Windows Programming - December 2010 (Page 6)

by Veltas
Good C++ Software
Please excuse me if I don't use correct terminology since I'm still relatively new to C++. I can already program with OOP and etc. however I want to do some se...
[4 replies] Last: Here is a good tool to find and delete duplicate files http://www.d... (by markhugy)
reading the last char twice
I am not going to type in all my code, but when I run the program it reads the last char twice.How can I fix it thank you void main() { ifstream fin; ...
[5 replies] Last: You're welcome! Please mark this as fixed if this worked for you. (by kooth)
writing a structure to a file
I don't really a program that exists yet, but i was thinking of writing code that would allow the user to enter a structure into a file that already contains a ...
[1 reply] : A few things to thing about: The seek functions will be handy. ... (by kooth)
by adn258
How do you make Applications That Have a GUI?
So I have Been making decent console applications for awhile now but there is something about trying to understand The general concepts that leaves me not only ...
[11 replies] Last: Glad to hear you are making progress. No, there isn't anything at all... (by freddie1)
December 2010 Pages: 1... 456
  Archived months: [nov2010] [jan2011]

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