by piction
[7 replies] Last: Because the only available codes are of course on MSDN ! It's the Bib... (by george135)
by tition
using delete/defragmenting memory
[19 replies] Last: Understood hehe (forum posting etiquette I guess...?) Btw, throug... (by tition)
by piction
[no replies]
by piction
Exit a Infinite for Loop
[3 replies] Last: I have chosen the QueryPerformance-functions because they are very acc... (by piction)
by semaphore
How to convert color EMF spool file to grayscale or Black /white spool file?
[1 reply] : I have a class (somewhere) than handles EMFs as grey scales, as I reme... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by JohnChen
Imput a name.
[1 reply] : try WM_CHAR instead of WM_KEYDOWN. The WPARAM will have the proper ca... (by Disch)
by andros
overloading operator==
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for the tip, Seymore and SkorJ. I wasn't considering code... (by andros)
by zehdopulo
How to know if file download is completed?
[no replies]
by JohnChen
Flash Win32 Programmer.
[1 reply] : HANDLE_MSG(hWnd,WM_PAINT,OnPaint); void OnPaint(HWND hwnd) { ... (by JohnChen)
GNU compiler? |
[4 replies] Last: ok thanks [SIZE=1][FONT=arial]__________________ [URL= (by imike24)
by piction
[4 replies] Last: Now , you must go to the project-properties , ->submenu Linker ->Inp... (by piction)
by mzd72
[1 reply] : EnableWindow and ShowWindow (by Bazzy)
by jrohde
Detect whether mouse is down
[1 reply] : Read up on the SetCapture Function. (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by antony
How to access java class from c++ program
[2 replies] Last: kbw is right. Fortunately, compile the java class with gcj and everyt... (by TheHeadlessSourceMan)
by tition
[Edit: Resolved] dll function found under debug but not under release||...
[3 replies] Last: [Edit: Resolved the problem! sorry for bothering you!] Just got a n... (by tition)
by Temperedsoul
Reading a Matrix txt file and storing as an array
[no replies]
by a dot self
Bloom filters
[no replies]
by gen1mx6
How to use PDCurses?
[3 replies] Last: yep no problems now :) (by gen1mx6)
by sanzilla
DLL and Object oriented programming
[3 replies] Last: Thanks kbw and thanks Grey Wolf , I think I got it . again thanks i... (by sanzilla)
by lion1802
Qt inheritance problem
[1 reply] : Thanks a lot. I already have a good solution of it^^ When the clas... (by lion1802)