Windows Programming - December 2015

by Gyiove
winsocket problem, 2 accept() for 1 client?
Hello everyone! Here's my socket class: class spSocket { public: SOCKET psocket; spchar *ip; spchar *port; spchar *error; spSocket() { port = 0; i...
[3 replies] Last: oh yeah thanks. I already did it actually in my code back in project y... (by Gyiove)
C++ program builds but doesn't run
Hi all, For about a week, I've been having this issue on my Windows 8.1 machine, where I can build a C++ program using Eclipse CDT, Visual Studio 2012 or Cod...
[5 replies] Last: I finally figured out what the issue was. A couple days ago, I found a... (by kurtahn)
winsock2.h header file does not exsist
So iv learned how to quite a bit in visual studio so i thought it might be time to do a very basic project that can do something with the internet but i ran int...
[7 replies] Last: There is also the Windows 10 SDK. I don't know if it requires VS 2015... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Get cursor position in Win Console App
I've come this far, but what I want to achieve is: *I want to get Pixel Position(XY) of Cursor(NOT MOUSE) position in console and then draw a line to that pos...
[2 replies] Last: I already use that : void getCursorXY(int &x, int&y) ... (by lowarago)
Console app coloring.
Hello, I am creating app like Micro. Off. Excel in console ... This is where I am currently : So I wonder Is it possible to color ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much Shadowwolf, I already knew how to use a SetConsole... (by lowarago)
by Hex213
Rights Programmes.
I need help, when I start the application I got the following code: ofstream LAST1("D:\\End.ini"); LAST1 << "1" << endl; LAST1 << Directory; LAST1.close(); sys...
[15 replies] Last: For single files you can use the "DEL" command. I thought by the varia... (by Shadowwolf)
I can't load my own icon for my window
Ok so i was able to successfuly make my own window and so now im trying to load my own icon to the window so that it will appear in upper left corner but I can'...
[9 replies] Last: :O sry i found the problem lol i typed something in wrong #troubleshoo... (by Sharpchain)
by V07
Problem in displaying two bitmaps
Hi everyone, I have coded a program to display two bitmaps on a window.One is displayed successfully but the other is not can you help me with this? H...
[3 replies] Last: You still have TWO EndPaint() functions. case WM_PAINT: { PAINTST... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Gyiove
One thread at the time shall pass.
Hello everyone I have this function what can be called with many thread but if one thread is already in the function, others must wait until thread has don...
[3 replies] Last: Yes it does. However, don't use the windows threading API unless you ... (by Moschops)
Problem with CreateWindow() function
I am trying to create a window using Visual Studio and i keep getting this error when ever i try to run the program 'HWND CreateWindowExW(DWORD,LPCWSTR,LPCWS...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for you help guys i did some research and i was able to make a ... (by Sharpchain)
Bonjour, j'utilise dev c++ et depuis que j'ai formaté mon pc la console prend du temps à executer le programme! y a-t-il une solution s'il vous plait? Mer...
[4 replies] Last: It's waiting for something. Does it happen from the command prompt to... (by kbw)
by V07
Displaying bitmap in menu
Hi everyone, I have created a simple menu using my resource editor and I need to add a image(or bitmap) on my menu. Since I am not a native En...
[1 reply] : Here is an example about owner drawn menu. Maybe you can adjust it - d... (by Thomas1965)
by AcarX
IOCP Server Example
Hello. I've been reading about IOCP technology and want to implement it in my project. I've checked codeproject article source but there're about 4k lines only ...
[3 replies] Last: TransmitFile is the fastest way to get a file onto a file down a socke... (by kbw)
what's the better library for automation of microsoft word?
hello sir/madam I have googled around for this question,but I still have some questions on it. I have found 2 two solutions,is there any better than these...
[1 reply] : I just use low level COM to do it. I hate bloat in my code so I would... (by freddie1)
Debug Assertion Failed! (Binary Search tree)
I've asked the same Question here IM IN DESPERATE NEED OF HELP. Im worki...
[18 replies] Last: Well, I should have read all the posts... (by coder777)
by Hex213
It can be recorded from the command system(*); in some file with use Win32. For example, the command system(netstat)? Or some other command?
[7 replies] Last: I've found what I needed. Thanks. :) (by Hex213)
by Kande
Checking the instance of the application running
I have .bat file to kill the list of process from my windows. Now I need to loop through for confirming if all the list of process have been killed using C++...
[1 reply] : The stuff you need is in here. (by kbw)
For Visual Studio, what does the option "Use in Build" mean and why is it set to YES by default?
If you go to project properties page and look under build events. I'm trying to compile the video game Half-Life on Visual Studio and I've never known this "Use...
[1 reply] : If you highlight the option you get a description for the option at th... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
I FINALLY Succeeded writing a program that sends data(bytes), however, how can i make it better? (just so it will be clear, i have read all the instructions ...
[1 reply] : This is reasonable place to learn about IP network programming. http:/... (by kbw)
typedef and function pointers (with instances)
Ok this should be pretty straight-forward imo but for some reason I can't get anything I try to work. Can someone explain why this code will not compile or ano...
[3 replies] Last: Maybe related but also, how could i make a generic reference to a poi... (by cire)
December 2015 Pages: 123
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