by liquid24
ISAPI Extension wildcard question
[no replies]
by golubdr
OpenAFX Library
[1 reply] : (by jamesjackson)
NEED atl Code
[no replies]
by pcpro178
Obtaining GUID for Existing USB Device on Windows XP
[2 replies] Last: DevViewer from Symantec seems to do the trick. http://service1.syma... (by pcpro178)
by thenewguy
How to set up a recall point inside of main
[14 replies] Last: If you don't like goto use longjmp ;^) (by Bazzy)
by IceThatJaw
I am used to Linux and I can't get Visual Studio to work right.
[2 replies] Last: OK, that sounds about right. I actually decided to try out code::block... (by IceThatJaw)
by rohan1020
Printing a std::string
[5 replies] Last: In that case, wouldn't he just get an undeclared identifier error? (by Kiana)
XP Performance Issue with System() |
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for the late reply, been super busy. It goes much quicker whe... (by closed account Gy7oizwU)
by rattata
RegSetValueEx Error (Buffer)
[3 replies] Last: 0L was OK. When I had read the existing value from the registry key... (by rattata)
by rem45acp
Annoying Data Types...
[6 replies] Last: Just the other day I replied to someone who was absolutely determined ... (by freddie1)
by generalbam
C++ assignment
[2 replies] Last: ahh i see, that makes it alot clearer... damn i hate university instru... (by generalbam)
by ViCozZz
program is unable to capture video
[no replies]
by Kanto
Paths with fstream
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, paths work great with strings. Just a detail, when I used c... (by Kanto)
by GaryJJ
re: pluggin for a game
[1 reply] : when I compile at cfree it doesn't matter with or without offsets it i... (by GaryJJ)
by Rooonaldinho
[no replies]
by Abanoup
socket class !!!
[3 replies] Last: You have a set of definitions in the guts of some nested if statement.... (by kbw)
by Faff
Visual C++ Form: Datagridview
[no replies]
Anyone see a problem with this? |
[10 replies] Last: Experimenting with a for loop. for (i=5; i<10; i++) seats = 2; ... (by skatingrocker17)
by riprage
Timing file transfer over socket
[2 replies] Last: To be honest all I want to achieve is to be able to display the result... (by riprage)
by Waise
standalone .exe
[3 replies] Last: A lot of the specific Libs, DLL's ect. used by MS products for the pur... (by Computergeek01)