Windows Programming - February 2009 (Page 2)

getline() Problem
I have created a demo file I/O program for school that takes in a string and writes it to files in various ways. However, it doesn't properly take in the strin...
[9 replies] Last: I get that, but I don't understand what stringstream is doing.... (by yokokingdommusic)
by jaised
What does this error mean?
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > & __cdecl operator<<(class std::basic_ostream<char,stru...
[11 replies] Last: If you mess about and switch your program between Console and Wi... (by guestgulkan)
by Irie
capturing a screen shot as png file (MFC - C++)
hi, does anyone know how to get a screen shot as a png file (under MFC, C++) i am able to get screen shot as a HBITMAP. I have converted it to device indepe...
[2 replies] Last: thanks Grey Wolf .....that works! yep, im creating a stream object... (by Irie)
Win32 Multithreading Tutorial Suggestion
Hello All, I am very new to W in32 Multithreading programming . I just started working on it in VC++ 6.0 in MS Visual Studio . Can anyone suggest me nice tut...
[1 reply] : I find the Boost threading library to be a good one, easy to understan... (by Zaita)
by suchi
activation of tool bar
How do i activate the tool bar in dialog based application in VC++?
[no replies]
Copy Constructor Error keeps Occurring
Hello all, I am programming in Visual Studio 2008 and keep getting an error when I try to add a copy constructor in, just seeing if anyone can help me solve ...
[8 replies] Last: A few comments. 1. The signature of your assignment operator is incor... (by kbw)
Check which serial port a device is on
I have a glucose device that I am using to get readings from. I have been looking online for weeks now for a way to check what device is connected to which port...
[1 reply] : Your best bet is to poll each available port until you get the respons... (by Zaita)
MFC Static library Linker Error
I am trying the code from in VS2008. I am getting the following linker errors. Can Someone help Pleas...
[1 reply] : I just went through the instuctions and managed it ok. You probably m... (by guestgulkan)
AppName: simple1.exe Ap...
Hello, its me again. So I finally compiled the library, and all I got was a dll and a .a file. So i linked to the .a file. Now, when i run my program i get t...
[2 replies] Last: What are your search directories and links? Could there be a problem ... (by LoopStan)
Truble with GetDC()
I have an app which i draw a PNG on the button and all works great until i want to redraw the whole screen. when i try to redraw the whole screen it gives me...
[17 replies] Last: Anders43, while hiving of long running processes to is important, the ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Capturing data sent to LPT port
Hello everybody, I have a question and maybe somebody of you can help? I need to know if there is a way of capturing data whitch is sent to a printer connec...
[no replies]
'dlltool' is not recognized...
Hello, I am new here yes, and I was hoping someone could help me out here. I am sort of new to c++, I have done some, and then I wanted to use mysql in my appl...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks. I am extremely nooby at this i know, but we all have to learn... (by LoopStan)
C++ and ODBC
Hello. I'm looking to connect C++ to an Access database. What is the syntax for connecting? I'm familiar with PHP's connection syntax if it's anything similar. ...
[2 replies] Last: If you want to do database stuff on windows, probably the best place t... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
protected inheritance, Compiler Error C2243
hello I have a base class and a child class, my base class has a public test function and child class inherits base class as protected, because I dont want any...
[2 replies] Last: If you want to change the access specifier for child::test(), I think ... (by seymore15074)
by kabuum
wave to ogg
Hello, maybe i creat a Topic in the wrong Forum. I hope a Admin can move it to this Forum. Nobody can help...
[no replies]
by Gregor
[Winsock2]Connecting to a remote custom server (via internet)
Hello. I'd like to create a server, bind it to my computer (which is connected to the internet tru a wireless router ) and than run my client on a computer w...
[1 reply] : You probably need to understand TCP/IP programming in general, in whic... (by kbw)
Making visual cpp program use dual core?
How do you make a visual cpp project run using duel cores? I looked at the affinity in the control panel, and it is set to use both cores, but the cpu meter onl...
[3 replies] Last: HANDLE WINAPI CreateThread( __in LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ... (by helios)
Replace key input in external program
Hi you all, I hope you can help me. We've got an application that outputs a period (.) while pressing the period on the numeric keyboard. But I want to repla...
[6 replies] Last: Now this probably is NOT the best code, BUT! It does work (for me) & I... (by chris)
drive search
i want to search all drives for a particular file how can i do?
[2 replies] Last: See also GetLogicalDrives () and GetLogicalDriveStrings ().... (by Duthomhas)
A problem with user input filename in textBox
the following is a method from the class I wrote, and it works so long as I set the filename in the program where the method is called, rather than as user inpu...
[2 replies] Last: What's being passed from the windows form is wchar_t. That's why I'm ... (by gfodale)
February 2009 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [jan2009] [mar2009]

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