Windows Programming - December 2010 (Page 3)

by m75214
spherical texture mapping in OpenGL
I'm trying to learn spherical texture mapping in OpenGL. But, the texture doesn't rotate when the object does. Any ideas how to fix this? int DrawG...
[no replies]
how to retrieve a program registry key
Hello i'm still searching a method to retrieving the registry key for a installation program. You have examples or tips? Thanks in advance, Nico
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for links and methods!:) Nico (by candinico)
Inserting video into the game
Hi! I've developed a 3d app, now I would like to insert a video from directly inside the game. Any component / libraries for that?
[2 replies] Last: Just use powerful flash library for that - F-IN-BOX ( http://f-in-box.... (by Papasha)
Use ActiveX without registration
Hi! My app uses one ActiveX and I don't want to register it under WinXP. Is it possible to use ActiveX without registration? Thanks!
[3 replies] Last: You can "cheat" registration with BoxedApp SDK ( ... (by Papasha)
Using XML in Java
Please tell me how to implement this.
[no replies]
DLL protection
Hello, everybody! App uses some third-party DLLs, which should be protected from any outside access. However, the app should have full access to this DLLs. Are...
[2 replies] Last: Use BoxedApp Packer ( ) (by Papasha)
Swf to exe ( not projector)
Is it possible to play flash without flash-player installed? I heard that SWF file and flash player itself may be included into one EXE file. It cannot be decid...
[2 replies] Last: Friend advised me to use Flajector ( ). Is it go... (by Petrosyan)
BitBlt() experiment (1,2)
Hey all, first I'm new here, I don't consider myself a proffesional C++ programmer but I can say I am very fluent with it. I got into Windows Programming about ...
[22 replies] Last: Glad to hear it's working. =) (by Disch)
Set static label text to a double, Win32 C++
Hi all, I'm trying to use WM_SETTEXT to assign a double to a static window, within my Win32 application using VC++. Not sure if I'm going about this the rig...
[1 reply] : std::string double2string(const double i) { std::ostringstream str... (by frasiercrane)
unknown windows messages
I have been able to locate most of the WM_ messages and determine their values; howver, I cannot seem to find messages 140-148 (decimal). Could someone please t...
[6 replies] Last: Trying to program in Windows with out the win32 api reference is like ... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
by m75214
When you call glTexImage2D, where does the texture data go? Does it always go into video memory, or does it sometimes use regular RAM?
[no replies]
To make a core server into c++
hello, I am Amit tare (India) currently i am working with the C++ server. which having the facilities of:: run on all the platforms(Operating systems), mem...
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[C++ Win32 API] Updating Window Title
Anyone know how to change/update the window title in run time? I tried google but the first few things didn't help a lot. Thanks ^_^
[2 replies] Last: Cool, thanks ! (by some random dude)
by Null
Can't call correct function using this pointer
Hello, I want to make my GUI code object-oriented so I decided to create a class for dialogs ( class Dialog; ) Here's the code dialog.h #ifndef D...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks. (by Null)
by HenryJ
Do any one have a working source code to a console calculator?
I need the working source code of a working console calculator that works on codelite that I can reference to. Do any one have one? Please send it to henryjia18...
[1 reply] : see this It's from... (by Bazzy)
c++ std::string to LPCWSTR
Hi, I am using the function SetDlgItemTextW() which takes LPCWSTR as the third parameter, in a C++ program, see code fragment: std::string someText( "hell...
[12 replies] Last: Windows API introduce the infamous Hungarian notation which is so "un... (by kbw)
Drag & Drop to Dlg in Win32
Hey guys, First off, this is my first post here... just though id clear that up :) anyways, im needing to add drag & drop support for a win32 project im w...
[1 reply] : There's an MFC example with a detailed explanation here: http://msdn.... (by kbw)
OpenCV + Command Line Interface
I am working in VS10. I am working on building an interface for an arduino powered project I am working on. I am using the OpenCV library to capture a webcam...
[no replies]
[C++ Win32 API] BitMap Trancparancy Question
Hello, I am making a 2D Game in the Win32 API. I was wondering if there was a way to get the blue out of my sprite here:
[1 reply] : I really recommend you pick a different platform from WinAPI. I recom... (by Disch)
by HenryJ
How do you get this code working?
I have this bit of code: char selection selection =getche(); cout<<endl; s = atoi(selection); switch(s) { case 1: baseconverter(); break...
[no replies]
December 2010 Pages: 123456
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