Windows Programming - December 2010 (Page 4)

Custom image/icon issues
I'm currently building a UI with Windows Form Application. I have a second form opening when the user selects About from the Help menu. The problem is that if I...
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by Crabbo
Receiving messages from child button
Hello. I am trying to make a level editor for a game me and a group of students are making. At the moment I am trying to create a level editor for the game. I h...
[1 reply] : #include <windows.h> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, ... (by blackcoder41)
Native Arrays in Visual Studio 2010
I see this used all over the place on the net... unsigned char array ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; Why do I get ... error C2059: syntax error : '{' error C233...
[3 replies] Last: static const unsigned char array is an incomplete type and its si... (by kbw)
Bitmap Issue
Everytime I run my program LoadBitmap () returns NULL, I read a few things on google and I still don't know why. Window procedure (Only things that have to d...
[11 replies] Last: cool thank you so much :D (by some random dude)
Displaying a second form with a Windows Form Application project
I'm currently working on making an application using Windows Form Application. I'm pretty new to this, and don't know all the ins and outs yet. I'm trying to se...
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access to Oracle AQ in C++
I need to write a C++ application to write a message into an Oracle AQ. Any guru can guide me how to start or where sample codes could be found? thanks. Henr...
[3 replies] Last: Oracle is great as a relational database. For non-database stuff they ... (by sohguanh)
clear textBox1->Text
Here is the button event. I'm trying to do this the hard way, But I want avoid public declarations. How would I program a clear button with: private:...
[1 reply] : nvm it suddenly works??? (by thenewguy)
non-blocking print to file
I'm writing a logging program, and I need to read from serial once a second then print to a log file. the problem is fprintf and the "<<" operator both block my...
[2 replies] Last: I have created variables to time each line of code in my loop using cl... (by clumsygenius)
string replace with unicode
I really have problems to translate standard c replace functions to wide char replace. additionally, when i want to use secure functions (_s) everything messes ...
[17 replies] Last: What about the line 42 (now) and that ominous (dwResLen+=dwLen) ? ... (by coder777)
Convert system string to LPCWSTR
Hey guys What is the best way to convert from a system string to LPCWSTR? I am currenty using the below code but when i create a wchar_t* it adds funny chara...
[2 replies] Last: I got it to work. i simply had to extend the size of the string by 1. ... (by closed account Gy7oizwU)
C++ console application works; Excel crashes when using the same code.
Hi all! Greetings, this is my first post to the forum. I'm having the following problem. I have a code that compiles well as a console application and does w...
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I'm try to make keyboard hook for a month!!!.
That I can, I use "SetWindowsHookEx" for my hook project. It's work fine but in active from mode only. where the form is minimize or unactive this hook can't u...
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Simulate Input with windows low level keyboard hook
Astoundingly MSDN says Windows hooks can be used to simulate input, but I've yet to figure out how. A google search doesn't turn up anything promising, either....
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fatal error C1083
I know there are answers for this error already in other places on this forum, but I tried most of the solutions that I could find via the Search feature on thi...
[5 replies] Last: I have solved the problem and want to share what I discovered. If any... (by DazednConfused87)
SendInput hold keyboard key down.
My intuition from working with the mouse buttons for simulating input tells me to send a key down , pause, then a key up. However, this doesn't seem to be the ...
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Prevent application from "APPCRASH"
Hi, I'm trying to write a code for scrolling on a touchscreen, but half of the time my app crashes (APPCRASH message) (this is not the only application I am ...
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Fluid mouse movement
What is the best way to map an input device like a joystick to mouse movement? Windows Messages, or polling? Those are the only two options I've read about so...
[2 replies] Last: (by Kiana)
by Null
wincred with mingw
Hello, I want to use CredUIPromptForCredentials function with gcc-mingw but mingw does not come with wincrypt.h header. I found wincrypt header on the intern...
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basic windows application questions?
I know c++ programming however i am new to windows application(just know the basics like inserting textboxes,some functions on it...) I have a windows form w...
[3 replies] Last: I never done it with html... shouldn´t be too hard if you understand ... (by Incubbus)
problem with multithreading!!!
Hello everyone!! I must finish an exercise :" writing a program that use multithreading to slove matrix multiplication " I have Matrix A (dim1*dim2) and matri...
[1 reply] : This might help, it's a multithreaded dot product example. http://www... (by kbw)
December 2010 Pages: 123456
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