Windows Programming - December 2009 (Page 3)

Capturing mouse clicks and keyboard activity
Hello, I am a student trying to incorporate mouse clicks into a program. The main portion of my program is below. main() { vector<int> world; ACTI...
[8 replies] Last: Today I spent a few minutes reviewing this issue, and here is what I d... (by freddie1)
Change Cell Count in Command Prompt
I'm making a program that runs in Command Prompt (I have a vista 64-bit machine however I would like my code to work on windows XP as well). What I need to do i...
[1 reply] : I can be mistaken, but look at the function SetConsoleWindowInfo or ne... (by melkiy)
How to retrieve the value of a dialog edit control?
I have a dialog resource, ID_DIALOG with an edit control, ID_TXTFORM How do I retrieve the current text of the text field on the WM_COMMAND switch wparam mes...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by KaidzAccount)
by NGen
Drawing on the Background
Simply, is it possible to draw on the background using the WinAPI? I mean the desktop background, what you see when you have everything minimized.
[10 replies] Last: I think the desktop window is a two part window - the bit with the ico... (by guestgulkan)
Visual C++ Message Loops
Yes, another question :] I have a dialog resource, IDD_MYDIALOG I also have my WinMain setup so that when my app is run, a window shows up with a menu FIL...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by KaidzAccount)
Game Launcher (1,2)
I am trying to make a game launcher, and for the auto-update to work, all I need is: - I want progressbar 1 to fill up while downloading the directory (called ...
[30 replies] Last: Already tried it, didn't work. But now I found something that downloa... (by Wazakindjes)
Another Menu Event Problem (VISUAL C++)
Ok, I have this menu resource IDM_MYMENU with IDM_FILE_EXIT and IDM_HELP_ABOUT It is in the .rc file in the visual studio 2008 project, and when I compile th...
[1 reply] : Solved myself. { case WM_COMMAND: // Windows command. Fin... (by KaidzAccount)
Designing Menus: Problem assigning events to menu item clicks
First, here my code: (Compiled as C) #include <windows.h> #define ID_FILE_EXIT 4001 #define ID_STUFF_GO 4002 #define ID_HELP_WTF 4003 #define WM_M...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, solved. (by KaidzAccount)
Problem with edit control
Hey @ all, i have a big problem with reading characters from a single line edit control. I want to read the number of characters and the string written in a...
[6 replies] Last: Good! By the way, why don't you check out GetTextLength() and GetWi... (by freddie1)
String being displayed as asian characters
~ This may or may not be a compiler-specific problem; I think it is though, so can anyone who is familiar with Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2008 help me out? ...
[3 replies] Last: Kay (by KaidzAccount)
video files not opening--in opencv with c++
Hello !! i am a newbie to opencv and working with it in windows. i have opencv 1.0. installed . Any code for video doesn't work in my computer.It is possibly n...
[no replies]
by Bv202
Dialog boxes
Hi, Is there any way to give a position on the screen for dialogboxes, created with CreateDialog? With normal windows (created with CreateWindow) this is pos...
[7 replies] Last: SetWindowPos() is generally the best way to resize and manipulate wind... (by Lamblion)
Winsock and NAT (Network address translation)
I am using winsock to connect in the same application, divided into server and client. The application is an ActiveX control, viewed through IE browser. The con...
[no replies]
by mikehp
visual c++ GetWindow member function
Hi, my question is regarding the visual c++ 'GetWindow' member function. An application I support has the ability to limit concurrent user sessions. It does thi...
[2 replies] Last: Is the DLL loaded in the address space of the executable that you coun... (by webJose)
by jcylam
stupid question to most people. What language is .NET? is it c#
i have written a program in c++ console app in MS visual c++ 2008. I do not have a clue how to transfer it into windows form.
[6 replies] Last: Okay, thanks. (by Lamblion)
by rayman
libwmp3 library not working?
I'm using visual studio 2008 and I'm trying to make a C++ program that plays MP3 using the libwmp3 library. I tried doing a simple example they provided but I k...
[7 replies] Last: george135 is right, mciSendString function works and the DirectX API i... (by mackabee)
by Gilmar
Detect usb insertion and removal
Hi, I'd like to ask if it is possible to auto detect usb stick insertion and removal in c++? This is possible in c#, but I'd like to make it portable so creati...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, i just pasted the msdn code sample. I modified it a little bit use... (by Gilmar)
December 2009 Pages: 123
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