C++ code on... (by foxfire29)
Programm dependencies
Hi I'm developing programm that uses ADO .NET (System::Data:SQLite) and Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 sp1. After few expirements I'...
[no replies]
Plotting an output in C++
Hello; Can anyone give suggestions any website or books that i can refer to finding the sample of source code. at this moment, i transfer my output to n...
[1 reply] : This can be done with OpenGL or Direct3D libraries. You'll need just t... (by lpacct)
by smarej
google chrome connection
can anyone help me on how to connect to google chrome. i would like to build a standalone c++ application(probably a dll) that would list events done by the bro...
[no replies]
by jcylam
I want to create multiple windows and not child window, possible?
I have been trying to create windows like we all do with winMain. However, the first window created using (HMENU) 0 in createwindow works fine, then the next ...
[9 replies] Last: very weird thing, i copied my codes to a new project solution bits by ... (by jcylam)
Problem about cvExtractSURF
Learning SURF now, got a problem about cvExtractSURF, want to get help here. Load image: IplImage* srcImg = cvLoadImage(srcPic, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE ); ...
[no replies]
getting "vector iterators incompatible"
Hi, Currently I am working in visual Studio 2008. Previously I was working in VS 2003 but I migrated the code VS2008. I am getting below error in VS 2008 w...
[4 replies] Last: Dunno, ... it's your code. (by kbw)
by zaraf
accessing my sensor using APIs
Dear All, Lately during one of my projects i have encountered a problem and stuck on that point. I have an optical sensor that i have attached to my pc and...
[no replies]
Realloc() and Free()
I have the following in my code... void* bScratchVar=realloc( bWriteBuffer, dwTotal + 1 ); bWriteBuffer=(BYTE*)bScratchVar; bScratchVar=NULL; Do...
[12 replies] Last: That's what I was hoping. And that clears it up for me. (by Lamblion)
How to get ASCII values
How to get the ascii values.... for getting integer types we use %d ... like that what we use for ASCII values for example. printf("Enter A value:"); ...
[4 replies] Last: It depends entirely upon your OS and/or the library you are using to d... (by Duthomhas)
Load image in CMYK format to DIB
Hi All, Is there any method to load DIB with CMYK image format. I am using the following method to store image pixel to DIB. In this case raster image in t...
[1 reply] : Use GDI + (by zippo)
by jcylam
what is wrong with my winmain
int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) { static TCHAR szAppName = TEXT ("Digital Clock"); HWND ...
[5 replies] Last: THe problem actually is that wndclass is not initialized correctly. So... (by zippo)
Visual C++ Serial communication programming
Hi, Please guide me. I have to create a c++ program using visual c++ express edition and send commands to a instrument serially through RS232.. Do you have an...
[4 replies] Last: I have just worked on Borland C and C++.. I dont know much about GUI p... (by amitjakati)
by Alan
Macro names must be identifiers
I'm getting this error when I try to run a program that simply creates a window making a Driect3D object to paint it. Code is in "Show Code" tab at bottom of pa...
[3 replies] Last: "-lgdi32.lib -D3D9.lib" i Think you might need to change your com... (by shredded)
applying icon position changes in Vista
Hi, Im currently working on a program which saves and restores the Desktop Icon Positions. to do this i am using varrious listview messages. The problem that I ...
[no replies]
what's wrong with my program..
I'm writing a simple program but i don't why my program does not working. #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> void main(void) { FILE *out; float a ...
[7 replies] Last: thanks a lot... u guys really help me.. (by anizatie)
Make VS2008 show value of object in tooltip while debugging
Not sure if this should have been posted here or not. Hope it is good enough here. Have you ever noticed (if you use VS2008 -don't remember about earlier ve...
[no replies]
print derived class object contents
This code compiles nicely - looking for print methods for current objects in the format shown below - looking for a function or method of calling the existing c...
[3 replies] Last: Don't triple post. http... (by chrisname)
February 2010 Pages: 1... 345
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