Windows Programming - December 2010 (Page 5)

ISAPI Extension wildcard question
Hello, I wrote an ISAPI Extension WildCard that proccess any request. Now my problem is that i want to get data from all requests but not to change anything a...
[no replies]
OpenAFX Library
I would like to announce a new open source C++ library for Windows GUI development that may be of interest to users of this forum. The library is known as Open...
[1 reply] : (by jamesjackson)
NEED atl Code
I need some code Either C Or C++ witch produces a Window with an embedded active X control witch Uses The GUID & Control name & file name to find the ActiveX ...
[no replies]
Obtaining GUID for Existing USB Device on Windows XP
I need to find the GUID for an existing USB device attached to my Windows XP system. How can this be done using WMI or the registry? Or, is there another aven...
[2 replies] Last: DevViewer from Symantec seems to do the trick. http://service1.syma... (by pcpro178)
How to set up a recall point inside of main
I'm making a newer password prompt, the last one worked great, but I'm just wanting to try something new. SO, it there a command that would do something like: ...
[14 replies] Last: If you don't like goto use longjmp ;^) (by Bazzy)
I am used to Linux and I can't get Visual Studio to work right.
I have only been coding for a year now but it has all been in a plain text editor in Linux. I have Visual Studio 2008 express and installed the C++ version b...
[2 replies] Last: OK, that sounds about right. I actually decided to try out code::block... (by IceThatJaw)
Printing a std::string
Hello... I wrote a c++ program in which I received a std::string type variable. The initialization is as: std::string *items = new string ; I am not ...
[5 replies] Last: In that case, wouldn't he just get an undeclared identifier error? (by Kiana)
XP Performance Issue with System()
Hi all I have a windows form and in this form i use the system command to open a C$ connection to a remote machine. When i click a button, I first run a NE...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for the late reply, been super busy. It goes much quicker whe... (by closed account Gy7oizwU)
RegSetValueEx Error (Buffer)
I want to append (or write) a value ...(open) ...(query) if (wcslen(pszRegData) != 0) { const _TCHAR pszDelimiter = L","; dwLen+=(DWORD)wcslen...
[3 replies] Last: 0L was OK. When I had read the existing value from the registry key... (by rattata)
Annoying Data Types...
Hi, I would like to send a string of text to the SetWindow() function, but the data type required is LPCWSTR ( I know it is a null terminated 16-bit character s...
[6 replies] Last: Just the other day I replied to someone who was absolutely determined ... (by freddie1)
C++ assignment
I have been given a programming task for my Advanced C++ progging assignment can anybody help me or point me in the right direction. maze is a guessing game ...
[2 replies] Last: ahh i see, that makes it alot clearer... damn i hate university instru... (by generalbam)
program is unable to capture video
hi all, my program is unable to capture the video file after debugging. did i miss out some setting to link the video to C++ or is it something else?? the pr...
[no replies]
by Kanto
Paths with fstream
Hi, I have a program in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition to manipulate files in binary format, with the iostream library and the fstream class in a Win32 console...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, paths work great with strings. Just a detail, when I used c... (by Kanto)
by GaryJJ
re: pluggin for a game
so when I upload this code to it returned with this bool __stdcall CS_Knife_s::bAutoKnife ( usercmd_s *cmd ) { cl_entity_s *ent; ...
[1 reply] : when I compile at cfree it doesn't matter with or without offsets it i... (by GaryJJ)
Hello, Can you please tell me how to make a program with processes (parent,child,grandchild) and how to print the id of a process and a number in each process....
[no replies]
socket class !!!
#include <WinSock2.h> #include <WinSock.h> #include <process.h> #include <time.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class PoPSocket { public...
[3 replies] Last: You have a set of definitions in the guts of some nested if statement.... (by kbw)
by Faff
Visual C++ Form: Datagridview
Hello :) Started today with VC++ form apps, but got stuck with the datagridview Got no idea how to make it show something, and whatever I do , I don't get i...
[no replies]
Anyone see a problem with this?
I've got this program due and I just got back from vacation and I'm a little rusty. Anyway my program keeps freezing in the command prompt and now I'm trying to...
[10 replies] Last: Experimenting with a for loop. for (i=5; i<10; i++) seats = 2; ... (by skatingrocker17)
Timing file transfer over socket
Hi Experts I am attempting to time a file transfer using the windows QueryPerformanceCounter() to display a transfer rate and estimated transfer time etc. Th...
[2 replies] Last: To be honest all I want to achieve is to be able to display the result... (by riprage)
by Waise
standalone .exe
Hi, I wrote some code to open an image, view it in windows in grayscale and save the outer image. I used Visual C++ 2010 Express and OpenCV. I added OpenCV's...
[3 replies] Last: A lot of the specific Libs, DLL's ect. used by MS products for the pur... (by Computergeek01)
December 2010 Pages: 1... 3456
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