Windows Programming - December 2009 (Page 2)

Simple Web Crawler
Hi all, I'm new to C++ but not to programming. I'm trying to create a console application where I would enter the URL of a specific stock/financial message b...
[7 replies] Last: i'm sorry... i forgot to post the link to matrici.h http://mamo139... (by mamo139)
using Mutexes for single application instances
I did some googling in trying to figure out which was the best method in win32 to ensure that only one instance of an application was running and it seems most ...
[1 reply] : "If a thread terminates without releasing its ownership of a mutex obj... (by Mal Reynolds)
by mikes
Need To Crawl Before You Can Walk
I have just completed my second(advanced) C++ book and am using MS Visual C++ 08 Express Addition for my compiler. My primary goal at this point in time is t...
[5 replies] Last: If you get Charles Petzold's book used, I'd try to get one with the CD... (by freddie1)
How do I make a window fit to the desktop
I don't want to make it a chromeless full screen window. Just like when notepad is full screened. Thanks.
[9 replies] Last: you said you don't have access to CreateWindow, but what about ShowWin... (by Mal Reynolds)
Parameters in Unicode - what am I doing wrong here?
I'm trying to build a console app with Unicode support. I'm using VS.NET, and Unicode is enabled in the project settings. Param parsing doesn't work right, and ...
[7 replies] Last: main(int, TCHAR**) is just plain wrong. The whole #define _UNICODE ... (by kbw)
by jcylam
Trying to simulate a double click but turns out different function
void Double_click (LONG pGT_X, LONG pGT_Y) { DWORD GTEvent; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { GTEvent = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN; mouse_event (GTEvent...
[5 replies] Last: ohhhhh. i missed it ... oops thx (by jcylam)
by wryel
Call CreateProcess without new window.
First, sry for my english, i don't speak many english. I have this problem: I need to call a comand(open an executable .jar) and exit from the program, bu...
[2 replies] Last: Set the wShowWindow member of the STARTUPINFO structure to SW_HIDE. N... (by webJose)
Winsock 2 - Closing App While Accept() Is Blocking?
Hey everyone :) I have my accept call running in a while loop: while(running) { ... } This is in a thread. When I want to shut down the applic...
[1 reply] : Go to : And l... (by Mythios)
What is your suggestion for an optimization software FoxPro or Visual Studio?
[no replies]
Find new file?
I'm looking for some kind of windows function that will trigger every time a new file is created(or downloaded) on my computer. Is there such a thing or is the ...
[2 replies] Last: Thats just what I was looking for, thank you very much guestgulkan! (by favor929)
Constructors and Overloading...
So I have created a C++ program and its finished and functional, but there are a few things I have yet to add to it. My questions deal with two things: over...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome! (by tummychow)
by mikki
Get C++ surce code from .exe/.dll
Hi, can anyone please help me? I must get a source code of a program written in C++. I know for .NET applications is Reflector. Please help.
[7 replies] Last: cmd.exe is part of Windows source code. (can be get from Usenet and B... (by george135)
Windows console input modes
What does line-buffering do in windows console (as in setting console input mode)? What are the purposes of the various other modes? (I read them on the window...
[4 replies] Last: I wrote you a little program that shows line input (buffered type oper... (by freddie1)
by Hakate
What is this error?
Hello i made a return function in my class const hgeSprite* gameLogic::getEnemySprite() const { for(int render = 0; render < this->SIZE; render++) {...
[4 replies] Last: This looks like a header file problem: 1. You have not put proper h... (by guestgulkan)
by jrohde
Problem with SetDIBColorTable
Hello, I have a class member method which reads a bitmap from file, then creates a windows bitmap containing the same data. If it's an 8-, 4-, or 1-bit bitm...
[3 replies] Last: On a side note: Since you're not doing any bitmap conversion here, ... (by Disch)
by gte
Trying to learn how to write a function
Hi, I am trying to write a program for a school assignment, that does 2 functions, 1 of calculating a monthly mortgage payment, and the other function calcula...
[3 replies] Last: In C++ you don't need the $ before the variable name nor the _ before ... (by Bazzy)
by jrohde
Confused about BITMAPINFO structure
Hello, When I want to create an 8-bit DIB using SetDIBits(), how would I go about setting the 256-color RGBQUAD array in the BITMAPINFO structure? Its size ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you - I will try that, since I am having zero success whatsoever... (by jrohde)
What does "int& a = b" mean?
I understand what both "int a = b" and "int* a = &b" mean, but is confused when I just saw "int& a = b". My guess is both "a" and "b" are integers in this ex...
[18 replies] Last: What if it's kept in a register the whole time? Then no variable allo... (by Disch)
SetDlgItemText Not Working
First, here is my FULL code because I doubt that only providing the relevant code is useful because here, I'm not really sure which code is relevant anymore. T...
[1 reply] : Ha, solved it myself. I had to replace case IDM_ACTIONS_SETTEXT: ... (by KaidzAccount)
String type conversion problem
In the code if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) //the ok button was clicked { HWND hTextForm = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TEXTFORM); //assign the editbox variable t...
[3 replies] Last: Random tidbits of knowledge: If you have an array partially initi... (by Disch)
December 2009 Pages: 123
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