Windows Programming - February 2010 (Page 4)

Infinite do{} while(); loop problem
I'm trying to write a program that reads input from the user and then performs math on it, using spaces for to seperate the strings such as 1 + 1. I want the u...
[4 replies] Last: I'm afraid a lot of us probably avoided this post for the following re... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by moataz
create instances from class of dll files
hello, :( i am beginner in C++ i want to how import a dll and use the classes in it's library like the msxml6.dll?... i know how to load the dll file using api...
[2 replies] Last: i am asking ... as general how to create instance from class in a cert... (by moataz)
Getting directories that aren't there
Hi, I have a function that returns a list of all directories which are in a certain directory. But my problem is that the first and second item of that list ...
[5 replies] Last: What is the point in defining a OS_WINDOWS when the OS itself already... (by magnificence7)
fullscreen window
Hi all, I have problems with creating fullscreen windows. Generally it works, but When I call GetOpenFileName the dialog never shows up. My window remains on...
[no replies]
MFC and Visual C++ 2008 express
Is there a way to develop MFC applications in the express edition of Visual C++? Simple question. I hope someone wil help me. Thanks
[2 replies] Last: It ... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
File Details
Hello, I am looking for a method to read file details/information such as 'Comments', 'Tating', 'Title', 'Author', etc. I would prefer to only use windows API t...
[1 reply] : favor929, it gives you step by step instructions on what you need to u... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
How to return the length of an integer input
Is it possible to get the length of an integer input? in vb ther is the len function, how about c++? What function should i use to do this?
[6 replies] Last: Yeah, I should read better, but here you have some example code :P (by magnificence7)
Trouble with loading Custom Cursor/.cur file.
Hello everyone I'm having trouble compiling a .cur file in VC++ 08. What I'm doing is creating a custom cursor in "XN Resource Editor" and then saving it to a ....
[no replies]
by tom83
Win32 Thread Theory - Syncronisation
Hello, I have a for loop similar to the one below that executes several functions inside a multi threaded function. UINT MultiThreadedFunc(LPVOID pParam)...
[3 replies] Last: You're right, it unlocks. That's a horrible lock class!. If you ju... (by kbw)
by jcylam
Anyone know how SHAppBarMessage work in creating autohide?
APPBARDATA Keyboardbar = {0}; Keyboardbar.cbSize = sizeof (APPBARDATA); Keyboardbar.hWnd = hwnd; register app bar switch (message) { case WM...
[no replies]
Get desktop information (width, height, depth, etc.)
I want to try my hand at graphics programming, but I hate writing GUIs. For some reason, thought, the idea of writing a GUI library sounds interesting, so I'm...
[4 replies] Last: BITSPIXEL Number of adjacent color bits for each pixel. That should... (by chrisname)
Stuck on converting string
Hello, I'm making a function to list the directories that exists within the given directory. I'm using the boost library in my program, but the funcion desig...
[3 replies] Last: God! I found the function FindFirstFileA, here I can just fill in the... (by magnificence7)
C++ software development question for DACAL DC300
Dacal's API In the sample program provided by Dacal's API, SetCDCallbackProc is a function contained with USBCDDLL.dll. Thi...
[no replies]
C++ & Databases
Hey I'm currently developing an application (for windows XP) which will need to store data in a SQL database - I could just write it to files but much more work...
[1 reply] : My favorite database access technology is ODBC direct. The drivers a... (by freddie1)
How many times can we use for loop
How many times can we use for loop in c language..... i heard that there is a limit for using 'FOR LOOP' in c language.... please clear my doubt.....
[10 replies] Last: No, there is no theoretical limit. The boundary of the data type you u... (by chrisname)
Alarm in Sticky Note
I'm writing a program like Sticky Note in Windows but I do not know what is the best algorithm for alarming (daily , weekly, monthly...) Please help me! Thank...
[1 reply] : Store the old time somewhere (.ini, registry, etc.) and check the curr... (by Kiana)
Making a program register itself to run on start up
Hi, I was wondering how I could make a program register itself to run at windows start up. I know how to edit the registry files myself and select programs to r...
[2 replies] Last: Use the registry [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current... (by Kiana)
I'm looking for a good tutorial for the Windows API in which the code will actually compile in the latest version of visual studio. Any good ones? Also is Wi...
[7 replies] Last: No problem :) (by DrChill)
how to print on the selected pixels
How to selected the required pixels on the screen(cmd) to glow in c language ..... like for letter A system is selecting the required pixels to glow so that th...
[no replies]
sockets: how to send html file to web browser that display it
What i have done so far: I have coded a program that makes a socket and allows a client to connect to it. To connect to the program i type in the web browser "...
[1 reply] : A browser already has the page it needs to display. The client only s... (by kbw)
February 2010 Pages: 12345
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