by thenewguy
Batch file Shortcut
[3 replies] Last: bump (by thenewguy)
by m75214
load a PNG file from memory
[2 replies] Last: Hi You can use gdiplus to load a png file from a resource or memory... (by shredded)
Ok very annoying problem, need assistance here... |
[7 replies] Last: I forgot a 0 (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
by essoperagma
Forms App---> SetPixel()
[9 replies] Last: i am working on a forms application. so i dont have an identified "hwn... (by essoperagma)
by biltong
Issues with getline
[9 replies] Last: Use cin.get. ... (by Kiana)
My class for constructing application windows (1,2) |
[39 replies] Last: I'm a lot more into software than hardware, and am usually running old... (by freddie1)
AVG - Malware Detected - O_O |
[11 replies] Last: Thanks, i've change this things (system -> program files) and avg has ... (by gabrielsaraiva)
by kaharas
Read from flash socket
[no replies]
by like2codecpp
"open with"
[5 replies] Last: If your program starts with int main(...) then it's a console app and ... (by Computergeek01)
by ThomasC
Setting text-color with RGB i a Win32 Console Application
[3 replies] Last: stuck with predefined colours (by guestgulkan)
by geomike
Compatibility issues
[7 replies] Last: Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday. There are a number of ways t... (by Computergeek01)
by firix
Netbeans C++ error
[2 replies] Last: cygwin does not work in 64-bit.. (by firix)
by javadvjj
glut & QT in window 7
[no replies]
Sneak preview of my windows Snake game! |
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, I just want to finish this and add it to my portfolio of windo... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
by susmithp
Access CPU register
[no replies]
by caseymdk
My Windows API Idea...Any Thoughts?
[14 replies] Last: Hey Casey, sorry to hear you are having trouble with the API, yes it i... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
by ofekkir
capturing stills photo using webcam in cpp
[1 reply] : It will be challenging if you don't know how to use ports in winapi. (by geomike)
by justukasm
right mouse button and c++ program
[14 replies] Last: System::String doesn't have c_str() method. I think this thread m... (by Null)
by greatme
Why is my vc 2008 windows program not working?
[3 replies] Last: I competely missed the boat on that one, but I have reproduced the pro... (by kbw)
by Ravskie
Running a loop while drawing text using pointers. [DirectX]
[no replies]