Windows Programming - February 2010 (Page 3)

Game programming with Visual C++, MFC and TCP, UDP and Socket API
Hello everyone, I have to do programming to make a small, straightforward game operating over a LAN network. I think I should use Visual C++ and MFC libr...
[4 replies] Last: These are a couple of old bits of code I made ages ago thrown together... (by Mythios)
by cacalo
user32 without "SetLayeredWindowAttributes"
Hi, I'm working with Fujitsu Cobol in W2K/WXP platforms... I've decided to work with "SetLayeredWindowAttributes" function but my linking process gave me an ...
[no replies]
Gui Library Suggestion (1,2,3)
hey guys, i just started GUI programming today.. i learned c++ about 2 and a half months ago only with free online resources.. I previously attended two semeste...
[48 replies] Last: but hey... what? (by blackcoder41)
Can't run my program on another machine
I built my program using vs2008 and have been trying to deploy program on another machine(xp) and got "This application has failed to start because the applicat...
[2 replies] Last: I had the same problem a while ago with a program I wrote. What I did ... (by Rycul)
G++ Undefined References
I am new to g++ (normally I program in Ada using Gnat) and the file that I am trying to compile is in the directory C:\bullet\src and uses files in that directo...
[2 replies] Last: I am trying to compile a HelloWorld program that used the bullet colli... (by analogMACHINE)
Font Problems, Or Not?
I have a freeware app that a number of people have used without any problem, but two people have reported that they are getting little square boxes at the end o...
[no replies]
Any way to make vs2008 to stop compiling after a certain number of errors?
Is there a property I can set that makes it stop building automatically after it passes something like 5 errors?
[4 replies] Last: There is also a panel that is not enabled by default (I have no idea w... (by firedraco)
SDL error
I tried windows SDL again and got this error: \Users\hercules\trunk\SDL-1.2\.\src\main\win32\SDL_win32_main.c|315|undefined reference to `_SDL_main'| T....
[2 replies] Last: Amazing ... I feel like an idiot now, I didn't know that adding in... (by DrChill)
Microsoft's Crypto
after not getting Crypto++ working for me, i've given up on it to save my time and sanity and am trying to use Microsoft's Crypto API. for now. the thing is,...
[1 reply] : you coul search for it in the msdn and search for examples... (by Incubbus)
2D graphics
I have to do a project for school and it involves 2D graphics. I wish to make a small game and need an efficient way to work with images: collision detection,...
[2 replies] Last: If you want to have any form of image rotation in your game you'll pro... (by Mythios)
by jcylam
access violation, anyone know why?
VOID KeyControl (PVOID pvoid) { POINT cursor ; double duration; clock_t start, finish; int i = 0, current, mid, midStatic, block = 0...
[6 replies] Last: i am trying to write a program that does automatic mouse clicks. so wh... (by jcylam)
by Wylbur
Distinguishing Printable Chars on Console
Hi all; I am renovating an old DOS app that takes its input from the console using getch. For some reason, getch doesn't seem to work anymore. I am looking...
[no replies]
by vtala
MinGW with MySQL
Folks, I'd like to access and change data stored in a MySQL database from a C++ program I'd like to compile with MinGW on Windows XP. I do not have VC++ or...
[no replies]
undefined reference to `_WSAStartup@8 ...
i got the classes from here: but when i try to compile them, i get undefined reference to `_WSAStartup@8...
[2 replies] Last: or ws2_32.lib. (by kbw)
by Null
Can't get right value from mbr
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; //131 WORD begin_cylinder,end_cylinder; #pragma pack(1) typedef struc...
[2 replies] Last: Tried it - but could not get handle - but i was using windows 7 and I ... (by guestgulkan)
by Null
Program communication
Hi,I want to know how can two or more programs communicate each other. Can you recommend a site with a tutorial? Also, is it possible to make programs communica...
[4 replies] Last: I'd suggest sockets rather than named pipes. (by kbw)
wireless router design
hey guys i need to design a router which prepare internet for other computers . i mean my computer would be the gateway somehow and other computers could conne...
[2 replies] Last: And please, don't post your questions in different threads. (by Denis)
by meesa
Windows Programming with C++
Where can I find a good tutorial on how to program Window's? An E-book would be even better. I thought I had found one, but onces I got it all put to gether,...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. I didn't really know what they were called either. (by meesa)
GetAsyncKeyState -- Case question
hi, im doing an app that need to determine the keystroke of the user and the case. but.... it is not working. #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> usi...
[1 reply] : GetAsyncKeyState really reports which key on the key board is press... (by guestgulkan)
how to use PostMessage / SendMessage?
hi, i need to send keystrokes an application (including, "enter", "left arrow", "right arrow", etc). but how do i do that? i do not see any short and useful ...
[1 reply] : Keystrokes are reported to an application's Window Procedure through W... (by freddie1)
February 2010 Pages: 12345
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