by Robertlzw
Win32 program Link error: LNK2019
[7 replies] Last: kbw's answer solved my problem as follows: (1) launch Visual Studio 2... (by Robertlzw)
by dumbterminal
Recursive Folder Copy
[2 replies] Last: OMG, it seems like someone had brainwashed me. and i must say u have s... (by dumbterminal)
by dumbterminal
DAMAGE: after Normal block (#42) at 0x00430160
[4 replies] Last: Oh thank you very much. Actually i have been skipping my data structur... (by dumbterminal)
Sockets (C++) |
[5 replies] Last: where does your program start?... (by Incubbus)
by jeric3182
Playlist transfer
[no replies]
by netlan
find text into parameter BSTR type
[6 replies] Last: Sorry! I wasn't able to express myself very well! The question is:... (by netlan)
by dumbterminal
Problems with C Runtime Thread
[3 replies] Last: Like dealing with pointers, being careful isn't enough to be safe with... (by kbw)
by m4ster r0shi
my cheat engine needs searching speed!!!
[14 replies] Last: It's best to use VirtualQueryEx and VirtualProtectEx to save memory ra... (by mackabee)
by indigo
winsock error 10049
[5 replies] Last: It's not a book, it's some outdated tuttorial :) (by indigo)
by adtr
file analyzing
[6 replies] Last: Ok, here's what I would do: Start by moving the get call on line 75... (by moorecm)
by foobarbaz
weird syntax error
[4 replies] Last: I missed Thanks. now my problem is an error initializin... (by foobarbaz)
by meesa
[C++] Windows Resource Menus
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by meesa)
by Torbalan4o
Can you ...
[2 replies] Last: Sure, we can help. What have you done so far? (by kbw)
by seyidi
Data in Database/DB Connection
[1 reply] : (by kbw)
Pools<thread and memory pools> |
[2 replies] Last: Great, thanks that will do the job :) What about thread pools? Is th... (by SimpleButPerfect)
by jcylam
I want my program to auto select the "enter link" box in brower
[no replies]
by rompecabezas
message box handle problem
[no replies]
by karshant
Good collection of questions on C, C++, Win32 Programming, MFC, DLL, COM/DOM
[no replies]
by CrazyPlaya
Network / calculate current bandwidth
[1 reply] : You may try to send increasing buffers and calculate how long they did... (by Incubbus)
by Seraphimsan
GTK on windows
[2 replies] Last: Heh, it was the compiling I was having a problem with, I got it to wor... (by Seraphimsan)