Windows Programming - December 2010 (Page 2)

Batch file Shortcut
making batch files is pretty simple, but changing extensions makes it take about 4seconds longer, make a ton of batch files and that is a whole minute you could...
[3 replies] Last: bump (by thenewguy)
by m75214
load a PNG file from memory
Is there any easy way to load a PNG file from memory (as opposed to from the hard drive) in VC++?
[2 replies] Last: Hi You can use gdiplus to load a png file from a resource or memory... (by shredded)
Ok very annoying problem, need assistance here...
I'm trying to have the Enter key as my pause key for my Squibbles game. The problem i'm having is, at the main menu the enter key stays in the queue of messages...
[7 replies] Last: I forgot a 0 (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
Forms App---> SetPixel()
i am trying to use setpixel in a forms application. i have tried many solutions but i still get error message. added some libs (gdi32, user32...), and used #inc...
[9 replies] Last: i am working on a forms application. so i dont have an identified "hwn... (by essoperagma)
Issues with getline
I've been making a little binary converter over the past week just to see if I could. It's working, too! :D Now the problem is that when I get input from the...
[9 replies] Last: Use cin.get. ... (by Kiana)
My class for constructing application windows (1,2)
I've been working on this little project for over 4 days and tonight I finally got it running. Normally when you create a simple windows application, you declar...
[39 replies] Last: I'm a lot more into software than hardware, and am usually running old... (by freddie1)
AVG - Malware Detected - O_O
AVG started warning that the application I'm developing is a virus. Just because it copies itself to C: \ Windows \ System \ razor and creates a startup key in ...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks, i've change this things (system -> program files) and avg has ... (by gabrielsaraiva)
Read from flash socket
Hi guys, there a flash ( a game ) application A that opens a socket with a server. What I need to do, is to write a c++ application that intercept every packet ...
[no replies]
"open with"
hi i have i file type registered to open with my program in windows but how do i detect the action of the file being opened and then provide my program with its...
[5 replies] Last: If your program starts with int main(...) then it's a console app and ... (by Computergeek01)
Setting text-color with RGB i a Win32 Console Application
Hi there, I'm trying to adjust the text-color in a Win32 Console Application. I need to set the text-color with RGB, to adjust it to more than two different ...
[3 replies] Last: stuck with predefined colours (by guestgulkan)
Compatibility issues
I have been programming for a while and i just realized when i put my app on a flashdrive and put it on another computer with a different OS that it gives me an...
[7 replies] Last: Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday. There are a number of ways t... (by Computergeek01)
by firix
Netbeans C++ error
Hi I did the installation NetBeans and Cygwin including the welcome project, I get the same "Cannot find include file <iostream>," or any other include fil...
[2 replies] Last: cygwin does not work in 64-bit.. (by firix)
glut & QT in window 7
do execute the programs that made by glut 3.7 & qt on vindows vista & 7
[no replies]
Sneak preview of my windows Snake game!
Here is a preview :) And here is a small picture of what the main menu looks like!
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, I just want to finish this and add it to my portfolio of windo... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
Access CPU register
Hi, I have done registry access program using c++. But I am confused over the topic "Model Specific Register". How we can access these registers. What I n...
[no replies]
My Windows API Idea...Any Thoughts?
Ok, I have been playing around with the Windows API for a while now. It's great, sure, but it's also hard and complicated to learn. I have to write 20 lines o...
[14 replies] Last: Hey Casey, sorry to hear you are having trouble with the API, yes it i... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
capturing stills photo using webcam in cpp
Hello to you all, I purchased a logitech pro9000 webcam I am trying to find a way to capture stills photos with it, using cpp code. can anyone help please? t...
[1 reply] : It will be challenging if you don't know how to use ports in winapi. (by geomike)
right mouse button and c++ program
Hello! I have small program which makes some chars from KBL to BRIM encoding system. It is simple. But I want to do sth like this: I have any KBL text file (...
[14 replies] Last: System::String doesn't have c_str() method. I think this thread m... (by Null)
Why is my vc 2008 windows program not working?
I recently wrote a windows program an debuggged it, but rather than it loading it threw an exception with the following message: The procedure enry point RegDel...
[3 replies] Last: I competely missed the boat on that one, but I have reproduced the pro... (by kbw)
Running a loop while drawing text using pointers. [DirectX]
Hey guys, Got a problem here with DirectX, basically the game runs the main loop, processing network shit, position stuff etc. But basically what im trying t...
[no replies]
December 2010 Pages: 1234... 6
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