by dragonbane
Custom image/icon issues
[no replies]
by Crabbo
Receiving messages from child button
[1 reply] : #include <windows.h> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, ... (by blackcoder41)
by v3ngenc3
Native Arrays in Visual Studio 2010
[3 replies] Last: static const unsigned char array is an incomplete type and its si... (by kbw)
Bitmap Issue |
[11 replies] Last: cool thank you so much :D (by some random dude)
by dragonbane
Displaying a second form with a Windows Form Application project
[no replies]
by henry1999sg
access to Oracle AQ in C++
[3 replies] Last: Oracle is great as a relational database. For non-database stuff they ... (by sohguanh)
by thenewguy
clear textBox1->Text
[1 reply] : nvm it suddenly works??? (by thenewguy)
by clumsygenius
non-blocking print to file
[2 replies] Last: I have created variables to time each line of code in my loop using cl... (by clumsygenius)
by rattata
string replace with unicode
[17 replies] Last: What about the line 42 (now) and that ominous (dwResLen+=dwLen) ? ... (by coder777)
Convert system string to LPCWSTR |
[2 replies] Last: I got it to work. i simply had to extend the size of the string by 1. ... (by closed account Gy7oizwU)
by laimaretto
C++ console application works; Excel crashes when using the same code.
[no replies]
by cosciisoft
I'm try to make keyboard hook for a month!!!.
[no replies]
by taylorc8
Simulate Input with windows low level keyboard hook
[no replies]
fatal error C1083 |
[5 replies] Last: I have solved the problem and want to share what I discovered. If any... (by DazednConfused87)
by taylorc8
SendInput hold keyboard key down.
[no replies]
by TimGalant
Prevent application from "APPCRASH"
[no replies]
by taylorc8
Fluid mouse movement
[2 replies] Last: (by Kiana)
by Null
wincred with mingw
[no replies]
by topengonzo
basic windows application questions?
[3 replies] Last: I never done it with html... shouldn´t be too hard if you understand ... (by Incubbus)
by hahaha12a2
problem with multithreading!!!
[1 reply] : This might help, it's a multithreaded dot product example. http://www... (by kbw)