Windows Programming - February 2010

by Rycul
Standalone executables
Heya, I've written a program in C++, which is fairly general I guess. And now I want that program to be compiled into a single exe that I can run on atleast ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot both you guys. I changed "Use of MFC" (under Project Prop... (by Rycul)
by Zemalf
Sockets for a site?
Well, I used to script in mIRC and I was able to make a socket script that would basiclly connect through HTTP, using port 80 to a site and return a value that ...
[4 replies] Last: what of the above steps is unclear?... (by Incubbus)
by rudi
combobox with editbox?
hello! im new to these forums and since im coding the win32 api i stumble upon different problems, i hope there are some ppl who has some knowledge about the wi...
[4 replies] Last: i found the solution. I used CBS_DROPDOWNLIST instead of CBS_DROPDOWN.... (by rudi)
Fstream reversing
I am working on a homework assignment and I need to find the longest word from a list of almost 50,000 and the reverse that word.I think the word, once reversed...
[no replies]
by Wylbur
Much Too Permissive
Hi all; I am accessing the DACL for a user, with a given file. I am able to grant and deny any given permission, but when I grant certain permissions, I ...
[1 reply] : Hi all; I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. When you... (by Wylbur)
by ulao
need some, basic winaip guidelines
Hello, c++ programmer here that has never really had the need for the win api. I have used it here and there but never got a good book on the subject and dont h...
[no replies]
Use one socket to send and receive message (using UDP)
Hi everyone, I'm using socket API to make a simple chat program using UDP socket (SO_BROADCAST) To make it simple, at first, I created 1 socket named "soc...
[3 replies] Last: i already did tell you how to do it... where is your response-code?--... (by Incubbus)
static control not being created
Hello, In the WM_CREATE case of my main window wndproc I am trying to create a static control. It fails to create, producing the message box specificed in t...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much - that had been annoying me for hours! (by exiledAussie)
Win32 Syntax Question
Hello everyone, In the following Win32 function, what is WINAPI? int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! Now that I know what to call it, I can look it up. (by ChickenLeg80)
by Rycul
Code not starting ("Application Started") + VS poking around in weird folder
Heya people, I've posted this in the General forum before, but after exactly 1 reply I was told that no one apparantly wants to gently mention that I posted ...
[2 replies] Last: Have you checked to make sure s, s->pixels, and s->pitch are valid at ... (by firedraco)
by Wylbur
Getting Purmisshun
Hi all; I am trying to get a data structure with lists of users and the corresponding access permissions for a given file. I've not yet been able to find...
[3 replies] Last: Hi Gullian; My latest thread-post shows how, but it doesn't quite... (by Wylbur)
by leonel
How to create a BASIC dll to use in a C++ code?
Hi guys, Forgive me if there is a topic similar to this already. I couldn't find one that helped me. So, here is the thing: I'm developing a program in C+...
[14 replies] Last: A guy in a FreeBasic forum helped me to solve the problem of creating ... (by leonel)
by jcylam
is it possible to detect the cursor icon change? if so, what function?
for example, when in normal circumstances the cursor is the default arror. when the cursor goes to a hyperlink, it changes to a hand. or when the cursor goes to...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much, i was expecting no response haha thank you. (by jcylam)
by TNDave
Progress bar for web browser
Hi all, New to the c++ programming language and need a little help. I am working on a web browser and have run into a issue. I'm trying to add a progress bar...
[no replies]
by Null
Determining if mouse pointer is in rect
Hi all, In my program I have an array of rectangles positioned in window client area. Now I need to determine on which rectangle user has clicked. Hers is par...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks. (by Null)
Load & Display Animated GIF
Hi there, Anyone knows how to load and display an animated gif on a GLUT window ?? How to do it ?? any resource ?? I have used FreeImage.lib it shows up but no...
[no replies]
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Code is not compiling for memset
Hi, I have a very big c file. In that one function calls a memset ( in my previous post I have post about memset) it set a array whose size is 1006. but i...
[3 replies] Last: Your release mode settings may have certain optimizations enabled, as ... (by closed account 1yR4jE8b)
Connecting to COM object with C++
Hi all, Is there a way to connect to a specific COM Object using C++? I'm having a hard time finding anything on the Microsoft websites. In vbscript, the...
[12 replies] Last: Ok, I'll look into those books. Thank you very much for all the hel... (by freddie1)
Books for concurrent programming on Windows
Hi guys, I came across this book "Concurrent Programming on Windows (2008)". How do you think of it? Is there any great books that you would recommend for lean...
[1 reply] : Win32 Multithreaded Programming I'm really enjoying this book and b... (by mackabee)
February 2010 Pages: 123... 5
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